LOST.— £2 REWARD. A LARGE BAY MARE, known as Crimea, stands about 16 hands high ; has two Avhite hind fetlocks; branded M and son the off or near thigh. Whoever avi'll on finding the same deliver her to Mi. C. Turner, Christchurch, or Mr. Parkinson, Mitre Hotel, Lyttelton, will receive the above reAvard. 72.36 c TO RICHARD PACKER ESQ., M. P. C. Christchurch, November 3, 1856 QIIR, —On the occasion of the last Election kj for the General Assembly, you were invited to come forward for the representation of Christchurch, an invitation Avhien. you then declined to accept, because of the Avish so universally expressed that Mr. Sewell should be sent up to Auckland. Mr. Sewell having resigned his seat and gone to England, Aye hav re again to request that you will alloAv j'ourself to be put in nomination for the A racant seat, and we pledge ourselve to use our best exertions to secure your Election. We are, Sir, Your very obedient Servants, Subscribed by upwards of 40 Electors. Christchurch, Nov. 4th, 1856. /~1 ENTLEMEN,—I beg to acknowledge VJC the above kind invitation to allow myself to be put in nomination as a Candidate for the vacant seat for Christchurch in the General Assembly. I am fully sensible of the honor intended me, and put myself into your hands, and should you succeed in returning me. you may confidently- rely upon my exerting m3 rself to the utmost of my abdities to forward your interests, and those of the Colony generally. I remain respectfully, Your very obedient Servant, RICHARD PACKER. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY^. Established in 1836. EMPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. THE AMOUNT OF CAPITAL Subscribed exceeds £1,500,000. The Liability of the Proprietors is declared by the Company's Act of Parliament to be unlimited. BUSINESS. Insurance against Loss by Fire of Property of every description. Life Insurance in all its branches. Insurance of Leases for Years, by which the value of Property so held is made equal to freehold. life department. Parties Insuring in the aboA re Department are allowed to reside in any part of NeAv Zealand or Australia (excepting the ''Diggings/) FIRE DEPARTMENT. Since its establishment in 1836, the Committee has paid, for Losses by Fire, the sum of £241,000. This fact is the best evidence of the service it has rendered the public, and the strongest ground on Avhich to rest its claims to public favour. The premiums are moderate ; the settlement of. claims liberal and prompt. PREMIUMS. On detached Dwelling Houses "£ £1 per cent per and Property therein ... 3 annum. On Warehouses and Stores . . 2 do., do. On Hotels and Lodging-") houses ) 3 do., do. No charge for Policy, however small the amount of Insurance. Agents for New Zealand : COOKSON, BOWLER, AND CO., LYTTELTON. WILLIAM BOWLER, SON, AND CO., AY ELLINGTON. Who are fully empoAvetvd to issue Policies and settle claims, on satisfactory proof of loss, and to appoint Agents in other Settlements. PIA N O EOR SALE (Collard). nearly new. Apply toJ. LONGDEN.
Page 9 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume VI, Issue 422, 19 November 1856, Page 9
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