The death of a well-known lawyer and politician of nearly 40 years' standing, Mr. C. E. Button, of Prospect Terrace, Mount Eden, is announced this morning. Mr. Button, who had reached the age of 82 years, was a native of Launceston, Tasmania. He passed his legal examinations in that State, and practised there for a brief period. He came to New Zealand in 1863 and commenced the practice of his profession at Invercargill. Two years later he removed to Westland, then in the height of its prosperity as a goldproducing district. His first partner was .Mr. W. S. Reid. who afterwards became Solicitor-General. Mr. Button at that time was regarded as the foremost authority on mining law in New Zealand. He frequently appeared as a solicitor in the Westland Courts before Dr. J. Giles, now of Auckland, who was then warden and magistrate at Hokitika. On many of these occasions Mr. Button was opposing counsel to the late Mr. R. J. Seddon. then a prominent mining advocate on the West Coast. The friendship then formed with Mr. Sneddon continued, despite differences ,in political views, up till the time of the late Premier's death in 1906.
In 1868 Mr. Button was elected to the Westland County Council, and about the same time he was elected Mayor of Hokitika. In 1876 he was elected to the House of Representatives as one of two members for Hokitika. Mr. R. J. Seddon, who entered the contest later, made hi 3 first effort to enter Parliament at this election. He was unsuccessful, this being the only occasion on which the distinguished Premier of after years suffered defeat at the polls. In 1878 Mr. Button resigned his seat owing to his constituents passing a resolution, in which they thanked him for his services, but expressed regret that he • was not a supporter of Sir George Grey. Mr. Button's successor was Mr. Seymour Thome George. In 1880 Mr. Button removed to Christchurch, where he remained for about two years and then came In Auckland and joined the legal firm of Whiiaker and Russell. The late Mr. Thos. Buddie was on the staff of the same firm. On the death of Sir Frederick Whitaker and the retirement of Mr. Thos. Russell, Messrs. T. and C. F. Buddie were joined by Mr. Button, and the late firm of Buddie, Button, and Co. was thus brought into being. In 1893 Mr. Button was again elected to Parliament as one of the members for Auckland City. He held the seat until 1b96 when he" failed to secure re-election, although he polled over 4000 votes. He was the first Mayor of Birkenhead, and he held this position for 12 years. In 1907 Mr. Button was appointed a temporary Judge of the Supreme Court, and he held this position for a year or two during the absence of one of the Judges on leave. The late Mr. Button was keenly -interested in scientific matters, chemistry and electricity being the branches of study that principally claimed his attention. He also took an active part in religious matters, and although adhering generally to the Congregational denomination he filled offices in various other churches at different times. He was an active supporter in Auckland of the Y.M.C.A. Mr. Button, who was a widower, married a daughter of Mr Henry Cowell, of Cullenswcod. Tasmania' He leaves a daughter. Mrs. A Tavlor who, with her husband, is engaged in missionary work in Chefoo, in connection with the China Inland Mission, and a son Mr. EH. Button, who is farming in the Waikato district. The funeral took place at the Waikaraka Cemetery Yesterday.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17665, 29 December 1920, Page 6
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