: NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. ( . ,'. " A LECTURE! (The 'Second of the Series) under the auspices of the j r ., YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION? Will be given in the j PEOVINOIAL HALL,] THIS EVENING, 9th September, at 7.30, •' By:THOMAS fiLCOTT, Esq., .■? -SUBJECT: , , CURIOSITIES OF ANIMAL• LIJ^E. Admission, Is. Members Fr.ee. Ticket; can be had from Messrs J. Hounsell, H. D. Jackson, K. Hadfield, J. S. Jones, and any Member oft the Association. 1329 COLLINGWOOfcD ELECTORS ! - - i •■ Poll for UMs \ ■ ! DO YOUR DUTY ON r THURSDAY! ; By Rejecting th? 1 Nominees of Canterbury & Otago -__. • ' i Record your/Votes ' . '■ POU:. M !' GIBBS. : ! 1— ALL CLAIMS - against Mr ACTON ADAMS'S ELECTION COMMITTEE jars requested to be SENT IN to the Office of Messrs Adams & Kingdon for settlement, c > < 1453 cits: election. \ ■■' mr. a. pitt's executive comMITTEE will meet at the Masbnio Hall, TO* NIGHT (Tuesday) at 8 o'clook sharp. ! 1460 PHIL. TOPLIS3, Hon. Sec r ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF . NELSON. j THE POLL will be DECLARED at the Photinoial Ham, on TUESDAY, the 9th September, at.ll o'clock in the Forenoon. I * . H. CLINTON S. BADPELEY, j 1438 i' , Returning Officer.) ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF THE SUBURBS OF NELSON; - -'*- ' ■ : THE POLL will be DECLARED at the" Pkotinoiai Hah. on TUESDAY, the 9th of September, at 12 o'clock in the Forenoon,' ■ ,' H. CLINTON S. BAD'DELEY, 1437 - Returning Officer., i \ ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WAIMEA. ' Nelson, Bth September, 1873.! SlB, —I hereby,;withdraw from Candidature1 (or eleotion to the House of Representatives for the, Disfcriot of Wftimea. , '. ( , ] I have, &c, , ' ' \ ' OSWALD'CURTIS.J , Signed by Oswald Curtis, in the presence of H. E. OpßTis, J.P. . :..).! To the Returning Officer for Waimea District,. '', Nelßon. , ! ' i ', . •' i j ■ ■ , < i To the Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Waimea. ' : • ' I, the undersigned, hereby give notice that I withdraw my name as a Candidate at the'election of {a member of the House of.Representatives for the Electoral Distriot of Waimea. - ; , ; W. ACTON B; ADAMS, ■ - " - Freeholder, * < " .• - ■ Nelaon. Signed in the presence of Robekt Pollock, a J.P. (■ of the Colony of ISew Zealand. - IN comequence of the Withdrawal of.;thie abovenamed Candidate!, the following Person is DULY ELECTED for the ab'oVenamed District:— ■ SHEPHARD, JOSEPH, Femhill/Freehold." ~ | Hi CLINTON S. BADDELEY,* *- ' 1459 ' Returning Officer; , _ CITY OF NELSON. - ' ' _ ; ; ELEOTION OF COUNCILLORS.- :' , IN. pursuance of the. provisions of " The Regulation of Local Elections, Act, 1876/' I and " The Municipal Corporations Aot, 1876," I hereby give notice that a 'POLL will be taken for the ELEOTION of THREE COUNCILLORS of the • City of Nelaon, on THURSDAY, the llth day of September, at the City Council Chamber, Nelson, commencing at Nine o'clook in the Morning, and closing at Six o'clock in the Afternoon. • f The following Penons have been, duly .Nominated at Candidates:— _ < ; t,■, j Eyebett, Edwabd \'. . , j -. -: GbEIO-,. CnARLES ,> . ' ;■ i. '" Haeley, Joseph Auty Hofnsell, Henby .«.j .., , Leveßta.m, "Henry AuGusxps j LeYIEN,JKOBEET j, S -;.;,.' i ; Stbingeb, Thomas Hoyle.,, ; ; ' ' Dated this 3rd day of September, 1879. > j ALFRED GREENFIELD, j 1430 • ' Returning Offioer. i CITY COUNGIL ELECTION; • - ••—- ' - " ■ ! LADIES and GENTLEMEN—Being a nominaled Candidate for on* of tha Seats in the City Council, it i is but right you should know some of my opinions on I looal affairs. I I do not approve of taking up the present and laying a larger wattr main pipe in Brook street, for this reason :—lt will be of Tery littU- benefit unless the mains through the town are replaced with larger onei alio; and before costly works of' thokind are carried out a vote of the ratepayers should be takent I approve of all work done for the Corporation being tendered for—if praotioable.' '' r ' •• Also of the City being divided into wards, that the outskirU ihould be represented. Remaining { f| Tour obedient iervant,. .a ' ; 1451 T. H, SIRINaER.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Colonist, Volume XXII, Issue 2598, 9 September 1879, Page 2
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