The unexpected death of Mrs Tal- 1 bot, wife of Mr George Talbot, has cast quite a gloom over Richmond. Deceased was only ill for a few days, and succumbed to an attack of influenza on Thursday evening. She was born at Waymouth, in England, in IS2B, was married in 1857 and arrived in this Colony by the ship Cresswell in 1858. Mr and Mrs Talbot's golden wedding was on August 4tn, and on the following day about; two hundred friends assembled to congratulate them and to present them jfith a token showing the high esteem in which they were held by the public. Little was it thought on that happy occasion that so soon the loving couple would; be separated. Mr Talbot and each member of his family have the deepest sympathy of all who know them. At the City Council last night on the motion of the Deputy Mayor it was resolved that the Town Clerk be instructed to send a letter of sympathy to Mr G. Talbot on the death of his wife. The mover said that Mr Talbofc was for many years Mayor of Eicbmond and had been chairman of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and of the Education Board. He was sure they all sympathised deeply with Mr Talbot in his great loss. . Cr Field in seconding the resolution said not only the Crs but the whole of the citizens sympathised with Mr Talbot. .
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Colonist, Volume XLIX, Issue 12022, 24 August 1907, Page 2
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Colonist, Volume XLIX, Issue 12022, 24 August 1907, Page 2