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VISIT OF G.W.C.T. OF 1.0. G.T. Jl PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the TEMPLAR HALL, Worcester street, ON THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, Sept. 12, WHEN MS J. W. J AGO, of Dunedin, GRAND WORTHY CHIEF TEMPLAR, Will deliver a TEMPERANCE LEOTURE. Chair to be taken at 7.30. The Public specially invited to attend. 2094 MUNICIPAL ELECTION. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CITY OF OHKISTCHURCH. f^ENTLEMEN.-LeliTi may not have the \JT privilege of addressing you before the election on Thursday next, I desire to submit to your judgment certain Municipal matters on which I learn from very many ratepayers au expression of opinion is desired. 1. On the matter of rates, of whioh I am still one of the largest ratepayers in the City, I will endeavour, to the utmost of my power and in your interests, keep within moderate bounds all our rates, believing that the rapidly extending and improved character of our buildings, together -with our large reserves, should largely diminish our rates and yet maintain in thorough efficiency our City improvements. 2. The reserves seleoted hy me in 1861— espeoially those on the sandhills opposite Christchurch Quny, and those right and left of the road to New Brighton— should at once be levelled, cultivated, and sown down in English grasses, with a view to letting on long leases as sites for suburban residences. These reserves being only five or so iv number, and only about 120 aores] in extent, they ore too small for the purposes of recreation (Hagley Park will for a time at least supply ample space for that purpose), and on no account would I evor consent to the alienation of a single acre of Hagley Park for building purposes. From the Sandhills and other reserves a large income might be received, which would tend to the reduction of rates. 3. An improved method of street repairing is au absolute necessity. Tho present mode of laying on 6 inches of round shingle, which can only be made to bind by 3 inches of soil, is the most ab. surd system which has ever been adopted in any city. In winter the soil by rain is converted into mud, and in snmuier the same soil pollutes the atmosphere with dust. It is a curious fact that High street was in an infinitely better condition 10 years ago than it is now. 4. The asphalting of footpaths and construction of Portland cemented channelling, Ishall endeavour to extend to the very outer boundaries of the City, so that every ratepayer may equally participate in tbese advantages. 5. I shall support the division of the City into wards, in order that each quarter may have the privilege of selecting its own local Councillors. 6. The building regulations are oxtremely imperfect and generally unsatisfactory. If elected, I would feel it my dnty to take such stepn as would secure a meetiug of architects, builders, owners, and lessees of household property, with tho view of appointiug a competent committee to consider and report to the Counoil what modifications and improvements are necessary, and I would guarantee to obtain ruspoct for their opinions. 7. A public market fov the sale and purchase of agricultural produce, flsb, &c, is very much needed. This is nlso a matter in which I would be guided by the public, and I would do my utmost to carry out the wishes of the majority. 8. For the suppression of fires, flushing sewers and other useful purposes, water must bo brought from an elevation, and made available iustantly ou the disoovory of a fire, and with sufficient pressure to speedily suppress, it would be a vast advantage to the City, and must be secured, either by a company or tho municipality, even if it has to be effected by money borrowed on City Conncil debentures, the payment of which might bo extended over a long number of years. 9. A Town Hall, a Farmers' Corn Exchange with new Municipal Offices are also matters which would engage my earnest attontion and active support. Generally, and in conclusion, I would say there are manyother matters to which I might easily refer, espeoially the need for greater civility being shown by the Council servants to contractors and others transacting business with the offices. In this I would take care to see that reforms wero effected. I Was very late in offering mysolf to your notice, and it waa only becauso I was presented with a larse and iufluentially signed requisition and promises of liberal support, as well as a desire to sco many useful reforms effected in the conduct of the business of the Council, that I consented to abide the decision of the ratepayers of the City of Christchnrch, in which I have been a resident for the long period of over 28 years. "With the respect due to my fellow.citizens, I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient Eervant, 6687-301 W. WILSON. CANTERBURY DYE WOKKS. J. SELLARS, SHEEPSKIN, MAT, AND WOOL RUG MANUFACTURER. ALL kinds of Skins cleaned, dressed, and i dyed, cheaply, quickly, and properly. Silk, woollen, and cotton dyed. Also, gentlemen's wearing apparel cleaned and re-dyed, appearing when finished equal to new. Feathers cleaned and dyed. Inventor of tho PATENT PARISIAN LIQUID WASHING BLUE, proved by hundreds to be unsurpassed. Prepared and sold by the above at ONE SHILLING PER BOTTLE. 190 TplOR SALE soveral desirable Quarter-acre JD SECTIONS, part of Rural Section 48a on Wilson's bridge road. Terms very easy. Titlo under Land Transfer Act. Apply to ALFRED THOMPSON, Hereford street. * 1093 6 6 T3LESS me, Mrs Cameron, havo you JO got your Old Sewing Machine to work at last. Woll may you say tbat you | kenn lass I had it to all tho Machinists in j Canterbury, and many a braw skilling o' our John's siller hao they got, yot* tho machine | was never right till I took it to ! T. C. VILLIER'S, HIGH STREET, Opposite the Borough Hotol. He charged mo twa half-crowns, and made it a porfect blessing till mo. Send him yours and let your neighbours ken that his Machine Oil, at ls per bottle, is unoquallod this sido o' be Line.* 464 "TVTOTIOE.—AII persons owing accounts to JUH _ the business lately curried on by W. Pitcaitldy, butcher, of Lyttelton, are requested to settle the same on or before TUESDAY, Sept. 17, er they will bo recoverod by legal proceedings. JOHN MANN. The receipt of James Pitcaithly will bo a sufficient diacharge. 2097 J. MANN. MUTUAL BENEFIT, BUILDING, AND INVESTMENT SOOIETY OF CANTERBURY (PERMANENT.) Established 1872. Offices — Cashel street, Christchurch. THIS Society havingf been successfully conducted for upwards of Fivo Years, is not now liable to the same risks and contingencies as new societies, and liaving an extensive as well as prosperous business, good security is offered to investors, and. ample funds aro availablo for borrowers. Investors may enter tho society at any time without having to pay back subscriptions. Tho Society being formed for the purposes of mutual benefit, borrowing members also participate in tho profits, the total amount repayable by this class of shareholders being considerably reduced by the amounts thus carried to their credit from time to time. .'-...- The Society also receives money on deposit, in sums of £25 and upwards, for long or short periods, upon whicli highest current rates of intorest are allowed. Full information and all particulars afforded on application at tho office of the Society. J. A. BIRD, 244 Seeretarv. Ol AAA TO LEND in small sums cxmlXxJ vf vf" on good freehold security. Applyto pZ-'.p CHAS. J. FOSTER, Solicitor, 2037 ■ • Colombo street.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3254, 11 September 1878, Page 3
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1,269Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3254, 11 September 1878, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3254, 11 September 1878, Page 3
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