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A .Former Citizev.— Very many of our readers will fee[ gratified on learning that Dr Ooleman. who. during residence amongst us gained universal esteem, is not merely yib\\, but is still mindful of this place. In a letter covering a valaed contribution from a friend, a gentleman whose opinion on fruit culture is highly esteemed in the Old Country, and whioh appears in another column, Dr Cole* man shows th^rf his inteteat in New Zealand has by no means ceased, His letter concludes with an expression of " every "good wish" fqr charming Nelson," and vre are sure- that if good wishes are of any avail, a long career of health and happiness awaits our worthy former citiaea sm bis eß|imaJble fabpy, ' '
This City Emotion.— Mr William Look informs us thai the tumor current to the i effect that" ha intends offering .himself as a t candidate for tba Nelson Best is oorreot. s The Lost Mail. — We learn from Mr H. c Calders, the chief Postmaster, that he hes receive! adv'ea from Blenheim to the effeot ° hat tbe mail bag lost from ih o.aohintLe * Wairaa river on Sunday wns rcc vored and c taken to blenheim last night. Tho letters were to be dritd and despatched aram by the \ ooaoh, which* le was Bleohein for is' els n this 1 morning. Jj Loyal Marine Lodge. — Notwithstanding the tain there was a good attendance last night at the Port Public Hall, when the 19th * anniversary of tbe Loyal Marine Lodge was * celebra cd. Bro T Leonard, the District Deputy, presided. Songa were contributed by Sistsr Larkins (encored), Bros Betbwaite, Oroudis, Trott, and Mr Oldersbaw (endored). t Sister Goodall and Bro Penny gave excellent j rpoi:atiqae. The proverb, "Honesty is the boat po'ioy," was well acted by Sisters Lines (2) and Bros, Adamson, Lucre, and Simpeon. 'J ho dialogue, " Coaxed and Hoaxed," oreated much amnßement, and was. well placed on the boards by Sieters M. Barltrop, Lines, Leaver, Bros Barltrop (2), and Leaver. Addretses appropriate to the oooasion were given by the Cdairman and Bro Bond. The tickets {■r the well laden Christmas tree were rapidly disposed of, aod the distribution of the prizes cr.ated not a little merriment. Bister M. Barltrop presided at the new American organ. Toe oelebratiou was an entire success, and those who took part in tbe proverb and dialogue deserve special commendation for providing items wtich were very interesting, and whioh ware something novel and out of the ueual lines of eu h celebrations, The Wairarapa ' Daily Times ' of October 13th states:— "We have much pleasure in announcing that Mr J. G. Harkness has definitely decided to contest the Masterton seat against Mr A. W. Hogg. The electorate is to be congratulated on having secured such an excellent candidate. Mr Harkness was returned for Nelson at the last election, and in Parliament acted as a whip for the Opposition. He has proved himself a thor oughly trustworthy representative, and in the House he is greatly respected by both sides. Mr Harkness is a member of a family which has been settled in Bichmond, near Nelson, for many years; and— in oomrnon with other members of his family — he has done much to advance the welfare of the dis rict, He has recently acquired a farm in the Taranaki district, and it is only the determinate to become a candidate for a constituency nearer his place of residence that has made him give up his seat at Nelson. It will be found that Mr Harkness is admrrably suited to represent a constituency like Masterton, and if he is acceptable to the electors they must make every effort to secure his return. Mr Harkness will shortly address meetings throughout the district, when the people will be able to determine for themselves the character and views of the candidate." AjWestland correspondent states:— The Mont dOr Company completed its washings lost week for tbe two monthly period, tbe return beiog 2850z 19Jwts, valued at £1121 53. Accounts amounting to £700 were paid including £200 for road construction f«r the Borough of Boss. They also paid £600 of their liability for the Greenland Company purchase, and hope, if the next washing comes up to expectations, to wipe this liability out, when they oau again commence to pay dividands. A bknsational tragedy wasenaoted in the Charoh of St. Anne, Montpellier, France, on 27th August. While mass was being celebrated an elderly lady proceeded to a pew occupied by M. Jean Jouissant, a prominent lawyer, and fired four shots into his body, killing him instantly. The vti'dest excitement prevailed. Tbe woman told the police thai Jotrissaot refused to return a sum of money whioh she had entrueted to hi 3 oare. Mrs Langtry is the owner of a steam yacht called the White Ladye. It is a large three masted schooner rigged vessel, with handsome appointments. The state rooms and dressing rooms are splendidly fitted up, the walls being hung with pink silk. In the main saloon there are beautifully carved ttbles, handsome settees, and a grand piano. The yacht is lighted by electricity, and is heated by hot water. In summer the air is cooled and forced through the different apartments from the ice house. The London ' Sun ' says of Bishop Julius : '" He has no carriage, but drives about in a cart. He goes out at night in Bohemian fashion, drops into the bars of publichouses, fraternises with the loungers, aud, between drinks, gives them homilies on practical Christianity. He has been known to administer personal chastisement on wife testers, and to assist the police in the execution of their duty." In some of the large London drapers (says 1 Truth,') they keep a salesman, whose sole duty it is to be dscharged whenever a customer comes in to complain of short measure, faulty material, or what not. The salesman is good-looking, and the ladies who get him discharged feel sorry but satisfied. He is sometimes " sacked " a dozen times in one day — and likes it. When a passenger train arrived at Swindon one day recently, a man was discovered lying across the brake-rods beneath one of the carriages. The man was out of work, and had ridden this way from Paddington, with the intention pf geiting to hia home at Bristol. A collection made amongst the passengers enabled the man to complete the journey in a safer manner. The annual cost of funerals in London is estimated at considerably over a million of money. The Oamaru ' Mail ' states that another very important find in moa bones has been made by Mr Flett at Enfield, close to the place of the previous discoveries. The flags to be hoisted at one time in signalling at sea never exceed four. It ia an interesting arithmetical faot that with 18 variously coloured flags, and never more than four at a time, no fewer than 78 642 signals can be given. About 11,000 letters are received at the House of Commons every day duriog the session — or 18 for every legislator if they were all there. Bat of this 18, only five, it appears, get answered, for the House only posts ia its own letter box about 3700 a day. A romantic murder baa taken place jus* outside of Seville. A beautiful Andalasian* happily married to a gnzier, had been persecuted by tbe attentions of a neighbor, who, finding them indignantly repelled, circu'ated reports reflecting on the purity of her obaraoter. At noon on Sunday, the 6th of August, she waited outside the charoh door, and after the celebration of mass, and when her calumniator approaohed her, in his beat apparel and with his most killing smile, she drew a dagger from underneath her slja. wland plunged if in hie heart, exolaiming, " This will teach you not to dishonor women," It seems to be a foregone conclusion in the publio mind that a sympathetic jury will acquit her when she is brooght to trial. One hundred years married j Altogether inoredible, as it may appear, Jhe faot is vouohed for by of^cial documents that, in the month of May, in »h.e year of 1793. Jean Szathmary, of Zsombolyi, in the County of Torondal, jn tbe kingdom of Hungary, was united in marriage to a youthful bride, and that they are both still living. Until quite recently, indeed, they earned a meagre livelihood by the labor of their own hands. They were aged people when tbe oldest inhabitants of the village were boys and girls. So extraordinary a centenary baß brought people from all parts of Hungary to look a.t th/em t and i heir gifts, in addition to a sm.aH pension allowed to the venerable oouple by the municipality of Z.somboiyi, will keep Jean Saathmary and his wife in oomfort for the rest of their days, even if tha^e, Bhould extend to tha commencement of another century.
Cebtainl* the best medioine bcowt, is Sander and Sonß Eucalypti Extract, re&t its eminently powerful eflfeot in ooagbtß colds, influenza— the lelief is instantanoon a Id serious cases, and aooidentß ol all Hinds, be they wounds, burns, Bondings, bruißeß, sprains, it ig tbo esfjist vemedy— no swelling, no inflammation. Like surpriGing ejffoots prodnoed -in'oroup, dipjithona, bronohitis, nflammation of the lunge, swellings, eta. ; diarrbcßß, dyeentty, diseasea of the kidneys and urinary organs In nse at hospitals and medioal clinios ail over the globe 1 patronised by his Majesty the iiipg of Italy; orowned with medal and at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in ibis ap proved attiole and reject all others. . Wk havejust received q, further shipment of Prints, fifuslins. aqd Dresses, all marked yet? Ip tq Qleajc.-Jafl, Artftßttoqg % Qq,
Otjb motto, as in the poet," will be ti) give good valne. reljiog on this rather than to throw oat baits or tp try and o »rry the, people away with exoitement, as Borne firms are continually doing.— Jaa. Armstrong & Co. Notwithstanding the 80-oalled giving articles away, and pretending to Bell staff at lesß than cost (all delusions), we can and do hold our own. Jas. Armstrong & Go, Trafalgar-st. We are honest an-i belieyjo in doing our business in a straightforward manner, as this ij the only way to do a safe and sound business— Jas. Armstrong & 00, Trafjl^r street, Nelson. • A first-olass enlargement and one dozen photograph*, that oannot be beaten io any part of thu world, for 22/6 at Tyree's. Proof 8i wn to < very one. A bise in bbead is oaloalated to affeofe all classes of society more or leas. It would not, however, be generally admitted- by the thrifty housewife that a rise in bread would be benefioial to her interests, bat let her übc " Eareka "\Baking Powder acoordiog to the printed direotions on the tin, and see how the bread rises to her entire satisfaction without injuriously t> fleeting the banking aooount. Ask your grocer for the "Eareka" brand. The "Eojnomio" Drapery Warehonse is now the name of the Establishment long known as the " Hall of Commerce," and that tho new name is most applicable is evidenced by tbe large and iuoreased business done at t'.e corner. Competition is now so keen that every effort has to be pat forth to keep pace with h, and we are determined tbatoome who or what may, we shall not be found wanting. We search evary market for the newest, best, acd cheapest goods ; we keep nothing old-fashioned or of a shoddy nature, and we endeavor by every means in our power to oonduot business ip Buoh a manner a* will please our customers, and give them good value and satisfaction for their money. No one can do mo'e.— A. W. Bain & 00.
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Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7763, 17 October 1893, Page 3
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1,944Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7763, 17 October 1893, Page 3
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Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7763, 17 October 1893, Page 3
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