. ;, (By CHAS. W. PUKNELL.) Sonorous herald of the hours that pass, Recorder of Old Time, With voice and hand recalling, day by day — And with thy mellow cEime— The nations progress through six long de- . cades, y , Its deeds and march elaie, ' Like the proud sun, fulfilling on its way, A destiny sublinie. Thou art -the- symbol of a people's joy, Their- pride at being .great, An emblem of the past, and days to : come, When England's waxing fate Shall make her old achievements seem but dim ; ■ V A Titan's- crude essays, That, strongly nurtured, yield in fruitful' . bloom . : . A full and perfect State. ' A tribute, thou, to one -whose honoured name Keceives the -world's applause, . A- Sovereign' wise, regardful not to break The nations. ancient -laws, , And year by. year, - with sympathetic soul,' ' And zeal that knows no pause, . - Guiding herself in such wise as to make Her own her people's cause. About thy tower the city's murmnr sounds, A human buzz, O clock!. While up and. down. the busy, crowded street, Like- waves upon the rock, The human foam laps slowly to and fro As faithful thou dost chant The ceaseless march of Time's effacing feet That mankind's labours mock. An omon * steadfast, 'neath the Austral sky, Qf future yet in s^ore For this new land t whose rich arid morning bloom' 1 Expanding nJore and more Presages happy years of full renown And bounteous wealth galore, While round. Zealandia's shores shall boom The sea's tumultuous roar.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 6496, 27 May 1899, Page 3
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