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Local and General.
AffuE Timard Mail.— Owing to a flood in the Opihi, the coach for Christchurch, due this evening, had to put back to Timaru. Our latest information says that the river was still rising, aud that it was not ejcpected the coach would be able to pass to-daA ■"JUSlection of Mayors. — The annual election of Mayors for, Christchurch and Lyttelton took place at noon to-day, at the respective Council Chambers. Mr Andrew Duncan was elected for the former, and Mr J. S. Wilcox was unanimously re-elected for the latteji Tub City Copncil Yard. — The fencing in of this yard was commenced this morning, and promises to be a great improvement. The sheets of corrugated iron being seven feet in height, the unsightly collection of materials stored in the yard will be entirely hidden from view; and the framework being square cut timber, the whole work will effect a great improvement in the appearance of that part of Oxford terrace. The Bohemian Glass Blowers. —Mr Woodroffe's skilful manipulators of glass. will reappear in Christchurch to-morrow, at Boot's Assembly Rooms, High street. When last in this part of the colony, they achieved a well-deserved celebrity for their wonderful manufactures, and were highly patronised by a crowd of admirers. The reports which have preceded their return show no diminution in the attractiveness and worth of their entertainment, and no doubt they will again receive liberal support from the public of Christchurch and its suburbs. XTub Anniversary. — To-morrow being the nineteenth anniversary of the province, a full holiday will be almost generally observed in the cityi and the programme of amusements, unlike those of the past few yejft will enable it to be thoroughly enjoyed byTffl classes.^The Volunteers, who have been so long dofmant in respect to public displays, will engage in a sham fight in rear of the College, an earthwork being first thrown up by the Engineers, and afterwards defended by a portion of the force, whilst the remainder will essay to carry it by assault. The event is looked forward to by the Volunteers with considerable pleasure, and a large muster will no doubt accrue. Following the conclusion of the sham fight, the sports in Latimer Square will commence, and the preparations of the committee being considerably superior to last year, whilst there are several novelties in the programme, including a velocipede race, some really genuine amusement may be relied upon. A grand stand is erected for ladies, and two wirefenced arenas are provided for ensuring plepiv of clear space for the respective contests! During these games the annual HoTtfcultural Show will be open in Mr Wynn Williams' paddock, closely adjoining the Square, and here again a very attractive bill is provided, the expected collection of exhibits being quite equal, and more than probably superior, to last year. In the evening the amusements will not be allowed to flag, for the Theatre Royal will be open, the Bohemian Glass Blowers will give an entertainment at Boot's Assembly Rooms, there will be a promenade ball with acrobatic performances by the brothers Nelson in Coker's Gardens, and at the Town Hall there will be a public ball. Altogether, therefore, the day is more replete with the means of holiday making enjoyment, and more likely to result in a satisfacfactory issue than any Anniversary day for many years past. The only matter really to be desired, in order to ensure this, is flne weather.
Lyttelton Regatta. — A meeting of tbe committee was held in Captain Gibson's office. It was resolved to call a public meeting on Friday evening, at the Colonists' Hall. Theatre Royal. — Miss Herberte will open the Theatre to-morrow evening, and will appear in three pieces " Sarah's Young Man," " Antony and Cleopatra," and the Day after the Wedding." x^Rural Sports. — A meeting of the Committee was held yesterday afternoon. It was decided that no horses or vehicles should be allowed on the Square during the sports, and also that no help should be allowed to competitors in the velocipede racef The state of the funds was reported to"Tse highly satisfactory. Gold Prospecting Company. — A meeting of the Directors was held at Mr Lockhart's Chambers yesterday afternoon, Mr David Craig in the chair. It was agreed to " That the manager be instructed to send a list of those in arrears of calls to the company's s licitors, in order that summonses may be taken out against one or more of thera " ; also " That the horses and other property of the company be sold." Several accounts were passed. Anniversary Day at Kaiapoi. — To-mor-row all business will be suspended at Kaiapoi and pleasure will be the order of the day. The annual sports will be held in Mr J. Feld wick's paddock, and comprise the usual manly sports, also games for the children and a feast of cake and milk. A good band will be in attendance, and a ring for dancing on the greensward is provided. The usual ball takes place in the evening. The Wesleyan body have provided a treat for the children of their denomination, and altogether Kaiapoi will not be so dull as it has been on previous anniversary days. Fike Police. — A special general meeting of members was held at the Central Brigade Station, Market Place, last night, Captain J. V. Ross in the chair. Reports of the fires since last meeting were brought up, and a letter was read from the Town Clerk, conveying tlje thanks of the City Council for the assistance afforded by the Fire Police on these occasions. The letter was ordered to be recorded in the minutes of the Force. Mr F. A. Bishop, hon. treasurer, announced that a balance of £1 18s remained to the credit of the general fund. Mr Bishop's term of office having expired, he was unanimously re-elected. The chairman tendered his resignation as senior captain, in consequence of having removed to a suburban residence, and upon the motion of Mr Kiver, junr., seconded by Mr J. A. Bird, Mr W. R. Mitchell was unanimously elected to the vacancy. Rakaia Gold Company. — A private meeting of shareholders was held at the Garrick Hotel, yesterday evening, for the purpose of discussing the position of the company. Mr Trent was voted to the chair, but the weather being very unfavourable, the attendance was limited. A long discussion ensued as to the probabilities of ever ' finding gold upon the company's ground, the desirability of winding up the affairs, and a statement made by the chairman that the collector had found it almost impossible to collect any of the last call of £1 per share. A list of shareholders who had not paid the first call on their shares was also laid upon the table. It was ultimately decided that a requisition should be prepared and signed requesting the directors to suspend work on the company's ground immediately on the moneyavailable for mining purposes from the present call is expended, and that work should not be resumed until the result of the crushing of some of the quartz taken from the reefs he ascertained. It was also moved, seconded and carried, that shareholders felt indisposed to pay up the present call until such time as the defaulters on the first call have been compelled to pay up. Preshyterian Soiree. — A soiree in aid o£ the building fund of the girls' school, recently erected by the Presbyterian denomination in Lichfield street, was given last night within the building. An excellent tea was provided at seven o'clock by Mesdames J. Anderson, TurnbuU, Peacock, Bray, Duncan, and Haughton, and was partaken of by upwards of 140 persons. At the musical entertainment which succeeded, this number was still further increased, although heavy rain fell throughout the evening, and the room was somewhat uncomfortably crowded. It is a very substantial match -lined structure, but rather deficient in ventilation for such a large assemblage, and the heat was consequently oppressive. His Worship the Mayor presided, opening the proceedings with a suitable speech, and was successively followed by Mr Restell, Government Inspector of Schools, who eulogised the general character of the school ; and by Dr. i TurnbuU who spoke at some length in advocacy of compulsory education. Mrs Houghton then sung " The Lover's Letteri box." and afterwards took part in a pianoforte duett from " Semiramide " with Miss : Wilson, one of her pupils. Miss Thorpe, another pupil, sung " The Wishing Gate." Mr Rowley played one of Clinton's cavatinas, as a solo on the flute. Messrs Zincgraff (pianoforte), Biinz (violin), Poore (flute), Spensley (violoncello), Baker (second violin), played the overture to " Norma," and at a later period of the evening the overture to "II Italiana." . Mr Zeesler sang *f Spirit of the Ocean." Mr Biinz played a solo on the violin— No. 7of i De Beriot's airs. Mrs Bowler sung " The ■ Gipsy Girl," and, later, " The Merry Flageolet." All the pieces were well received, some ■ of them being enthusiastically applauded, and an enc.vre was demanded from Miss - Wilson, but not complied with. The gems of the evening were unmistakeably Mr iinz's solo, and Mrs Bowler's singing " The Gipsy Girl " being, perhaps, the best. On . conclusion of the programme, Mr A. Duncan : moved a vote of thanks to the musicians and vocalists, which was carried by acclamation, as also a vote of thanks to the ladies who supplied the tea. In proposing the latter, the Rev C. Fraser took occasion to state that i the distribution of prizes to the girls would take place at noon to-day.
New Flax Company. — The ; Phoenix Flax Company are about to commence operations at Flaxton on the Rangiora Drain Road, and invite tenders for the cutting of a mill-race to drive their machinery. Holiday. — To-morrow being the nineteenth anniversary of the foundation of the province. A general holiday will be observed by the General and Provincial Government offices, the Union Bank of Australia, the Bank of New Zealand, and the Bank of Australasia. The greater portion of merchants' and professional offices and stores will also be closed.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 493, 15 December 1869, Page 2
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1,670Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 493, 15 December 1869, Page 2
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Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 493, 15 December 1869, Page 2
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