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News of the week .
One train now runs between Invorcargill | and the Bluff every Sunday. Miss Jane Miller, of Waikouaiti, has been appointed assistant teacher in the Girls' High' School. It is stated on good authority that Mr Donald Reid, M.H.R., intends to resign his Wat in the General Assembly. In a supplement to this issue will be found Mi advertisement of Professor Stanich, Palestinian aurist, who has lately arrived in Dunedin from Victoria. ' The cricket match between the Australian eleven and, the Hawke's Bay twenty- two resnlted'in'a victory for the Australians in one innings by 33 runs. We understand that a petition is in course oi signature praying that the junction of the Tuapekft line, with the main line of railway may, be removed from Clarksville to Milton. Councillor Smith has given notice of his intention to move, at the next meeting ,of the ' Bruce County Council, that all tolls within the County be abolished. Mr' Charles William Purnell, of Dunedin, was admitted and enrolled as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, on the 29th ultimo, by htß Honor Mr Juatioe Williams. ' The Churchman understands " that the Roy. R, L. Stanford has forwarded to the Bishop his resignation qf the cure of All Saints', to take effect from the 30th of September.'.' We hear on good authority (says tho Southland News) that Mr T. Pratt has been appointed a niember of the Southland Waste Lands' Board vice Mr Wm. Wood, M.H.R., We understand that the Hon, the Minister ef Lands, Mr Macandrew, will leave Wellington about the 15th instant on a visit to Martin's Bay and Jackson's Bay, on the West Coast. Mr Henry Clark, chairman of' the Bruce County Council, has kindly presented the sum of £10 10a to the Bruce Rifles, to bo competed for by the company, Captain Pettit being empowered to make the arrangements for the competition. The vetea of the householders in the Borough of Mornington were taken on the 3lßt to decide whether the proposed loan of £2000 for borough purposes should be negotiated. The polling showed the result to be 61 fori and 67 against tho proposal. Four votes were informal. The Nelson Company, at the Blue Spur, are ereoting an additional ten head of stampera to their present battery. Three engineers from Messrs Kincaid, M 'Queen, and Co.'s establishment are executing the work, which is ■ expected to bo completed by the end of the present month.
With reference to the application for space for exhibits at the Australian Juvenile Industrial Exhibition, the Australasian says that all tho Australian Colonies, except Queensland, are represented, but the Victorian exhibits are immensely in excess of all others ; New South Wales coming next, and New Zealand third. Hi* Excellency the Governor, under section 18 of tho Education Act, has appointed the month of February for the nomination by each School Committee of two persons eligible as candidates for election to the Education Board, and tho month of March for. the selection of nine persons cho; en from the list of candidates so nominated.
The usual fortnightly catechetical sermon was deliveied' on the 3rd at Knox Church by the Rev Dr Stuart, who took for his text the " Ten Patriarchs of the Old Testament from Adam to Noah." The evening being unusually fine, there was a largo mustering of the children, while tho Church was crowded by the members of the congregation. and others.
Within the last thies months Messrs Reid and Gray have manufactured 281 of their improved two»horse back delivery reaping machines for this harvest, and have still 20 orders to complete. They are now making two binding reapers, one for the Henley Estate, and one for Mr J. A. Duthie, of Tokomairiro, and are making preparations for the manufacture of a large number , of reapers and binders far next year. Ordors are begiuning to come in far double-furrow ploughs, and Messrs Reid and Gray expect to manufacture over a thousand for next season,
At a recent conference between the Hon. W. J. M. Lirnaoh, Miuistor of Public Works, Mr (Janubhers, Eugineer-in-Chief, and Mr William, (Jtwyers, linpeotiug Engineer of South lalmd railways, it was resolved that teudera should be called for in tho Colony for tho manufacture of 600 railway waggons, similar to those in use on the New Zualand railways, including all the wood and iron work. i*A fire broke out at Ravensbourne on Monday, about midnight, resuliing in the total destruction of a dwelling-housa belonging to a resident named Webber. How the fire originated is not known. Little or none of tho contents were saved, the inmates having barely time to escape before the place was reduced to ashes. The house was insured for £150 with, the National Company,
At the Catholic missions held at St. Joseph's Church on the 4th instant at halfpast 5 and 9 o'clock there was a crowded attendance. Father Honnebery preached from the text, " Whose Bins ye shall forgive they are forgivan ; whose sins ye shall retain they are retained," giving a lengthy explanation of the sacrament of penance, and the manner in which it should be approached. In the evening, after explaining the use of the Rosary, he preached from the same text in the morning.
Messrs J. M'Gregcr and Howden waited upon the Hon. the Minister for Public Works on the 4th as representing settlers and others interested in the constr action of the line of railway between Duntroon and Round Hill, and asked that the survey of the line might be proceeded with at as early a date as possible. The Hon. Mr Larnach. complied with the wishes of the deputation, and asked the Engiueer-in-Chief, Mr Carrutbers, to arrange for tho survey of the line at once.
Residents in the Lower Shotover District have been enjoying very genial weather for the past two or three wesks, and the harvest is now becoming general. Queenstown has been rather lively during the past month owing to the influx of vibitora. Among them were the Hon. W. J. M. Larnach, Mr Carruthers, Mr W. N. Blair, and Mr Wm. Conyers, who, with a number of other gentlemen, hired the steamer Antrim, and made a tiip to the head of Lake Wakitipu.
The annual picnic in aid of tho funds of St. John's Church, Milton, waa held in tho local drill-shed on the sth. It was purposed to have held it at the usual place— The Grove, the property of Mr George Jones— and until this year it has always been an out-door affair, bub owing to the damp and threatening weather it was deemed advisable to hold it under cover. The following ladies presided at the tables : — Mesdames Pettit, A. Jones, E. Marryatt, Ronaldson, Grey, and Rudman. &rMuch interest appeared to be taken at the Athenaeum on the 4th in the trial of Mr Henry's new telephone. All the evening a room on the ground floor and one in the basement were more or less thronged by persons eager to send and receive messages. The instrument, in spite of great drawbacks in tho way of noise, worked admirably throughout, and by means of resistance coils communication was established to a distance equal to close upon a hundred milee.
Harvesting was commenced on the 31st at Mr James Shand's farm, Abbotsford, which is the largest farm on the Taieri Plain, with the exception of the Henley Estate. ' There are 400 acres of wheat, and 140 acres of oats, all of which are in splendid condition, and will probably yield morethan an average crop, as in ordinary seasons the growth is so Juxuririant that the grain lies down. On Monday next Mr Shand will have a Woorls's reaper and binder, and four of Reid and Gray's reaping machines at work. There are also on thus farm 20 acres of potatoes, and 120 acres of turnips, which promise a full return. )
The second anniversary of the Albany Btreet Baptist Church was celebrated on the 6th. The preliminary tea meeting was well attended, after which the chair was taken by Mr J. A. D. Adams, who gave an interesting account of the Church's operations for the past year. Tho report and balance sheet were read by Mr Thorncroffc. Tho latter showed a balance of over £30 to the good. Addresses were delivered by Mr Wright on " Personal Effort ;" by Rev. J. M. Innes, on "Christian Responsibility \* by Mr Torrance, " To tho Young ;" by Mr Haley, of the Christian Disciples, on "Unity;" by Mr J. G. Fraser, on "Home Influence ;" and also by Mr Matthews. The Theatre Choir sing a number of sacred pieces during the evening.
At a meeting of the Southland Coursing Club, held on Saturday, a letter was read from tho secretary of the Christchurcli Club suggesting the appointment of one judge for the whole of the Middle Island, and naming Mr F. Gardiner as a suitable peisor. It was decided to ask Mr Lloyd, judge last year, to act this year also, and in the event of his accejiting the position, to inform Mr Gardiner accordingly. Mr G. T. Stevens and Mr R. Blackham wero elected members of the Club, Tho, following prizes were assigned for the Waterloo meetiDg, the number of dogs being fixed at 64 : -The first dog to receive £100 and a piece of plate value £20 ; 'che second £50, two £20 each, four £5 each, eight £2 10s each, and sixteen £1 10s each. There will also be a Waterloo purse, to be competed or by losers in the first event.
By invitation of Mr Lubecki we had the pleasure of being present at a practical test of the telephone in the Dunedin Telegraph Office on Saturday, tho 2nd. The test was conducted between Tokomairiro and Dunedin, the telephone used being one of those recently constructed by Mr Charles Henry, an electrician of considerable ability now residing in Dunedin. The telephone instrument and wire were connected to the ordinary telegraphic wire which communicates with Milton, this arrangement being repeated at the Milton end. A large number of questions were asked, and each was replied to instantaneously by the persons in Milton, tbe distance there and back being about 75 miles. Not only could the words spoken at either end be clearly heard, but the difference in the tone of voices was easily dlatinguielied. The teefc was a most bugceseful ono in every respect, and the rapidity •with which questions were answered was simply marvellous,
j The February number of the New Zealand I Churchman, tho organ of the Church of England in this Diocese, is issued under the management and editorship of Mr James Ashcroffc, the journal having recently changed hands. With the change, it is satisfactory to note that there is a decided improvement ill ios appearance. Its local columns are Bpecially interesting, and tho selection of articles throughout its page 9 botrays a thorough knowledge of the requirements of itsreaders. The journal is evidently going to be conducted with vigour and ability, and we trust it will meet with largely extended support.
Our Fortrose correspondent writes : — We are now getting excellent weather, and t'le grass crops are looking well. A really excellent cample of seed is anticipated — in fact, one merchant has been through tho district during tho past week, and I hear of three or four settlers who disposed of their crops of grass-seed to him at 6s per bushel. This speaks well for the capabilities of the soil and climate. Shearing^ is now general, but very backward on account of the late unsettled weather. In fact, the harvest is bidding fair to overtake some unless they display great energy. Crops of all descriptions are looking really excellent, and should the present fine weather continue will soon be ready for operating upon.
At a special meeting of the Indian Famine Relief Committee, held on the 31st ult. in the Mayor's room, there were present the Mayor (in the chair), Revs. Dr Roseby, A. Blake, and J. Ward, Hou. H. S. Chapman. Moasrs Rennie and J. James, assistantsecretary. The balance-sheet was read to tlie meeting, showing that the total contribution of the Otago Provincial District towards the relief fund was £4342 6s Bd. A balance in hand of £37 8s 3d was reported. Notice having been received that the account in London had been closed, and the sum being too small to be returned to the contributors, it was resolved to hand it over to the Benevolent Institution. The meeting then closed-
The following alterations in the rates of conveyance of native coal on Government railways are gazetted to come infeo force on and after the lßt day of February, 1878 :— Conveyance of native coal from colleries, Is 6d per ton for a distance of three miles and under ; 2s 6d per ton for distances over three miles and not exceeding 15 miles ; 2d per ton per mile for each additional mile up to 25 miles ; l£d per ton per mile for each additional mile up to 50 miles ; Id per ton per mile for each additional mile. Full truck charged for. Minimum charge on anyone consignment to be £7 ; trucks will be allowed to remain at coal pits eight working hours for the purpose of leading, after which demurrage will be charged at the rate of £1 per day or fraction thereof.
A meeting of gentlemen favourable to the construction of a branch railway from Waimate to tho Waiho, was held on Wednesday evening last, in the Wamiate Road Board office. The proceedings were "private,", but the Waitangi Tribune has gleaned since that iii is intended to form a company under the Government guarantee system, with capital of £100,000, to construct a line from Waimato to wirhin two miles of Myer's Creek. A provisional directory was appointed, including Messrs John and M. Studholme, E. Parker, M'Gregor, Howdon, A. M'Lean, J. Bruce, J. Lees, L. Price, and Moody. Mr VVynn Williams, solicitor of Christchurch, was to be deputed to do the preliminary business, • and the gentlemen through whose property tho railway will run are disposed to work amicably together.
A question was raised at the meeting of the newly-elected Dunedin School Committee on the Ist inst. with reference to the action that should be taken towards securing an increase of the salaries of the teachers under the superintendence of the Committee. It was agreed by all the members that the subject waa one calling for immediate treatment. Mr Fish suggested that the Committee should deal specially with the matter, and arrange if possible for a proper classification in the matter of salaries. One difficulty in the way, however, is that in the meantime tho Comrnitteo have no information as to how they will ba situated under the new state of affairs a3 regards funds at their disposal ; and a committee consisting of Messrs J^ell and Ramsay was appointed to consult with tho secretary of the Education Board with the view of discovering whether anything definite can bs ascertained about money matters.
The annual meeting of tho subscribers to the Tuapeka Goldfields Hospital wa3 held in the Town Hall on tho 29th ult. The chair was occupied by Mr E. H, Carew, R.M., President. The usual statement and report were read and received, and af tervotes of thanks to tho resident Burgeon, Dr Stewart ; the wardsmun, Mr Corrison, and retiring Committee, 31 subscribers were nominated for the new Committee. The result of the ballot was as follows : — Carow, 25 ; Hayes, 20 ; Kin?, 19 : Harrop, 17 ; Williams, 17 ; Williamson, 17 ; Tanton, 16 ; Dr Withors, 15 ; lioughan, 14 ; M 'Kinlay, 13 ; F. Nichol, 12 ; W. D. Morrison, 12. Also the following country members : — Cox and Buchanan, Waipori, 21 and 18 ; BeiahtoD and Mackay, Teviot, 20 and 12 ; making up tho total number to 19. The infusion of new blood on the Committee will no doubt be the the means of drawing in
much larger subscriptions than were received last year.
We learn that ifc is tho intention of the Friendly Societies having an interest in the gardens at Sawyer'a Bay to hold a united fete there on the Anniversary Day of the Province. On the 30th ultimo a meeting of delegates took place at Carroll's FoteJ, and committees were appointed to carry out the ftibe. From the large experience a majority of the members have in such matters, we bavo every confidence in believing that, should tho weather prove favourable, the affair will be a great success. The object in viow is to raise funds for the purpose of still further improving the grounds, so as to make them a i'avoimte place of resort for picnics, febes, and ploasure parties! in the summer season. We understand that at all former fetes held by the Friendly Societies tho Railway Department always encouraged them to the utmost of their power by running special trains and giving them return tickets at reduced ratus. Those in power now will probaLly bo animated by a similar spirit,
Tho annual meeting of the Tokomairiro Presbyterian congregation was held in the church, Milton, on the evening of Thursday, 31at January. The Rev. Jas. Clmholin presided. From the report of the session it appeared that the work of the Church had been carried on during the past year with a fair measure of Buccess. Thirty- three new members had been added to the roll, whilst 18 had removed to other districts, and tw had died. The financial statement showetl a total incomo for the year of £849 2a Cd. Of this, tho sum of £257 was contributed to the Suatentation Fund, and about £80 for missions. Amongst the collections there were — for the Benevolent Institution, £10 12s ; for local charity, £8 ; for Patients and Prisoners Aid Society, £10 ; for Indian Famine Relief Fund, £57 14s. On the motion of Mr J. E. Brown, seconded by Mr Jameß Adam, the report was unanimously adopted. Considering tho depressed state of business in Milton this congregation may fairly be congratulated on its financial prosperity.
Mr De Lautour, M.H.R., gave his valedictory address to his constituents, in the National School, St. Bathan's, on the 29th ult. Mr Ewing was in the chair. After he had given a preliminary account of his stewardship, which he has fulfilled with honesty and ability for the period of four years, he spoke at some length of Sir George Grey, and contradicted the statements published in some of the leading journals of New Zealand, in regard to Sir George having an ill feeling towards the Governor. He hoped the time would shortly come when the Governor of the Colony would be cliosen by the people — a change in tl*e mode of appointing the Governor which would cause the people of the Colony to be more loyal to Imperial interests. Mr De Lautour made special and instructive reference to mining matters. The inhabitants of Mount Ida district will have some difficulty in finding another representative to equal Mr De Lautour. Ho has never swerved from the promises made in hu address to the electors about four years ago.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1367, 9 February 1878, Page 16
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3,180News of the week. Otago Witness, Issue 1367, 9 February 1878, Page 16
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News of the week. Otago Witness, Issue 1367, 9 February 1878, Page 16
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