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Electoral Advertisements. *""" ' ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE CITY OE CHRISTCHURCH. npHE FOLLOWING PERSONS ARE OBJECTED TO as Not being Entitled to have their Names Retained Christian Name and Sur- j Name name of Each Person Place of Abode. Nature of Supposed Qualification. ! Ground of Obiecti >laco °f Objected To. •* ' Abode of j Ejector. Ballard, John Frederic ... Colombo street Leasehold, Golden Fleece Hotel, town sec-1 tion 589 I Ceased to possess qualifiBamford, John Dean ... Manchester street, Christchurch Household, on town section No 984, Manchester street Ditto Beeby, Charles Frederick Lyttelton Leasehold, part of town section No 980/ Hereford street, offices Ditto Birdsey, John ... Christchurch Leasehold, British Hotel, Sumner road, Christchurch Dead Birdsey, John ... High street, Christchurch Leasehold, house and land in High street, Christchurch, Birdsey's British Ditto Blakesley, Benjamin Thornley ... Christchurch Freehold, Manchester street, part lot No 152, -o ~ -. ~, ,-, ..__ „ __ Christchurch town reserves Same as next claim Broughton, Reginald ... Christ College Household, Christ College, residence as Head N Master Ceased to possess qualifiBrown, Charles Hunter... Springs station Freehold, town sections No 31 to 38 inclusive, t, t i -n, «.!.__ •-, p 0 , 1 , 1111 * 1 902, and part of 867 Same as next claim ±srown, John Ihomas ... Gloucester street Freehold, town sections No 592 Twice entered Buckley, George ... Casterton,Heathcote valley Leasehold, office, part section No 731, Christchurch Ceased to possess qualifiBuckley, George ... Lyttelton Leasehold, on High street, Ferry road, store and office Ditto Burke, William Ellison... Kilmore street Household, town section No 241 Same as next claim Bury, Maxwell ... Continuation of Hereford same as next claim street Freehold, part sections Nos 580,581, GloucesButton, Benjamin ... Christchurch Freehold, part lot 102, south town reserve Ditto perß ° n WX °® Candy, Artemas ... Durham street, Christchurch Leasehold, house and land on Sumner road, in the town of Christchurch Ditto Coker, John Etherden ... Gloucester street Leasehold, section No 70, Criterion Hotel Ditto Congreve, Sir William, baronet ... Christchurch Leasehold, town reserves, lot No 146 Ceased to possess qualifiCJ_._J.OI_. Coopor, Charles Edward Lichfield street Household, in Lichfield street, house Ditto Coupe, Herbert ... Tuam street Household, part section 1048, Tuam street Same person,three times Craig, Thomas Brown ... Durham street north Household, Durham street north Ceased to possess qualiCraig, Thomas Brown ... Christchurch Leasehold, part section No 899, High street Ditto Crooks, Henry ... Salisbury street Freehold, town reserve, lot No 130 Same person twice Crowe, William ... Kilmore street Leasehold, part of lot No 63, town reserves Ditto Cuddon, William. ... Tuam street Freehold, part section No 1048, Tuam street Ditto * Cuff, Albert ... Royal hotel, Christchurch Leasehold, Oxford terrace west, Christchurch Ditto Davis, Rowland ... Oxford terrace west Household, town sections Nos 719 and 720, house Ceased to possess qualiField, James ... Great South road Freehold, part lot No 110, in town reserves Same person three times iterance, Augustus, sen Durham Btreet north Household, Durham street north Same asprecetogdaim Hadley, Josiah ... Hereford street Leasehold, part section No 853, house Twice entered Hair, James .. Colombo street Leasehold, Colombo street, Christchurch Ditto Hall, John Lawrance ... Christchurch Leasehold, Princess Theatre, Section No 699 Ditto Hamilton, David Wilson Colombo street north Leasehold, town reserves, Section No 100 Ditto Hart, Michael Brannan... Christchurch Leasehold, part lot 143, town reserves Ditto Hart, Michael Brannan... Christchurch Leasehold, part No 1166, in Christchurch Ditto Hawkes, James George... Cashel street west Leasehold, part section No 730 Three times same person Hawkes, James George... Christchurch Part sections Nos 851, 853, Hereford street 1 Leasehold, part of town section No 731 2 Household, part of town section No 302 3 Leasehold and household ; leasehold, part of section No 731, Hereford street; household, part of section No 420, Montreal street Henwood, Horatio ... Antigua street Freehold, Antigua street south, lot No 113, Chrislchurch town reserve Twice entered Henwood, James ... Antigua street Leasehold, lot No 114, town reserves Ditto Heslop, William ... St Asaph street west Household, St Asaph street west, part of town reserve No — Hughes, John ... Cashel street east Freehold, part lots Nos 84 and 85, town reserves (Twice entered Innes, Alfred ... Armagh street Freehold, one-fourth acre, Armagh street, | part No 71, town reserve Ditto _•« §5 Innes, George ... Cashel street Freehold, Cashel street, No 96, town reserves Ditto ©£ Jenkins, Samuel Jarrett... Christchurch Freehold, part lot No 98, town reserves Twice, same person \ § Jones, Benjamin Napthah Christchurch Freehold, part section No 110, corner Tuam \ 'H street, town reserve Ditto / •.•§ Jones, Thomas Devereux High Btreet 1 Leasehold, Lichfield street, part sections Nos / 9» 973,975 Ditto Sn Jones, Benjamin Napthah Oxford terrace west Household, auctions Nos 719, 720, Oxford 2 terrace west Ditto X Kennaway, Walter ... Banks of Heathcote Freehold, town sections Nos 281, 282, |£ Christchurch Ditto Kent, Thomas ... Armagh street, Christchurch Household, Armagh street, Christchurch, on Mr C L Rose's section, No 601 Ditto Kerr, James Edward ... Christchurch Freehold, town section No 944, town reserves „ No 66 Ditto King, John James ... Colombo street Leasehold, part section No 886, two houses Ditto Knapman,Edward ... Durham street north Freehold, lot No 41, town reserve Ditto Langbridge, William Bartleet ... Peterborough street 1 Leasehold, part section No 178, Colombo street Ditto Lockwood, William Hannah ... Cathedral square Household, part section No 648, Cathedral square Ditto Longden, Joseph ... Cambridge terrace east Freehold, town section No 234 Dead Louis, Alfred Hyman ... Christchurch Leasehold, chambers in Gloucester street Ceased to possess qualification Lucas, Charles ... Gloucester street Household, Gloucester street, Union Printing office, dwelling house, &e Twice, same person Lucas, John ... Manchester street Household, on town section No 984, Manchester street Ditto Lucas, John ... Manchester street Freehold, part town section No 108, townf reserve Ditto Luck, Isaac „. Meriden, near Christchurch Freehold, town sections 584, 586, and 755, Colombo Btreet Luck, Isaac ... Meriden, near Christchurch Leasehold, lot No 57, town reserve, Armagh street I Repetition of same perLuck, Isaac ... Meriden, near Christchurch Leasehold, town sections Nos 706, 707, 705, f son Cathedral square, Colombo and Gloucester street Luck, Isaac ... Gloucester street Household, on town section 705, house Lummis,George ... Marketplace Leasehold, Market place, house and shop, part of section No 251 Twice, same person Macfarlane, Dugald ... Cranmer square Freehold, town section No 297 Ditto Mahar, Darby ... Papanui Freehold, section No 122, Manchester Btreet Twice same person Manning, Harry Daniel... Lichfield street Leasehold, part section No 1005, house and !and Ditto March, John Edwin ... Town belt south, Christchurch Household, on section 53, town belt south Christchurch Ditto March, John Edw in ... Town belt south, Christchurch Leasehold, part section 1098, Durham street Ditto March, John Edwin ... Durham street south Leasehold, Durham street south, No 1098 Ditto Matson, Henry ... Papanui Household, Colombo street Ditto Matthews, Alexander ... Christchurch Freehold, part town section No 505 Ditto Maude, Thomas William Christchurch Freehold, town sections Nos 286 and 287 Ditto Maude, Thomas William Christchurch 1 Leasehold, part section No 889, Cashel street Ditto 2 Leasehold, part section No 887, Cashel street Ditto ~-_,„, --. . ™. , 3 Leasehold, part section No 891, Cashel street Ditto McOardelJ, James .fcrancis Christchurch Household, junction Kilmore and Peterborough streets Ditto Macfarlane, David ... Hereford street east Household, on town section No 50, house Ditto McLean, William Kentish Christchurch Household, Tuam street Ditto Metcalf, Gervase Albert Colombo street Household, Colombo street Ditto Mason, Joseph St Asaph street Freehold, part section No 7, town reserves Ditto Moore,Wilham Frederick Hereford street Freehold, sections Nos 434, 436, 438, HereMoorhouse,WilliamSefton Hereford street Leasehold* and household, Hereford street, Dltt ° on town sections Nos 845 and 847, house tut ou , t- and land , Ditto Morgan, Charles ... Hereford street Leasehold, part section No 145, Peterborough ~ , -~,,,, _. street, Christchurch Ditto Morten, Richard May ... Springs road, near Christ- J church Leasehold, part No 843, Colombo streetj one-twelfth acre ; Ditto Nalder, George William Madras street Freehold, town sections Nos 223 and 224 Ditto Norman, William ... Island, Kaiapoi Freehold, town sections Nos 885 and 886 Ditto Oakes, Orbell Willoughbyi Oxford terrace west, Christ- | church Household, house in Oxford terrace west, , Christchurch Ceased to possess qualifiOakes, Orbell Wffloughby' Durham street Leasehold, house and land in Durham Oakes, John Peter ...| Armagh street Freehold, part sections Nob 589 and 591, *-k>rr t _ -r t- . Armagh street Two entries OHara, James ... Manchester street Leasehold, part section No 984, hotel Ditto Pavit, Francis ...j South town belt Household, south town belt Ditto Pavit, Thomas ..., Montreal street Household, 459 and 461, Montreal and/ „..._,. ! _ , , ___. Hereford streets . Ditto ...Colombo street Household, Colombo street south Ditto Pavitt, Edward ... Christchurch Leasehold, Gloucester street, half-acre, section v „ T ! _ . No 582 Ditto Potts, James ...j Antigua street south Leasehold and household, half acre town reserve, part section No 136 Three entries J
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Press, Volume IX, Issue 1093, 10 May 1866, Page 2
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1,384Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume IX, Issue 1093, 10 May 1866, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume IX, Issue 1093, 10 May 1866, Page 2
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