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Shipping Intelligence.
ARUJVED. , May 10.— Chatham, ship, 530 tons Cole, from London. P«i«mgen— Mr G. O'iver, Mn Oliver, Mr and Mr» Atkliu, Mr and Mm PurneM, anil 6 children, Mr and Mrs Tuckt'r and 5 children, Pierce, 1. N. Watt, agent. May 22.«— Zingan. strnmer, 148 'ons. Million, from the Southern Settlements. Cn neni;cr» —Mr »nd Mrs Foreman, tind 12 children, Mr Doiue I. N. Watt, agent. May 22.— Tuanaki, 90 ton*, Clouston, from Nelson. Passenger— Mr Sanders, I. N. Watt, agent. BAILED. May 23.— Chatham, ship, Cole, for Auckland, May 23.— Zingari, steamer, Million, tor Manukau. Passengers— Mr and Mrs Foote, Messrs. G. Lethbridge, Ford, Millnar, Mrs Johnstons, W. Divei. IMPORTS. Per Chatham— 7 pkgs Scaly, 7do Blackett, 4do Nislj, 5 do Hood, 5 do Watt, 1 do Gudgeon, 1 do Ronalds, 2do Touet, 1 do Code. 2 do Latimcr, I do Long, 6doEsst, 3 do S, P. King, 1 do Ritchie. 2do C. Brown, 1 do Jenkins, 2 do H umpbrics, 1 do Sunley, 8 stoves and 1 plough S. Vickeri. Per Ziugari— 2o boxes soap, 30 do candles, 2 J-cniks port nine, 22 cases wine, 1 cask oil, 2 bags coffee, I bale, 5 ton* coals. Per Taraimki— part of original cargo from Sydney, and 44 quarter barrels gunpowder, tram hipped ex Dunediu from London. XXPORTS. Per Chatham— ls kegs butter. Per Zingari— 2so sheep, 5 pkgs baggage, and 45 kegs butter. The following is thp cargo of the Inchinnan for this port, Arrived at Nelson on the I9th instant— 8 cases, 2 cn«ks, 10 hales, 20 pkges, 8 ditln, 75 bars iron, 47 bundle* iron, 6 boiler plates, 50 share moulds,* 12 arm do, 12 boxes, 301 puckages, I parcel, 13 grindstones, 1 case, 220 packages, L. Nash & Co | 2 pkn» Hursthousc & Smith; 2do B Wells, 4 do T. Hempton, 6 do W K. C, 2 caiks 4 cutra W, X Collins, 1 case 1 box A Grace, 1 do J. Blaokctt, 1 dv E. A. Adams. id.) S Smith, 3 esses 1 bale H Hont-yfiehl, 3 cases J. C. Nield, 1 do G. C, £0 bale< iron, 1 ensk 1 coie Rev G. Bnyley, 1 box Ci W. Richmond, 3 boxes, 1 barrel J. R, Lawton.
I. N. Watt,
It ie our melsnchlioly tusk to announce that a most fenrful collision took place in the channel, off Folkestone, on Sunday evening, February 3, 1856, between the Josephine Willis, Captain Canney, ona of the London anil New Zealand line of pneket ithifit, and a powerful iron screw steamship, called the MangerUm, bound to the Thames from Limn* ick, which resulted in thn foundering of the former •hip, and it is feared a lnmemnble sacrifice iif life. The Josephine Willis was it finUclasa ship, of moo tnm burden. She belonged to Messrs. Fletcher, of Limehouse, (tnd was chartered by Messrs Wlllit »nd Co, who run a regular monthly line of packets to New Zealand, for a voyage to Auckland. She cleared out of St Kntherlnes Dook on Friday, laden with a valnable and miscellaneous cargo. 10 first-class cabin passengers— amongst them Mr and Mrs Ray, and t brother, relatives of the owners— about 60 steerage passengers, and a crew, officers and men. of some 35 in number— upwards of 100 on board all told. She bad passed the South Foreland, and was proceeding satisfactorily, when h cry w«s raised by the look-out foN ward of a light ahead. Whether the steamer taw the Joiephine Willis, oi miscalculated the distance she wm off, are facts yet to be aacei tamed. However, she cime on and struck the ihip omidship with such tremendous force at to cut her down to !ht> water's edge. A scene of the. most painful description ensued, and a rush was mado to get on board the steamer, which wan then ascertained to be ihe Man^erton, Captain Bouoher, from Limerick. Capnin Boucher almost directly backed liis vesstl out from the wreck. He may have had some goud re»ion for doing so, but it ii alleged that had ha remained or stood by, many moro might have been rescued. Only a few managed to scramble on bo»rd the steamer, and several others'were accidentally picked up nficrwards. Captain Can* ney who cxhibltrd the most noble conduct, endenvoured to pacify ihe terrified creatures, and culled to them to come »rt, , where the bulk o( the passengrrt were mst.sfen. The ship then heeled , over, with the end of her yardi in ihe water, and what became of her living freight is at present a | matter of conjecture. It in known that she has gone down as her topsails were to be seen ju*t above water, not far from the spot whcie thu col. Us ion occurred. The Mtns*rton had her bows and stem completely driven in and on sounding the pumps, it wn tsocrtainsd that she was making water. In
addition to those who, got on board her from the wreck, she picked up a bout containing several persons, and ut six o'clock yesterday morning she Anchored off Deal, where several of the rescued passengers were put ashore As itwns considered somewhat unvafe to continue the voyoge she put into Ramsgaic.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume IV, Issue 199, 24 May 1856, Page 2
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867Shipping Intelligence. Taranaki Herald, Volume IV, Issue 199, 24 May 1856, Page 2
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Shipping Intelligence. Taranaki Herald, Volume IV, Issue 199, 24 May 1856, Page 2
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