New Advertisements. THIS DAY. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2«TH. CHRIST CHURCH MARKET. Auction Sale of horses, cattle, pig", poultry, flour, produce, groceries, oilmen's stores, blankets, boot®, furniture, &c. Also, By instructions of the Sheriff of Canterbury, IK RE GRANT V. TURNBULL. ONE HOUSE, And other effects. Sale to commence at half-past 11 o'clock. Terms at sale. H. E. ALPORT, , CK Auctioneer. §765 FOR SALE BT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON TUESDAY, THE 12th SEPT., 1865, At the Offices of Messrs. BURXKLL, BENNETT & SPROT, Hereford Strekt, Christchurch, The Freehold Estate, known as CHIPPENHAM LODGE, ST. ALBANS. THIS beautiful property pleasantly situated at St. Albans (adjoining the estates of D. Innes and J. T. Peacock, Esqs.), comprises nearly TWENTY-SIX ACRES OF MEADOW AND GARDEN LAND. The paddocks are securely fenced, and subdivided by well-grown gorse hedges. The whole property is surrounded with a well-planted belt of trees. The improvements consist of a substantial SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, Plastered throughout, STABLES, YARDS, SHEDS, be. There is a plentiful supply of water on the premises. A most magnificent Pleasure Garden, with Lawn, and a splendid collection of Shrubs, Btc.
The Kitchen Garden and Orchard are abundantly stocked with fruit trees, &c., and the Auctioneers can confidently assert that a more compact or desirable little estate is not at present in the market. Terms at Sale. Sale at 2 o'clock. Plans, &c.. of the property can be seen, and every information obtained, at the offices of the Auctioneers, Hereford street, Christchurch. August 23rd, 1865. 6773 BARNARD'S. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. TO BREEDERS OF SHEEP, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. FOR POSITIVE SALE,| THREE PURE-BRED SOUTHDOWN RAM LAMBS. MR. W. D. BARNARD will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Repository, THIS DAY, THREE PURE-BRED SOUTHDOWN RAM LAMBS. Sale at Twelve o'clock. NO RESERVE. 6749
TO FARMERS AND STOCKOWNERS. TICK. GEORGE D. LOCKHART -A*-*- Jim made arrangements with Mr Hetherington to hold MONTHLY SALES AT HIS STOCKYARDS, AT PAPANUI, or ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF STOCK AND PRODUCE. The Sales will take place on THE FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH, Punctually at one o'clock. Farm produce, Dead Stock of all kinds, will be bought privately, at market rates, immediately after the public sale. GEORGE D. LOCKHART, Lite Stock Salesman, &c., Colombo and Hereford street. Entries may be made with Mr. Hetherington, and charged at the rate of— 2s 6d per head for cattle and horses 2d for sheep and goats 6d for pigs 6778 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE HEATHCOTE DISTRICT.
GENTLEMEN, -I beg to ofifer myself a# a candidate to fill the vacancy in the representation of your district in the Provincial Council, caused by the retirement of Mr. J. C. Aikman. Should you favour me with your support, it will be my earnest desire to forward the welfare of this province, and of your district, to the best of my judgment and ability. I hope soon to have an opportunity of stating to you my views on the several subjects that are likely to occupy the attention of the Provincial Council. I shall endeavour, as far as my official duties will permit, to call upon you personally. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, 6711 c EDWARD JOLLIE.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1469, 26 August 1865, Page 4
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