For Sale. TO YACHTSMEN. FOR SALE— The Two Smart Raters 4 f Aone" and "Queen Mab"— two of the fastest of their size m N.Z. Very Cheap. Full particulars from A. L. SMITH, P.O. Box 172, Christchurch. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE, as the Owner is leaving the District— The Thoroughbred Horse LANDSMAN, by Borderman. Apply— H. ROTHWELL, Temuka. TO PUROHASPJRS OF LAND. T^ULL Particulars of LAND FOR SALE on Levels and Pareora Estates, can be obtained through the Managers. "OOR SALEFARMS on Levels and Pareora Estates, For particulars apply to JAMES GRANGER. "OUILDINGS FOR SALE and REMOVAL, about six miles from Albury. Apply, F. B. ASKIN, ■ Albury. "DOR SALE—" """"" ~~ A First Class Eight Horse-power TRACTION ENGINE, Apply to W. H. STEVENS, Hinds. LEVELS AND PAREORA ESTATES. FARMS on the above Estates can ftp purchased through me. Plans aiid Conditions of Sale can be seen, at Mr D.Stuart's,- Cain's Terrace, and Messages left there will receive prompt attention. T. W. LESLIE, Box 99, P.O. FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR PRIVATE SALE. T)ART WAIHAO DOWNS ESTATE, WAIMATE. TERMS LIBERAL. Apply, Messrs Guinness and LeCren, Wright, Stephenson and Co., Dalgety and Co., Friedlander Bros., and F. O. Tabart, or MR DOUGLAS, Waihao Downs or Mt. Royal. Funeral Notices. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Friends of the late Mb Charles George Tripp are respectfully informed that the Funeral will leave the Orari Gorge Station on FRIDAY, the 9th inst., at 12 o'clock noon, for the Woodbury Cemetery. - J. RADCLIFFE, Undertaker, Tenders. TO BUILDERS. rpENDERS will be received until 10.30 X o'clock on TUESDAY, July 13th,. for :— BUILDING LARd;E DWELLING A iND OUTBUILDING AT CAVE. Plan and Specification at our Office, Church Street, Timaru. MRASON & MARCHANT, O.E. and Archts. npENDERS will be received, by Mr A Gordon Wood until 4 O'clock oh FRIDAY, JULY 16th, for— Removing and Re>erecting Yards, etc , for the Agricultural and Pastoral Association. PlsMiv Specification and Conditions can Be seen at our Office, Church Street, Timaru. . . MEASON & MARGHANT, C.E. and Architects. WANTED. rpENDERS for CUTTING, BURNING, GRUBBING Boundary Fences Storcroft. For particulars apply D. McLAREN, Kingsdown. MACKENZIE COUNTY. rpENDERS will be received at the X County Council Office, Fairlie, until NOON, on MONDAY, 12th July, for Erecting Fence m Fairlie Domain. Specifications may be seen at the County Office. X.'L. BANKS, County Clerk. GERALDINE ROAD BOARD. HpENDERS are invited by the above JL Board for the following Works :— ContractNp. 28.— Shingling about 37 Chains of Waihi Gorge Road. No. 29.— Shingling about 2i Miles or Orari Station Road. No. 30.— Making about 14 Chains of Bridle-track, Lynn's Road. Specifications can be seen at the Road Board Office, Geraldine, where Jendeis, endorsed with No. of Contract, addressee to the Chairman, will be reeved till 10 a.m. on TUESDAY, 13th July next. J. O'MALLEY. Overseer to the Board. Road Board Office, , QQ « Geraldine, July sth, 18»/.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume LX, Issue 2441, 8 July 1897, Page 1
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