Funeral of Mr ColborneVeel.
The body of the late Mr J. V, ColborneVeel was interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Barbadoea Street, yesterday afternoon, and the large concourse of people present testified to the respect in which the deceased gentleman was held. The cortige left the deceased's late residence in Montreal Street at two o'clock, and the attendance represented almost every class of the community. A large number of the children of the Normal School, Normal students and teachers preceded the hearse, which was followed by the mourning coach, carriages containing members of the Board of Education, Inspectors, office staff, members of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, Professors of Canterbury College and several prominent citizens. Then followed on foot members of School Committees, teachers of the city and suburban public schools, Canterbury College students and a number of school children. The burial service was conducted by the Bishop of Christchurch and the Yen Archdeacon Lingard. Among those present at the grave were Messrs H. R. Webb, T. S. Weston, W. Chrystall, tt. G. Sj;ead, J* J. Kinsey, J. S. Guthrie, W. P. Cowlishaw, J. B. Fisher, B. Westenra, S. Hurat Seager, A. F. N. Blakiston, C. Allard, J. Munniogs, E. Curry, G. F. Tendall, B. H. Fisher, H. W. Peryman, H. Hookham, A. C. Wilson, F. ,de C; Malet, G. Tomb 3, J. M. Douglass, M. Sandstein, J. T. Smith, J. S. Williams, T. S. Foster, J. Baldwin, C. S. Howard, E. U. Just, J. Speight, G. W. Bishop, W. Harrie, J. G. L. Scott, J. labister, Professors Bicfcerton, Cook, Brown, Haslam, Clarke and Dendy, Captain F. W. Hutton, Dr Metres, the Beys Gordon Webster, E. C. M. Watson, J. F. Teakle and J. W. Stack, the Mayors of Christohnrch, Linwood and Woolston and others. The pall-bearera were Dr Anderson, Messrs L. B. Wood, J. C.Adams and E. Watkins. A number of beautiful wreathß were placed on the coffin. They were aent by the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, members of the Board of Education, office staff, Normal School students, Normal School staff, Girls' High School, boys of the Normal School, girls Seventh Standard Normal School, and private friends.
Funeral of Mr Colborne-Veel.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5326, 2 August 1895, Page 4
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