The followlug list of members of the new Parliament uhnwa the relative strength of the parties :— O< 0. 1. }Hon, Ti Thompson. Auokland City.. 1 J. j! Holland, Auckland City.. „ 1 JW. Crowther, Auokland City _ 1 tF. Lawry, Parnell 1 JSirG.M. O'Rorko.Manukau .. _ 1 tW. F. Massey, Franklin _ _ I I*. W. Lang, Waikato .. 1 W. H. HerrlOß. Bay of Plenty.. .. 1 tHon A. J. Cadman, Ohinoorarl .. 1 } J. M'Gowan, Thames . . . . _ 1 JR.M. Houston. Bay of Jslaoda .. 1 a. Thompson, Maraden „ _ ..1 R. Monk, Waitemata .. _ .. 1 J. Bollard, Eden 1 Hon. J, Carroll, Walapu „ „ 1 R. 1), U. M'l.ean, Naplor .. _ 1 (Captain Russell, Hawko's Bay .. I G. Huntor, Waipawa .. _ „. 1 H. Brown, Taranaki „ 1 W. Sjmeß, Egmout .. _ ..1 M'Gniro, Hawcra _ .. „ 1 A.. W. Hogg, Mastorton.. _ ..1 J. O'Meara, Pahiatua _ . . _ 1 tW. C, Buohinan, Wairarapa.. .. 1 G. Hutchißon, Fatea _ .. .. 1 P. Pirani, Palmerßton _ _ _ 1 J. Stevens. Manawalu ..■ _ „ 1 H. «. Field, Otaki -.1 T. M. Wilford, Wellington Suburbs 1 J. Hutaheson, Wellington City „ 1 }Sir B. Stout, Wellington City - 1 G. Fleher, Welliagton City „ ..1 G. Carson, Wanganui _ . . _ I F. I,ethbrid«o. Kangitlkel 1 JJ. Graham, Nelson _ _ ..1 R. M'Kenzie, Motueka _ 1 : I". L. Bulok, Wairau _ _ _ 1 P. J. O'Rcgan, Bullor 1 :a. R, Gulneßa. Grey _ „ 1 ;Hon. R. J Koddon, Weatland _ 1 [R. Meredith. ABhloy 1 rR. Mooro, Knipol 1 tW. W. Tanner, Avon .. .. „ 1 IC. Lewlß, Chrlathurch 1 tG. J. Smith, Chrietohuroh City .. 1 T. E. Taylor. Christohurch City _ 1 tW. Rolleaton, Hiccarton _ _ 1 tJ. Joyce, Lyttelton „ 1 tW. H. Montgomery, Ellesmero . . 1 tJ. G. Wason, Selwyn _ „ „ 1 IE. G. Wright, Ashburton . _ ■ 1 tH 1 . B. Flatman, Geraldino .. -.1 tW. Hall- Jones, Tin.aru . .. .1 tHon. W. J. Steward, Waltakl .. 1 }T. T. Dunoan, Oamaru _ .. ..1 JHon. J. M'Kenzle, Waihomo.. _ 1 Kfi J.Allen, WaikouaitU _ _ 1 tM. J. S. Mackenzie. Dunodln City „ 1 JJ. Ai Millar. Dunodln City „ ..1 tH. S. Finb, Dnnedio City 1 t A. Morrison, Caverßham _. ..1 tW. Carncroaa, Taieri „ „ _ 1 tJ. Allen, Bruce ....__ 1 tHon. J. W, Larnach, Tnapoka _ 1 tJ. Wi Thomson. Clutha.. „ _ 1 W. Fraser, Wakatlpu „ . 1 tlloD. G. F. Richardson, Matanra _ 1 tHon. J. G. Ward, Awarua „ „ 1 }J, W. Kelly, invercarglU „ 1 M.Gilfedder, Wallaoo „ _ ..1 Totalß _. _ _ „ 30 26 5 that the member sat in the last Parliament, and t that he sat In a previons one.
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10478, 7 December 1896, Page 3
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