BBADM3T- —On January 13, at the Hamllton Hospital, Cornelius Edward BradJey dearly beloved husbßnd of Florence Bradley, Waihou, Tβ Aroha. The funeral ■will leave the residence, Waihou, Friday afternoon. wQYD. —On January 13 (suddenly), at his father's residence, Domain Road. Mt. Albert, Arthur, dearly lowd second son of Peter and the late Agnes Adam Floyd, in his thirteenth year. Funeral will leave his late residence to-morrow (Friday), January 15, at 2 p.m., for Hills- • boro'. >UKNELL. —On January 13, at his resi- ; dence, 39, Wood Street, Ponsonby, James, the dearly-beloved husband of Eliza E. Purnell, in his eighty-second year. The funeral will leave his late residence as above for the Purewa Cemetery, to-morrow (Friday), at 2 p.m. , JMITH. —On January 14, 1326, at 4, Paterson Street. Edendale. Georgina, widow of the late H. W. Smith, late of Waiuku. Private interment. fTBWART. —On January 4, 1926, at Whangarel Public Hospital, after a long illness, Jane, wife of the late Kenneth Stewart. Kara, formerly of Whangarei Heads, in her seventieth year. lAXLOB. —At Auckland Hospital, as result of railway accident, William Taylor, beloved hueband of Rose Taylor, 83, Carlton Gore Road. Sadly missed. , Interred this day at Hillsboro' Cemetery.
Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 11, 14 January 1926, Page 1
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