TEN APPOINTMENTS [From Our Correspondent.] DUNEDIN, June 7. Ten King's Counsel have been appointed by the Chief Justice. They are: — Auckland — Hon J. A. Tole, Mr Frederick Baume, M.H.R. : Wellington —Mr H. D. Bell, Mr C. P. Skerrett, Mr Martin Chapman and Dr Findiay, Attorney-General ; Christchurch — Mr Stringer and Mr Joynt; Dunedin— Mr Hosking and Mr Solomon. [Per P»e9B Association.] WELLINGTONS June 7. The announcement is made to-day of the names of the King's Counsel who have been appointed. The names of all the applicants were forwarded "to the Chief Justice, who recommended the following ten :— Mr H. D. Bell, Mr M. Chapman, Mr C. P. Skerrett, Dr J. G. Findiay, Attorney-General (Wellington): Hon J. A. Tole, 8.A.,LL.8., Mr F. E. Baume, LL.B. (Auckland): Mr T. I. Joynt and Mr T. W. Stringer (Christchurch) ; Mr J. H. Hosking and Mr S. Solomon, B.A. (Dunedin). The Chief Justice, in a covering letter, says that, if the honour is to be appreciated, not more than ten should bo appointed. Wellington is given four and the other centres two each, because two Judges eit in Wellington, and the Appeal Court also sits there. In making the recommendations seniority and continued service at the Bar were considered, and, other things being equal. University degrees wore weighed in favour of a candidate. The gentlemen recommended will receive their letters patent on taking the usual oath of office.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 8949, 7 June 1907, Page 3