— — ■» This Dat. . yf c-teisTcmmcH. 'The election of. a AMayort for the city of . Christchurch took place this st ternoon, at the Council Chambers"! The folio wing -Councillors were present at noon : — Messrs Jameson, Tombs, Anderson, Angus, Sawtell, Shepherd, Calvert,. . Ruddenklau, and Duncan. Messrs Gordon (City Clerk J and Cuff (City Surveyor) were also in attendance. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Councillor Angus moved, and Councillor Duncan seconded, that Councillor Jameson do take the chair, in the absence of the Mayor. Councillor Jameson took the chair accordingly,, and the business was proceeded with. The Mayor entered the Chamber at_ 12.18 .p.m., and Councillor Jameson thereupon vacated the chair. The Mayor explained that he had been detained at the Horticultural Show; he was one of the judges, and he was obliged to leave one of the awards undecided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Mayoi stated that formal possession had been ta^en of the site given to the Council by tfie Government, for the purposes of a cattle Market. Tbe accounts for the past year were then eertifled by the Mayor, who, in accordance with the Ordinance, called upon the Coun •illors to propose a Mayor in his stead. t )*s&T Duncan proposed, and Mr Ruddenklau seconded, the nomination of Councillor John Anderson^ GRo other candidate was proposed, and Mr Anderson was declared to be duly elected. , 'Congratulatory speeches wera delivered,and the best thanks of the Council were returned. to Mr Wilson. "His Worship, Mr Anderson, has been in Canterbury for upwards of 18 year^ <-The meeting adjourned until Tuesday evening next at 7 o'clock. LYTTELTON. ;' The annual meeting of the Councillors was to have taken place tbis day at noon at the Council Chambers. His Worship the Mayor, and Councillor Willcox were the only members present. At 12.30 p.m. his Worship declared that the meeting stood adjourned until to-morrow at noon. kaiapoi. By an understanding between the Mayor and Councillors, the election of a mayor did not take place to-day, but the meeting was adjourned till noon to-morrow, by Ms Worship.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 186, 16 December 1868, Page 3
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