The New Mayor.
Mr J. M. Clark was the only gentleman nominated to-day for the Mayoralty, and ho has, therefore, been declared duly elected. This result will Rive general satisfaction, for the absence of any opposition is due solely to the popularity of the Mayor-elect, and not to any lack of aspirants for tho chief civic dignity. Mr Clark will wear his new honours with becoming grace, and wo bavo no doubt that he will worthily and punctiliously discharge the oneroiiH duties which will now devolve upon him. This menus a further sacrifice of his time, which previously has beou pretty well engrossed by tbe requirements of his morning offices, lie is fi member of the Jsoard of Governors of tho Grammar School, Chairman of the Kducatiou Board, a leading member of the Chamber of Commerce, and he has also served with distinction upon the Harbour Board. For many years past ho has been known as one of our most enterprising public men, and it is but meet therefore that his ability and usefulness should receive honourable recognition. Ho will certainly sustain the credit of the city as its representative. The present Mayor's term of ollicc does not expire till the 15th proximo, so that Mr Clark will not, enter upon his new duties for some time yet. ______________
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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3221, 16 November 1880, Page 3
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The New Mayor.
Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3221, 16 November 1880, Page 3
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