THE LATE H. J. TANCEED. The respect in -which the late Mr Henry John Tancred was held was abundantly testified by the large nuinbei of persona who yesterday followed his body to the grave. The funeral cortege left Mr Tancred's late residence, in Antigua street, at a quarter past two in the afternoon. The hearse was followed by some 24 carriages, j after which came a number of the pupils of { Christ's College, on foot. As the proi cession passed through the streets to the I Church of England cemetery, the bells of i the Cathedral and St Michael's Church were tollsd, and flags, hoisted half-mast high, were displayed from several of the buildings. On arriving at the cemetery gates the corpse was met by the Most Eev the Primate, the Very Eev the Dean, the Venerable Archdeacon Dudley, the Rev Canon Stanford, the Revs W. Harper and W. H. Elton, togethor with the Cathedral choir. The professors and students of Canterbury College, in their academic I costume, and the members of the \ Cathedral Union, also attended at the i cemetery to receive the cortdge. The { coffin, which was covered with a purple ■ pall, bearing a white cross, and upon which { were placed several beautiful wreaths of J white flowers, was removed from the hearse j and borne to the mortuary chapel, the foli lowing gentlemen acting as pall bearera : ! Hon H. B. Gresson, Mr C. C. Bowen, Hon : J.B. A. Acland, Hon E. C. J. Stevens, { his Honor Mr Justice Johnston, Messrs ■ R. J. S. Harman, G. L. Lee, and L. Harper. ; The -first part of the burial service was ; performed in the chapel, the service used ■ being Goss* choral, and the choir sang the well-known hymn "Days and moments . swiftly flying." The grave was dug near the j eastern end of the chapel, almost opposite j the chancel window. Here the Most Rev j the Primate read the concluding portion of I the service, and the hymn " Just as I am" , was sung by the choir. The interment was {witnessed by a large number of persons, i among those who attended being several of i the clergy and of the lay members of the ! Diocesan Synod, the members of the Board ! of Governors of Canterbury College, and j of the Christchurch City Council, besides j many of the principal residents of the Proj vince. As the deceased gentleman was a member of the Cathedral Chapter, the Cathedral was yesterday draped in the mourning customary on the death of a ! member of that body. i THE LATE JOHN CARTER. Yesterday the late Mr John Carter, of i Grove Farm, Tinwald, was buried in the ; Ashburton now cemetery. The funeral pro- [ cession was the largest that has ever moved I through Ashburton streets, and comprised I vehicles containing members of most of the ! families in the County. There were be- ; tween thirty and forty conveyances, besides ! a long line of horsemen. The funeral serj vice was conducted by the Rev E. A. Scott, | assisted by Mr J. Ward, lay reader, in the ■ new mortuary chapel, which has been only I just completed, and was used yesterday for I the first time.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 4990, 1 May 1884, Page 3
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