ME J. P. JAMESON. Old residents of Canterbury, and, in particular, old citizens of Christchurch, will hear with regret of the death of Mr James Purvis Jameson, who died yesterday, at his residence, Cashel Street, Linwood, at the advanced age of seventy-two years. Though for some years past Mr Jameson's health prevented him from taking an active part in public affairs, in earlier days he was one of the best known, as he has always been one of the most respected, citizens of Christchurch. Some thirty years ago he carried on a grocery business in the shop nowoccupied by Mr Frank A. Cook, but he afterwards quitted this and engaged in farming pursuits in the Malvern district. For many years he took an active part in public matters. He was a member of the City Council -for several years, and in 1871 he held the office of Mayor of the city. In later years he displayed much interest in the encouragement of local industries, and was one of the "fathers" of the Canterbury Industrial Association, in which he at one time held the position of president. He also took an interest in the work of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association, ' and frequently acted as judge in the classes for local manufactures at the metropolitan shows. In private as well as in • public life Mr Jameson's integrity -and kihdheartedness gained him very general respect. He was a member and warm supporter of the Trinity Congregational Church. He leaves a considerable family, and several of his sons occupy positions of some prominence. One, Mr George Jameson, is manager for the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association. Another, Mr W. Jameson, is clerk to the Selwyn County Conncil; and a third, Mr F. Jameson, is in business at Leeston. Mr Jameson's funeral will leave his late residence for the Public Cemetery at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5663, 7 September 1896, Page 4
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