MASTEIiTON SCHOOL EXCURSION. THUKSDAY,"M DECEMBER. THK (rain will leave Maaterton llnihva; Station at 5.45 a.m.; the return traii will leave ; e Aro nt 5.12 p.m.; stopping a Kuripuni going and coming. All excursionist) must return same day, as tickets are only available lor 3rd December, i RETURN FARES: Children, 1/7; Adults, 4/Children must be in oharge of parents, guardians, or other adults, who will bo expect d to provide food and o her refreshments. Tickets aro procurable from Mr W. H. Jackson, Head Master, Main School; and Mian Keeling Vict iria-atreet, School; until 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Ist December afterwards at the office of the Secretary, Mr W. Sellar, E. FEIST, Chairman, i PAHIATUA ELECTORATE. NOTIOEiOF POLLING DAY. I WILLIAM GIBB CRAWFORD, ) Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Pahiatua, do hereby, in pursuance of " The Electoral Act, 1893," and "Tlio Electoral Act Amendment-, 1896," give notice that tlio following personshavo been duly nominated as Candidates at tho present election, riz. i MANISTY, Eobbet McCARDLE, Wu, Wilson O'MEAIiA, John TAYLOR, James WHITCOMBE, GEOBQE And that a POLL will lie taken on FRID Y, the 'ltli day of DECEMBER, 189 C, for the election of one person to serve as member for the said Electoral District in the House of Representatives. And 1 do hereby further give notice that, in pursuance of "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893, Amendment Act, 1895," the LICENSING POLL will be taken on the FOURTH day of DECEMBER, 1896, simultan. eously with tho Poll for the election of a member of the House of Representatives, upon the following proposals 1. That the number of licenses in the district continue 2. That the number of licenses in the district ho reduced ' 3. That no licenses be granted in the said district
The following are the polling places for the Electoral District of Pahiatua The Schoolhouse (nrincipal) Woodville The Sphoolliouse, Victoria Valley The Hall, Matahiwi The Schoolhouse, Kumeroa The Accommodation House, Mangatoro Mr Halo's Store, Waipatiki The Schoolhouse, Weber The Hoad Board Office, Ti-trce Point The Schoolhouse, Wimbledon The Srhoolhouse, Herberlville The Ferry-house, Akitio ' The Schoolhouse, Aohanga Tucker Bros' Store, Pongaroa The Schoolhouse, Kakaunui Mr Wolff's office. Mount Wolff The Schoolhouse, Ballance The Schoolhouse, The Court House, Pahiatua The Schoolhouse, Scarborough Mr Sinclair's residence, Mansjahao, The Schoolhouse, Nikau The Schoolhouse, Makakahi The Schoolhouse, Kaitawa Mr Hansen's house, Tane The Schoolhouse, Makuri Mrll. W. Parsons' house, Coonoor The Schoolhouse, Makairo ' The Schoolhouse, Ngaturi Win, G, CIIAWFOI®, Returning Officer. • CASTLEPOINT ROAD BOARD. PROPOSAL to raise a loan of £4OO under the Local Bodies Loans Act 1886 for extending the formation of the Mungapurapuru-road. The sum to be set apart in each year towards paying off the loan is £2O and to meet the interest and annual charges a special rate of 58/65ths of a penny in the £ will be made and levied on tho following properties viz:—Sections 877, 878, 879. and partof sectionßßlßlocb X and XI MangapakehaSuryey District. Tliesaid I special rate shall bo annually recurring for a period of twenty-six years and payable in two equal half-yearly instalments on the first days of February and August in each year. Tho first years interest to bo paid out of tho loan,—By Order, A. McHUTCHON Clerk, 17th November, 1896. J. CARPENTER, gOOTMAKER AND IMPORTER, Central Boot Store, Queen-street Mnsterton, NEW SUMMER GOODS! Just opened—lncluding ten trunks of BOSTOCK'S LADES' BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO—TAN AND CANVAS STRAP AND LACE SHOES, in Brown and Black. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, Repairs at Prices to suit the times. J. CARPENTER, Central Boot DepM, Queea-st,, Masterloo.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5498, 30 November 1896, Page 3
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