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The Rev John Hoatson will conduct tomorrow's services at the Trinity Congregational Church. The return match between the Canterbury and Christchurch Bowling Clubs has been fixed for Saturday, April 12. Extra trains will be run on the Christchurch - Lyttelton line to - morrow. The details will be found in an advertisement. Harvest thanksgiving services will be held in the Durham street and Colombo Road Wesleyan Churches. The following items appear on the fourth page of this issue: — St Martin's Brick Manufactory, Opawa j Sporting Intelligence. The preachers to-morrow at the Colombo road United Methodist Free Church will be the Eev C. Worboys and Mr Joseph Jones. Mr M. W. Green will preach morning and evening, to-morrow, at the Church of Christ, corner of Durham street and South belt. It was currently reported yesterday that the Mayor of Christchurch, Mr C. P. Hulbert, intended to contest the Stanmore seat at the next general election. The distribution of prizes in connection with the TJ.R.C. will take place at the Commercial Hotel on next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, when all members are requested to attend, and not only the ones who have to receive prizeß. An election for a seat on the Waimakariri Harbour Board, consequent upon the resignation of Mr H.J. Day for the Mandeville district, was held yesterday at Woodend. There were two candidates for the office, Messrs H. Revell and James Butt. The result of the poll, which was declared at about six o'clock, was Mr Butt, 68 ; Mr Revell, 36. Yesterday afternoon a fire, though not of a very serious character, occurred at Sandridge, Sydenham. A stable belonging to Mr Dawson, of Ballantyne and Co., was discovered to be on fire about 2 o'clock. The flames were extinguished before the building was entirely destroyed, but the damage is estimated at about £50. The fire is supposed i,o have been caused by the overheating of some hay in a loft above the stable. The building was insured for .£SO in the New Zealand office. An accident occurred near Leithfield to Mr Isbmael Clarke, who was presumably thrown from his horse, and was found lying insensible on the Leithfield road last evening. He was immediately conveyed to Stace'B Hotel, where he was attended by Dr Morris, and was found to be quite unconscious. Subsequently he was taken to his home at Saltwater Creek, where Dr Ovenden visited him, and pronounced him to be suffering from concussion of the brain. Our readers may remember that about six months ago a similar calamity befel Mr Clarke's son, who was thrown whilst riding the same hor3e, and when searching for the same animal. Further, the two accidents occurred almost in the same place. Noel, the pedestrian, did not retire from the course at the Oddfellows' Hall till a quarter-past 8 this morning, when he had accomplished 48 miles. He was only absent from the course about ten minutes, during which time he partook of a li<»ht breakfast. As showing the pace at which he went, it may be mentioned that he twice accomplished seven miles within the hour. At 10.15 a.m., twelve hours after the start, he had covered 65 miles 20 lap 3. At half-past 11 he retired for a few . minutes to change his socks, his feet having become somewhat blistered. He { was absent from the track for a few j moments only. The seventieth mile was completed at 20 minutes to 12, at which time the pedestrian was going in very good style, despite his sore feet. At a quarter past 2 this afternqon, Noel had finished JO miles, and appeared still fresh.
Latest Locals.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 4963, 29 March 1884, Page 2
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