MESSRS JOYNT AND STRINGER • SWORN IN. The Supreme Court presented quite an unusual appearance this morning, being crowded with an attendance actuated in almost every case by a spirit of congratulation. About twenty members of tiie Bar, in the full vestments or' their profession, eat and stood about the table whereon they usually lay briefs; and among them and the other solicitors in the room were the representatives of every legal office in Canterbury. Mr H. W. Bishop and Mr V. G. Day, the two Stipendiary Magistrates, eat below his Honor Mr Justice Chapman, one on either hand of the Registrar. This gathering was to witness the swearing-in of Mr T. W. Stringer and Mr T. I. Joynt as King's Counsel, and was the largest and most representative assembly of the legal profession ever held in Christ church. The gathering ©at out the sordid busine>3s of sentencing three prisoners, for the oourea of justice had to be run before purely complimentary business, even the King's, could be gone on with. Then the written oaths were handed to the honoured solicitors. Mr Joynt and Mr Stringer took tfli© oath successively, upon handsomely bound Bibles, specially provided, and pressnted to them with suitable inscriptions upon their fly-leaves. The cat'h for the occasion is as follows:-— "I do declare that well end truly I will servo the King as one of his counsel learned in the law, and truly counsel the King in his? matters when I shall be calkd, and duly and truly minister the King's matters, and sue the King's process after the course of the law and after my cunning. For any matter against the King, when the King is party, I will take no wage nor fee of any man. I Avill duly, in convenient time, speed such matters as any peiison shall have to do in the law against the King as I may lawfully do without long delay, tracting or tarrying the party of his lawful process, in that to me belongeth. I will bo attendant to the King's matters when Ibe called thereto. So help mo God." His Honor addressed the two counsel: "I have the gi;eateet pleasure in congratulating you in the presence of a very great assemblage of our prominent profession, on the honour which hi« Gracious Majesty the King has done you in promoting you to the position of his counsel learned in the law. .The creation of the rank and office of King'sCounsel marks an evolution in the uignity of the Bar cf New Zealand, and it must be to yourselves a matter of congratulation "and satisfaction that yo-u two gentlemen are in the _ first flight among those elevated to this ■office and dignity. I ani quite satisfied that you have both distinguished ycurfievles in your professional career in such a way as most eminently to deserve this honour. I do not think it is necessary for mo to «ay more, but I will add this: You, Mr" Joynt, take a place primus inter pares, next after the Law Office's of the Crown, after the highest dignitaries of the State, the Attorney-Gen-eral and the Solicitor-General, you take rank as the leading member of the Bar in New Zealand. Tins is due to your seniority and the distinction you have gained at tho Bar. I hope, gentlemen, you may long live to enjoy this distinction, and to exercise your offices to the dignity of your profession." (The King's" Counsel then received the patents cf their office.) Mr Joynt replied briefly. " I wish," ho isaid, "to express my very sincere thanks, your Honor, net only to his Majesty the 'King, but to his Excellency the Governor, to his Honor the Chief Justice, and to yourself, for the very great honour and distinction conferred upon me ; and I shall always do my very best to merit the distinction.'' Mr Stringer said : " I endorse my colleague's remarks, your Honor." The counsel having (signed the oaths, the assemblage then "dispersed, and the Court proceeded with its ordinary business.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 8953, 12 June 1907, Page 3