A challenge to Mr. J. A. C. Allum to prove that be has the official endorsement as Coalition candidate for Auckland West was issued by Mr. H. R. Mackenzie, United Party candidate, from the platform of the West End Theatre, Ponsonby Road, last evening, at the commencement of his address to electors. "There is something I wish to say, before I commence, about the official Coalition nomination," "said Mr. Mackenzie. "Mr. Allum stated, as no doubt you read in the newspapers, that he had received endorsement as the official nominee. Then Mr. Coates said there was a mistake. Then Mr. Allum said he was the Coalition Reform candidate. Now ho says he is the Coalition candidate. You can see it posted up all over his rooms. "I am going to challenge Mr. Allum to-night that, if he can prove he has the official endorsement of both parties, I will withdraw. If he has not, let him withdraw and we can have a fair go together." GRADUATED LAND TAX. ABOLITION DEFENDED. HON. J. A. YOUNG AT TE RAPA. [from our own correspondent.] HAMILTON. Thursday. Unanimous support for the Minister of Health, the Hon. J. A. Young, who is contesting the Hamilton seat in the interests of the Coalition Party, was accorded at a meeting of electors at Te Rapa last evening. Mr. W. Nesbit-Smith presided over a good attendance. Dealing with the land super-tax imposed in 1929, Mr. Young said the measure had failed to accomplish its purpose and had resulted in serious loss to a large circle of the rural community. It was a contributory factor in creating further unemployment. Industry whether in the town or country, could stand only a limited amount of taxation, beyond which it was unsafe to go. The evidence submitted to the Economy Committee so clearly established this fact that the Coalition Government had abolished tho graduated .land tax, continued Mr. Young. One effect of this was that already men who had areas of undeveloped country were re-arranging their plans with a view to employing labour to bring it into profitable occupation and thereby doing something to increase production. The speaker contended that the institution of the Coalition Government had already established confidence in many quarters. The return of Coalition candidates throughout the country was the best guarantee of the growth and development of that confidence. A vote of thanks and confidence was carried without dissent. THE WHEAT INDUSTRY. HIGH PRICE OF BREAD. MR. H. E. HOLLAND'S VIEWS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.") OAMARU, Thursday. Mr. H. E. Holland, Leader of the Labour Party, addressed electors at the Waitaki hydro-electric works this afternoon, when he received an enthusiastic reception and a vote of thanks. This evening he addressed a large audience at the Oamaru Opera House. The Mayor, Mr. J. M. Forrester, presided and also on the platform was Mr. P. Malthus, the local Labour candidate. The meeting had added interest by reason of the fact that this is the first occasion upon which Labour has contested the Oamaru seat. Mr. Holland dealt with details of the Labour policy and outlined events leading up to the formation of the Coalition. Speaking on the wheat duties question, Mr. Holland said the Labour Party would not let any industry in the Dominion be injured from outside. There were 50,000 people dependent upon wheat production for their living. It was true that in some parts of New Zealand the price of bread was abnormally high. He had gone into the question of the high price of bread, but could not find that the wheat farmer got the benefit of tho high price. A Labour Government would investigate the production of wheat and of flour and would look into the operations of the wheat industry generally. LABOUR LEADER'S OPPONENT. EX-MAYOR OF WESTPORT. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] WELLINGTON, Thursday. The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes, and the Rt. Hon. J. G. Coates > have announced that Mr. John Menzies, j ex-Mayor of Westport, has been selected : as the official Coalition candidate to con- j test the Buller seat in opposition to the ! Leader of the Labour Party, Mr. H. E. | Holland. !
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 21035, 20 November 1931, Page 13
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