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WAIfcATO STEAM NAVIGATION AND - • GOAL MINING CO. LIMBED, Steamers will not run on Christmas Day. R. R. HUNT, Local Manager. December 17th, 1875. .
WAIKATO DISTRICT. IN pursuance of the " Regulation of Elections Act, 1370," I, William Nicholas Searancke, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Waikato, do hereby gir<> notice that by virtue of a Writ bearing date ihe 6th day of December, 1875, under tbe public seal of the colony, an ELECTION will be held for the return of one qaaliGed person to serve -as Member of- the [ House of Representatives for the eaid Electoral District, aud that the Nomina&on of Candidates will take place at the Court-house, at j Cambridge, at Noon on Wednesday, the fifth (s;b) daj of January, 1876, and that the Poll— if necessary — will be taken on the 12th day of January, ls7fi. WILLIAM N. SEARANCKE. Returnng Officer. : The following -are Polling Places for -the Alectotvl District of IVaikato. The Couri House, Cambridge— principal polling plttfC. The Public Hall. Hamilton East Tbe ScbooMiouae, 'l*upiri. The Court-bouse, Mercer. WILLIAM N. SEARANCKE, Re 1 inning Officer, j Haarilton, December 16th, 1875. i
WaIPA DISTRICT. IN pursuance of tbe " Regulations of Elections Act, 1870," X, William Nicholas -Searancke Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Waipa, Oo -hereby give notice that by virtue of a Writ, beariug date 6ib day of December, 1-875, under the .public seal of the colony, an ELECTION wiU be held for ihe reliu-n of one -qualified person to -sar»e -as s Member of the iiouse^ of Representatives, for the said Electoral District, and that tLe Nomination of Candidates will take place at J-he Court House, at If amilton, at noon, on Wednesday, tbe 29.h dny of Deoember, 1875, aud that the Poll— if necessary— will be taken on the 11 h day ef January, 1876, WI LLI \M tf . SEAS AJS CKE, | lietumuig Officer. ! The following are Polling Places for tin Electoral District oj Waipa, ; The Court-house. Hamilton West— principal j polling place. , The Court house, Ngaruawahia. The Court-house, Alexandra. The Court -house, Raglan, The Scbool-house, Oh«*Hpo. The Put/lie Hall, I\j Awomutu. WILLIAM M. SEAKANCKB, lteturnisig v fficer, Hamilton, December 161 h, 1875.
WAIKATO STLAM AAVIUAIION AKD COAL MINING COMPANY LIMITEDNOTICE. As tlie Re-opening of the Railway Line to Mercer may yet be delayed for several weeks, the Company, in order to avoid the entire stoppage of the OJ-oods 1 raffic, intend to forw«d all goods from Pokeno by drays to Mercer, charging l"s |>er ton in addition to the usual rates of freight. Consignees objecting to this will please telegraph to .he undersigned, and tkefcr yoode then w«ll he detained at Auckland waiting further instructions. FRANZ SCHSRFF, Seorotwy. Auckland, Dec. 17, 1875.
WAI It ATO RAILWAY. "pUPiCUAoE OF SLEEPERS. Puolic Works Office, Auckland, 9th August, 1575. The undersigned is a Purchaser «©f -Sleepers for the Mercer and Newcastle Railway, Further particulars *pply to this office. JAMES STEWARD, District Engineer. Publio Works Office, Auckland, October 2ind, 1875.
WAIKATO feXEAM NAVIGATION AND COAL MINING CO. LIMITED. NGARUAWAHIA SPORTS, Decembkr 31, 1875, & Jahuabt 1, 1876. A SteatneT will ran from Hamilton to Nguruawahia, leaving at 9.30 a m and returning when th* Sports are over. Return. Tickets, 3s 6d R R HUNT, Local Manager,
PRELIMINARY PROSPECTUS OF THB HAMILTON PUBLIC HALL COUP ANY. It is proposed to establish a Company under the above title, for tlie purpose of erecting a suitable Public Hall in Uamiltcn. Tbal tie waut-of Buch a huildiug ia much felt is indisputable. Tue people are at present entirely dependent for accou>»i.c»datt©u «pi£i the •courtesy of tbe Officer Cooirrmiiding the district, or of the Resident Magistrate, for the time being, of Wtiikflto. Tbe present undertaking pro} oses to remedy this deficiency by wroviJiuj a place where all classes and Beu(u»i>s of the community c-an meet, for public purposes. The Government have been appherl t>> for a site for the proposed lull, and there is little doxiht that tbe request will be acc-eded to. The capital will consist of 500 shares, of £1 each, payable us follows :—sd: — 5d upon application, an'i 5s each succreding moath. As 8)on as & sufficient number of shares have beeu applied for, a meeting of tbe shareholders will be convened for^ tbe purpose of electing officers and provisional "lireetow, deciding upon the plan of the building, and other necessary preliminary matters. Applications for shares can be made to Mr Kennedy Hill, Victoria street, Hamilton.
A a FRETWELL, * Ghnebal Smith & Machinist, CAMBRIDGE, Wrought Iron O»en and Rtnge Maker, Locksmith, Coppersmith, Plumber «k Zincioorker.
TjIAMILY BIBLES. THOMSON & NIVEN, AUCKLAND, Beg to call the attention of the Publio to their large and new stock of Illustbated Family Bibles, and other Standard Works, on the Monthly Payment system. Bibles are delivered io purchasers on the first payment of ten shillings, and other works from six shillings. T. C. Hammond, Hamilton West, has been appointed Agent and Collector for the Waikato District, and all orders sent to him will receive pfompt2»ttention,
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Waikato Times, Volume X, Issue 559, 18 December 1875, Page 3
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831Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Waikato Times, Volume X, Issue 559, 18 December 1875, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Waikato Times, Volume X, Issue 559, 18 December 1875, Page 3
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