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SHEEP LAND RARE PRICE FOR RARE PLACE 1500 aces in 30 Paddock; at £15 per acre Thi* farm has clown GO bu-hels wheat, 70 bu*hels oats, 60 bushel* barley— grow* good turnins. i:iyip and grass. Carries better than Two Kweti to acre, lamliint? up to 10" 1 % All v»ood lambia* country and well watered. Good geffen-rooraed house, electric lijfhf, h and c. wa'er, telephone. Three miles to rail, one to school. Five-ro<>med bonne and four-roomed cottage also on property. Splendid outbuildings dip, vards, etc. Terms from the Sole Agents. " f There is a Turnover ii\ This H. G. LIVINGSTONE & Co. for HOUSES 138 HEREFORD STREET (opp. Bank of N.Z.) I.tPOS 2.V11 .
|lp ELECTION NOTICES. J ' SPRINGS COUNTY COUNCIL. ' ' EXTRAORDINARY election. VTOTICE is hereby given, in accordance IN with the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1903, Scction 10, that Slli EDWAUD YARR, being tho only person nominated to' fill the racancy caused by the resignation of Mr W. J McMillan, I hereby declare the said gDWAKU \ AKR duly elected to the office >f Councillor for the Greenpark Riding of tl* Springs County. HENRY NEALE, Returning Officer. Dated «t Springston this 13th day of Oc- ' <ot * r ;. j 919 - 3267 LEGAL NOTICES. " LEGAL. Mr G. P. PURNELL, SOLICITOR, begs to intimate -th-at ho has taken into Partnorship MR H. H. HANNA, LL.B., recentw xeturned from active service, who was oractieing in Chmtchurch prior to the outbreak of war. The business will 'bo carried an -under the style of PURNELL and HANNA, Barristers and Solicitors, P 8634 IC6 Gloucester street, Christchuroh. "funeral notices. THE Friends of tho lato Mrs Jane Mitchell are invited to attend her Funeral, leaving her late residence, No. 20 ' Claridgo xo»d, Papanui, on Wednesday, at 1.30 p.m., for the Harewood road Cemetery. J. ANDERSON, 107 Victoria street'. 921 _ u l fpHE Friends of Mrs C.rossen", of Rolleston, iJ- are invited to attend the Funeral of her Jato beloved son, Private George Lawrence Croseen, to leave her residence at Rolleston, on Wednesday, at 9.30 a.m.,. for Shand's Track Catholic Church. Requiem Mass at 10 a.m., thence to Lincoln Catholio Cemetery. GEORGE BARRELL. 924 mHE Friends of the late Mrs Bridget A Beker are informed that hex Funeral will leave the residence of her son, Mr Frederick Beker, Flaxton, on Wednesday, at 0 p.m., for tho Church of England Cemetery, Rangiora. H. J. GULLIVER, 8263 mmmmmmmmmßtmaemmmmaamammmmmmmmamarn ■ rpHE Funeral of the late Robert Frederick X • Young will leave his late residence, 103 Bishop street, St. Albans, on Wednesday, October 15tb, at 8.45 a.m.; for St. ■ Mary's Catholic Church, Requiem Moss 9 n.m., and then to tho Linwood Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 3241 - n>HE Funeral of tho late George Willis JL Campbell will leave the residence of v Mrs J. Campbell, 18 Bordesley street, on Wednesday, October. 15th, at. 2 p.m., for tho Bromley Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 3239 rPSIE Funeral of the late Sarah Grimley X .will leave her late residence, 150 Mill road,... Spreydon, on Wednesday, October if loth, at • 3.30 p.m., for tho Addington Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 3237 fTiHE' Funeral of tho late Mary Ann SchoX 'field will leave the resident of Mr J. V. Harrow; 19G Gloucester street, on TilesOctober 14th, at 2 p.m., for tho Linifood Cemetery.: J. LAME and SON. 3207 rpHE Fnnaral of the late Jane Frances ' X Fisher will, leave liar late residence, 138 Kilmore. oa' : Tuesday, October 14th, at 8.15 pun.',- for" the Bromley Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 3205 ' J. LAMB AND SON, : . FU N.E RA L FURNISHERS. MOTO3 HEARSES CARRIAGE 9 , FOR FUNERALS TO ANY PART OF CANTERBURY. 1 No. 234 LICHFIELD . , Telephone - Established 1873. AND r H I K D, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERa 104 Cashel street. 'Phono 612. P.O. Box 523. , Herbert Langford, . John Rhind, . 19 London street 106 Montreal streot, .'Phono. 689. 'Phone 1603. L 4191-8554 George barrell, ■FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. MODERN MOTOR HEARSES AND MOTOR-CARRIAGES FOR FUNERALS ANY. DISTANCE. j Office 221. Garage: 235 Durham street. ".'Phone 721. .. Night or Day. ' 87271 0 17 R N I IT G ATTIRE •• Specialised at j ARMSTRONG'S. 12683*7389 -> . ■
attractive display of Foootwear for Spring > ATTRACTIVE STYLES! ATTRACTIVE PRICES! : Of good wtarinf quality, up-to-date style t and low price. For, be it known, though leather prices are still soaring, " «e*etSned to keep our prices to you down to the minimum, White Poplin Shoes, every style •• 14/6 White Poplin Lace and Button Boots .. « W® g/fi 10/6 'Black Poplin Button and Lace Shoes .. •• 8 / n 7 6 Ladies' White Tennis Shoes, rubber soles Vt a * c/n G»h'ftTuteC M v M Sho«.aaUeto»Y'^ l!rM, fi§ 7/ii »/l! ■-sasssassa?.-. v« »«•»*" v*Jj <40 pairs Ladies' Black Suede Court Shoes, good shoe ... •• ► / 36 pairs La'dies* Black Suede 1-bar Shoes • • • ■' • ,a ' V 26 pairs Ladies' Velvet Shoes extra *° / 15 P /Tl J ;- Wpajr3 Black Velvet Boots, lovely quah y -/ 27/6 Ladies' Tan and Black Brogue Shoes, best V ._>*%, rJfz' ToU iden'sßoxChrome Derby Balmorals, sewn, fine boot—Cash Pncc 19/9 Gents' Box Calf Derby Balmorals welted soles (best) .. 30/ pai^ Men's Split Kip Nailed or Plain Shooters *" ry Ol +li 35/- 22/6 pair Men's Thigh Gum Boots, snag proof. 5, b, 7 oidy—Worth3o/ 2Z/0 p* -36 pairs Men's Knee Gum Boots, extra stout, o J>, 7 .. »/| Women's Chrome Derby Shoes, patentcap If/» 15/6 17/6 pair , Ladies' Patent Calf Button Boots, fawn, grey tog 2, Men's Real Greenhide Nailed Shooters .. •• 14/11 p!dr Boys' Glace Kid Derby Balmorals, 10-13 .. •• 17/9 pair Boys' Glace Kid Derby Balmorals, lo •• /•• 32/e 35/Men's Willow Calf Tan Derby Balmorals .. ..\ 3Z/fe «/ Men's Split Kip Nailed Shooters medium weight .. 19/11 pair Women's Chrome Leather Lace Boots •• 8/11 uair Women's Chrome 1-bar Ward Shoe •• •• •• 26/6 pair Ladies' Patent Slip-on Shoe .. •• •• " 7/Boair Ladies' Ward Shdes, rubber heels .. •• i«/ 11 bair You .hs'Chrome Golosh Boots •• •• ' Ifi , 14/fi nair Ladies'Gtace Kid.. Derby Shots - .. •• «/• 1 «/" Children's Black and Tan Derby Boots. 4to 6 ** 9/II DakLadies' Glace Kid Derby Shoes, coloured welts, small svtes 9/11 P Gents' Black and Tan Brogue Shoes .. _ * * ** ' * POSTAGE 9d EXTRA. STEWART ROBINSON CASHEL STREET WEST • n«4oo
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16653, 14 October 1919, Page 11
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996Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LV, Issue 16653, 14 October 1919, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LV, Issue 16653, 14 October 1919, Page 11
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