" MARSDEN ELECTORATE. " THE WHANGAREI LIBEAAL ASSOCIATION Has selected Mr .TAMES HARRISON As the Liberal Government Candidate for Varsden. F. J. PRYOR, Chairman. [ TO THE ELECTORS BAY OE ISLANDS ELECTORATE. Ladies and Gentlemen,- • I am a Candidate for your suffrages at the forthcoming General Election, and if my conduct as your representative, for the lastthree years has met with your approval, I hope to meet with your support. Yours faithfully, ROBT. M. HOUSTON. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BAY OF ISLAND* DISTRICT. Gentlemen, — I beg respectfully to announce myself as a candidate for the Bay of Islands seat at the next General Election. I will meet the electors in the various centres as soon as possible after the present session of Parliament is over. I am, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, JAM US TROUNSON. Dargaville, Sept. 2, 1893. MARSDEN ELECTION" -V/TR ROBERT THOMPSON will address the Electors of Marsden as under :— o'clock. KAMO, on Monday, {he 27th November, at 7.30. T. H. STEADMAN, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Cameron-st. , WHiNGA It V. I . MONEY TO LEND ON GOOD SEC URIT &«LAR7v-Bfl£ ALKER, » U L AT? K- ff ALKER, SHAREBROKER AND MINING COMMISSION AGENT. BANK-STREET, WHAN3AREI. of the Whangarei Brokers' Association.) [A Caep.J BARRISTER any SOLICiTOB, WHANGAREI (Late Thoene and Caeeuth). ■ -■<^wia!i'wu:wjjiv^uijnw3i» i-.F;'.mi<i,um;ainaagp
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Northern Advocate, 25 November 1893, Page 4
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