The Hon. James Allen, Minister of Defence, is to-day in New Plymouth. To-morrou' he proceeds to Onehunga, and will arrive at Auckland on Wednesday morning, leaving the sarac night for Wellington by the Main Trunk express. . Mr. James Georgetti has been reappointed a member of the Wellington Land Board. Mr. E. Sunley, hon. treasurer of the Karori Bowling Club, is seriously ill in a private hospital The appointment of Mr. George Jameson as Vice-Consul for. Norway at Christchurch is gazetted. The Hon. J. A. Hanan, Minister of Education, was a passenger for the North by last night's Main Trunk express. He will attend the official opening of the new Auckland Grammar School, -v Dr. Charles Chilton, of Christchurch, has been appointed a member of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute, vice Mr. A. H. Turnbull, who has resigned. Mrs. H. M. Saunders, of Miramar, Wellington, was the successful applicant for the position of librarian at Dannevirke Public Library, out of thirty-nine candidates. Mr. D. R. Kennedy, secretary of the Furniture Workers' Union, left for Wanganui this morning to attend the annual conference of furniture workers of New Zealand. . Mr. Melville E. Lyons, late agricultural editor of the Christchurch Sun, and formerly on the staff of the Dannevirke Advocate, has been accented for service with the Reinforcements. Mr. T. M. Alexander, solicitor, of Auckland, a. ■■ prominent yachtsman, has enlisted. He was until recently the owner of the yacht lorangi, built by Mr. R. Logan, sen., of Auckland, for Mr. A. H. Turnbull. of Wellington. The death is reported from Wanganui of Mr. John Howe, in his 78th year. The late Mr. Howe occupied, the position of mate and later master.of several well-known coastal vessels, including the old St. Kilda and the Storm bird. Mr. H. P. Carter, of the Lambton Railway passenger staff, who has been in the Railway Service for the past seventeen years, has., resigned to take up secretarial work at Eketahuna. Prior to taking his departure he'was presented with a purse of: sovereigns from the staff by the stationmaster (Mr. A. W. Hutchings), who spoke very highly of Mr. Carter's good qualities and abilities. A cablegram from London published in Saturday's Post announced that Mr. H Moore-Jones, a New Zealand artist, had been received by the King. A footnote stated _ that Mr. Moore-Jones had enlisted at the outbreak of war in the Artists' Corps. This latter portion was not correct. Mr. Moore-Jones, who was a former- resident of Auckland, was in London at the outbreak of hostilities, and immediately joined the then newly-form-ed British section of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, with the rank of private. After undergoing training in England Private Moore-Jones was sent to Egypt with the rest of his section, and was there transferred to the Ist Company of Engineers as a sapper. He saw service with his company at Gallipoli, where his valuable services as a s'ketcher being recognised he was transferred to the headquarters staff of Sir. Lan Hamilton at Imbros.
Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 96, 24 April 1916, Page 8
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