T7»LECTORAL DISTRICT OF Pj manukau. The following is the result of the Poll taken on the 6 oh day of December, 1899, for the Election of One Member to serve in the House of Representatives for the above Electorate— Buckland, William Francis ... 516 Hull, Francis.... ... 493 O'Rorke, Sir George Manrice . . 1967 Taylor, John Edward .. ..936 Informal 38 'I therefore declare Sir George Maurice O'Rorke duly elected a Member of the House of Representatives for Manakau. Dated this 9th day of December, 1899. SIDNEY J. BBOOEFIELD, Returning Officer. Onehunga, December 9th, 1899. rpHE FRANKLIN ELECTORAL X DISTRICT. RESULT OF THE POLL. General State of the Poll taken at the sev" eral polling places for the said district on the 6th December, 1899 : — For William Fergusson Massey 2458 Votes For William Finlay Wilson 1278 Votes Informal 22 Votes The said William Fergusson Massey, being the candidate who received in the aggregate, at all the Polling Places, the greatest number of votes, I hereby declare the said William Fergusson Massey to be duly elected as a member of the House of Representatives for the Electoral District of Franklin. WILLIAM J. KING, Returning Officer. Waiuku, December 1 2. 1899. "XT O .T I ■ 0 B. THE REMOVAL OF SHINGLE Sand, Shells, and Rock Boulders from the foreshores of PAKIHI AND KARAMURAMU IBLiNDS (situatea between Ponui Island and the mainland) is Prohibited. Anyone found after the date of this notice taking such materials will be Prosecuted. By Order. ALEXANDER ROSE, Collector of Customs. Auckland, December 1, 1899. "TTi LECTORS OF MANDKAU. Ladies and Gentlemen— I hasten to tender you my warmest Thanks for the great honour you have don^ me in again bestowing on me a renewal of that confidence so frequently given to me as your representative in Parliament. It will be my earnest endeavour to continue to merit the confidence you have so fully manifested at the Polling Booths This Day, and I desire to express tp^ou one and all my sincere acknowledgments of your great exertions on my behalf throughout the day. lam, Yours very sincerely, G. MAURICE O'RORKB. Onehunga, December 6, 1899. TTILECTORS OF FRANKLIN. ±L — Ladies and Gentlemen— I thank you most heartily for your renewal of confidence, and the honour you have done me in again returning me as your Parliamentary Representative I need hardly assure you that no effort will be wanting on my part to promote the interests of my Constituents and the welfare of the colony, lam, Yours sincerely, W. F. MABBEY Mangere, December 8, 1899. .
Page 19 Advertisements Column 3
Observer, Volume XVIII, Issue 1094, 16 December 1899, Page 19
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