[HOKITIKA STAR.] Mr Fitzgerald declared the result of the election to be— Barff 048 Button ... ... 58(5 Eeid 527 Seddon ... ... 313 Hoos ... ... ... 3 The .Returning Officer then declared Edmund Barff and Charles Edward Button, Es<|s., duly elected. Mr Barif then addressed those present, and thanked the electors who had voted for him oh the d;iy of polling as well as those who had rendered essential set vice towards securing his return, and stated that it would be his earnest endeavor to advance the interests of the districts and the Colony generally, and again thanked the electors for the proud position in which they bad placed kirn in this contest—the head of the poll. Mr Button next appeared on the hustings, and returned thanks for the position in which the electors had placed him, and considered that the present election was one of the most important that had occurred in the Colony. That he was glad to see the people alive to the importance of the occasion, and give expression to their views, no matter what opinions they might hold.
Mr Seddon then addressed the meeting, stating that he was glad to see that one of the members who had been returnedwas a represenrative of the mining interest, and had been for many years a working miner himself, and returned thanks to those who had voted for him, and the various committees for their exertion in his behalf.
Mr Roid did not put in an appearance, and after a vote of thanks to the Returning Officer had been proposed by Mr Seddou, seconded by Mr Button, and carried unanimously, the assemblage dispersed.
Westport Times, Volume X, Issue 1349, 28 January 1876, Page 4
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