THE Wellington Independent Tuesday, January. 31, 1860. MR. SE WELL'S POLICY.
. Mr. Sewell has been -'returned : to- the General Assembly, for' Chri3tchurch, diis' opponent being a- publican named " Jlart. A few days before th'b nomination .."Mr, Sewell met the.. constituency, and' : aftoiv giving explanations- of several .cireuni* stances about which the ; public haye 1 lo r ng desired to be^informed, enunciated, the 'outlines of his future policy. .... With«, qj.trlimited space - to-day, we can but just glance at them.- • • ,:•■• ■••.-•'- "-■■ His position with the Intercolonial . Steam (Colcman) Company was.,tnpj. of "professional and- confidential- advisee"He promised ,the Company, while in England, to hold it for one year after his arrival in New Zealand, and . having in that capacity advised .{liem- to- appoint; an: Inspector, he acted as such while--' his Other #ngagemeht -lasted. • '
Ho bHily joined the present Ministry to enable Mr. Richmond r p6 visit .the. South for a couple qf months. He parted on ' friendly terms, but considered theappointment made for him a job,^inexpedient', and unnecessary. ... . The repeal of jthe New.: Provinces Act would meet with his support.- • The con- 1 trol over the Waste La'hd', assiimed by the General Government, Is objected to jj and the present, native .policy is stronglycondemned;- The removal^ of the seatof Govcrmncnt from Auckland--4ihe centre of the great, mass of the '»a,-. tive population —^le deems. .impossible, and .considers the .division -of -Kew Zealand into two- independent colonies,, occupying' the :nprtTt aiitf ' sbutli . islands,----t the only mode of supplying the want 'Wliioh originally led to a desire for a more central capital. This division is also recommended on -other^grounds into winch Wo', cannot now enter." He does .not .ilii'nk^it probable that -he will again undertake the -responsibilities o^oTicernl "will not join t'leGove.'noi'd .Executive"— that' is, we presume,., the present one. V, ..,.'"'. " . ..... • The Assembly.,-it. is reported, will positively meet here in May," before which date the Sewell explanation and policy will, probably be ventilated in every, province. .....
THE Wellington Independent Tuesday, January. 31, 1860. MR. SEWELL'S POLICY.
Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1402, 31 January 1860, Page 3
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