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(One to be elected.) * In last Parliament, f Elected unopposed o—Opposition0 — Opposition M — Ministerial D— Doubtful. [FRO!.! OUB OWN CORRESPDOXENT.I WELLINGTON, Dec. 6. Of the new members for the electorates in the southern part of this island, south of a line drawn across from Taranaki to Napier, everybody is eagerly asking for ! particulars. In this search for information it has been discovered, to begin with, that MB E. M. SMITH, the elected of New Plymouth, is a very industrious, hard-working man, getting hi 3 ; living by any kind of hone3t work that can ; be contracted for in the town of New Ply- ' mouth, and a labour candidate in the sense ! in which you employ the term in the great centres. He is an Oppositionist and a • Liberal to the backbone. I hear that he is | a great man withal for the local resources, • being an enthusiast about the fp.mous iron- ' sand and equally famous petroleum of i Taranaki. He is the man who some years ' ago wanted to be allowed to give a lecture I at the. bar of the House on the iron-sand 1 and the vrmoub methods of treating the 1 same. On the whole, a hopeful character-, [ ißtic sort of man who will not allow the ! new Parliament to forget Taranaki by any ! means. I cannot find out whether he is likely to follow Mr Ballance ; in fact, I : hear that he is not well disposed in that I direction. On the other side of the 'island stands HE BWANN, in the shoes practically of Mr Ormond. He was the henchman of that politician for many years, and stood by him in many a political fight. A gentleman of the brewing persuasion, successful in business, rather easy-going and good natured in character. i MB HOGG, who has defeated Mr Beecham for Masterton, a district in which he has for years been held to have an impregnable position, I is well known to many in your Province, having wieldedawell-remernbered, slashing I sort of pen under the journalistic banner in TimaruandAshburton. A Victorian native, [ Mr Hogg came to New Zealand in early manhood, appearing first on the staff of the Guardian newspaper about the year 187 G. After that, the South Canterbury Times acknowledged hijn, and after that the Ashburton Mail, I think. Ability, ! originality, breeziness and Radicalness, especially in the matter of the public lands, brought Mr Hogg to the front, and kept I him there, until (still under the banner |of Mr Ivess, known in Parliament las the member for Wakanui or 1 Ashburton, and familiarly styled, on i account of the many newspapers he has established, the "rag-planter") he came to Masterton. There he edited the Wairarapa Star, which his friend had planted. That journal he I now owns, in conjunction with Mr J. J. j Smith, the planter having, according to custom, sold as well as planted. In 1884. Mr Hogg tried a bout with Mr Beetham at the general election, vicariously. That is, he ran another candidate against him, but Mr Beetham was victorious. In 1887 ho attacked Mr Beetham himself, ran him close, but had to confess defeat. This j year he has contrived to pass him, thanks probably to the stoppage under the new law of all the peripatetic votes that used to be conveyed by special trains to the disorganisation of quiet country constituencies. MR BUICK, the member for Wairau, who has succeeded in defeating the veteran Seymour, is a young man, a native of New Zealand. As a speaker, he has given Bamples of his quality in a couple of lecture tours over half of both islands. When he was here about a year ago or a little more — it was before the arrival of the Irish delegates, as he was lecturing on Irish Home Rule and kindred subjects — people naturally preferred to wait to hear what the Irish patriots had to say on the subject. ! Those who went to his lectures, neverthei less, found him a man of considerable : fervour, energetic in discourse, and at I times very ornate; one who had got lup his subject very well, and could J put it very forcibly. Old files proi nounced him certain to become a great j orator in time. He was, I found, a little : crude, a little too ornate, somewhat redundant; undeniably possessing the gift of writing his speeches, and of delivering them with fire. With judicious forming of his methods and steady practice in extempore speaking, ho might become a useful debater. A Liberal of the Liberals he is, and a student who works hard and systematically till he masters a subject. On the whole, you will say, a very good sort of young man to make a member of Parliament out of ; a man of honour and high spirit and human pympathy, he will be a credit to the ranks of the young New Zealand party. MR DUTHIE, one of the new members, is a successful man of business, the architect Of bis own fortune. He emigrated from the " Land o' Cakes " early in the sixties ; established a hardware business in Taranaki in 18GG; opened a branch in Wanganui, gradually concentrated his energies upon that, and made it so great a success that in 188G he migrated to Wellington, and at once made his house the leading house in the trade. At Wanganui he served as Town Councillor and member of the Education Board. He has been Councillor several times, Chairman of the Harbour Board and a member for four years. He was Mayor in 18S9. During his term of the latter office he reorganised the staff, introduced economy and was distinguished for the largeness of his hospitality. At the end oi his term of service the citizens Bhowed their appreciation by presenting him witfc a handsome collection of books. It finance Mr Duthie is prominent. He ii not a fluent man, but very shrewd anc level-headed. He has declared for i reconstruction of the Ministry, ant is regarded as likely to favour reconstruc tion under Mr Bryce. It is curious thai the two candidates who received the bes and the worst reception at the Opera Houbi should have been respectively first anc second on the poll. ME T. K. MACnONALD, the third city member, is aIBO from thi " Land o' Cakes." He came away in earlj boyhood, with his parents, to Adelaide After launching out in business in th< South Außtralian capital, Mr Macdonalc came to Wellington, where he speedil;
established a, magnificent auctioneering and eoinuiisEioE business, as the advertising columns of most of the New Zealaut journals can testify at the present moment In the businesß world ho has been a lead' ing spirit. He established the Equitable Building and Investment Company, one oi the most successful of New Zealand institutions. He originated the city tramways; he was the leading spirit in the launching of the Woollen Company whose offices are at Petone, and is at presuut Chairman o£ the Company ; and he was one of the promoters of the Wellington-Muuawatu 14ailway Company. In municipal and harbour matters he has been ever most active and vigilant. As City Auditor come years ago, he reformed innumerable abuses. As Councillor in the very first Council of Wellington, he was Chairman of the Reorganisation Committee. Out of the Council he has put a stop, by his searching criticism and pertinacious agitation, to many a scheme for adding to the debt of the city. Truly a man of enterprise and judgment, and originality and independence. In land he is a Liberal ; in finance he is a supporter of the Land tax. Add that he is the best platform speaker in the city, and the most successful swayer of meetings, and you have Mr T. K. Macdonald's picture complete. OP SIR EARNSffIW, one of the new men returned at Dunedin, I hear from a reliable source that he is the strongest, ablest and be3i> of all the labour candidates, a man of great ability, independence of character and inflexible justice. Here is a nutice oi: him which appears in last night's Post : — Mr W. Earnsbaw was born at Manchester, England, on July 7, 1852, and for seven years was educated at the St Peter's day school belonging to the Swedenborgians. During the term of his apprenticeship ho attended night classes in connection with the Sfc John's Catholic schools. At ten years of age he went to work, and was employed in one shop till he reached men's estate. If ever there was an " all-rouud " firm it was that of Wurder and Harrup, of Manchester. His employers arranged that he should visit all the various industrial works in that city ; and Mr Earnshaw made the most of his opportunities in studying the manufacture of fabrics and metala. At the age of eighteen he was made foreman of Mb shop, and at the close of his apprenticeship he determined to visit the New "World. He landed in Boston, United States, and after two years in the eastern States, he was suddenly called back to England. On his return home he happened to pick up a handbook of Now Zealand, and he decided to ecttle in this Colony. He came out here, but could not make up his mind to settle down, so went across to Australia, and eventually sailed for San Francisco. He made a tour of the States, and tried his hand at almost everything, even having had the temerity to oppose the boss " land-lotter " of San Francisco, the arch-demagogue Kearney. He returned to England on a short visit, and sailed for Melbourne as an engineer in the Miltiades, worked on the wharves in Melbourne, and on one occasion opposed, at a mass meeting, William Trenwith, now head of the labour organisations of Melbourne and M.P. for Richmond. Mr Eamshaw landed in Dunedin twelve years ago, and, after a short stay, swagged it through Otago and Canterbury. He worked in the Christchurch workshops for two years, until he became one of the victims of the ten per' cent, reduction and shifted his quarters to Dunedin. There ho haß resided over since, and worked continually in one establishment until ho decided to embark in politics. He has been intimately identified with the present labour movement, and ha 3 taken a keen interest in Friendly Society matters.
: Geraldine — . *A. E. G. Ehodes M , Timaru — i *W. Hall-Jones O Waimate — *W. J. Steward 0 Waitaki — *J. M'Kenzie O Oamaru — i T. Duncan 0 Mount Ida — •'AT. J. Scobie Mackenzie ... M Port Chalmers — *J. Milla M Peninsula — W. Earnshaw 0 Dunedin City — D. Pinkerton O *__. S. Fish 0 W.Hutchison O Dunedin Suburbs — W. Dawson O Taieri — W. Carncross 0 Bruce — J. Thompson 0 Clutha t*T. Mackenzie ... ... M TuAPEKA — *II;S. Valentine M -UATAUEA *Hoa il. F. Eichardson ... 31 Wallace — J. Mackintosh ... ... 0 Awakua — t*J. G. Ward O Wakatipu — f*Hon T. Fergus M Invercargill — J.Kelly O MAORI MEMBERS. *Taipna and *Carroll ... SI ••Tarata 0
The following is a list of the new ', members : — ,- NOETH ISIAND. Bay of Islands — i E. M. Houston D Marsden — E. Thompson M Auckland City — 1 J. M. Shera O j T. Thompson D j W.L. Eees 0 j Waitemata — J. Palmer O Newton — t*D. Goldie O Eden— *Hon E. Mitdielson ... -^1 Parnell — *F. Lawry D H-A-TUKATr W. P. Buckland O Franklyn — I *E. Hamlin M Thames — *A. J. Cadinan O Waikato — t*Hon J. Bryce 3-1 Te Aroha — W. S. Allen D East Coast— *W. Kelly O Hawke's Bay — *Hon Captain Russell M Napier — G. W. Swarm M Waipawa— *W. C.Smith 0 Masterton — A.W.Hogg 0 Wairarapa — *W. C. Buchanan M New Plymouth— E.M.Smith 0 Egmont — *Sir Harry Atkinson ... M Waitotara — *G. Hutchison O Wanganui — *J. Ballance O Eangitikei — *D. H. Macarthur M Palmerston— J.G.Wilson M Wellimgton City — *G. Fisher 0 J. Duthie 0 T. K. Macdonald O Hutt — *Dr A. K. Newman M
Nelson City — *J. Hardness M Waimea-Picton — C. Milli O Wairau — T. L.Buick 0 Inangahua — J. Drake 0 i Buller — t*E. J. O'Conor D ' -Grey — ' *A. E. Guinness 0 Westland — *E. J. Seddon 0 i Christchurch City — t *W.P. Eeeveß 0 , *W. B. Terceval 0 . *R. M.Taylor O j Heathcote — [ W. W. Tanner 0 Avon— *E. Blake 0 '. HALBWELL— Hon W. Eolleston M . Akaroa — 3 *J. Joyce 0 r Ashley — \ E. Meredith M 3 Kaiapoi — _ R. Moore 31 J ELLEBMERE — 1 *SirJ.Hall M j Selwyn — i *A. Sannders 0 j Ashburton — E.G.Wright M
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7030, 8 December 1890, Page 3
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2,089FURTHER RESULTS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 7030, 8 December 1890, Page 3
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FURTHER RESULTS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 7030, 8 December 1890, Page 3
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