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WEATHER FORECAST Moderate to fresh southerly winds, becoming variable tomorrow. Weather cloudy and cool at first, but fair and milder tomorrow. The further outlook is for fair weather. Temperature at 9 a.m., 53 degrees. New moon, tomorrow. High Water. —Today, 4 p.m.; tomorrow, 4.36 a.m., 5.4 p.m. • Sun sets today 5.41 p.m.; rises tomorrow 6.59 a.m., sets 5.40 p.m.
The "Evening Post." The "Evening Post" will not be published on Tuesday (Anzac Day). . Day of Prayer Tomorrow. New Zealand will be following Great Britain's example tomorrow in making the day one of special prayer for the Allied cause. All churches of-practi-cally all denominations will be followirfg the suggestion made by the Archbishop- of Canterbury and York that special supplications be made on behalf of the leaders and troops who are about to be called upon to take part in very critical operations. The day being St. George's Day, when England's patron saint is commemorated, is a very apt one for a day of prayer. Escaped War Prisoners. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Webb) said last evenings that in future letters for prisoners of war who have escaped to Switzerland from Italian prison camps and whose present addresses are not known, should be addressed to "Camp Internement Militaire, Wil, SI;; Gallen, Switzerland," and not to the care of the High Commissioner for New Zealand, 415 Strand, London, W.C.2, as formerly advised. On the other hand, where letters had been received from men who had escaped to Switzerland from Italy and whose letters bore the addresses of the writers, those addresses should be used when replying. Ngatiawa Park Fort. The restoration of the old fort in the Ngatiawa Park Domain at the northern end of the Paremata Bridge was under discussion by the Hutt County Council yesterday following a letter from the Wellington Beautifying Society. The society detailed offers of material and transport from the Golden Bay Cement Company, Ltd., and Holm and Company, Ltd., respectively. The chairman, Mr. R. L. Button, said that the fort was a historic site well over 100 years old, and was well worthy of restoration. On the suggestion of Councillor S. Blackley, who said that the restoration of the fort should be a national matter, the council decided to refer the matter to the Government and offer to assist in the cost. Change Evokes Censure. "At a time when the Government is appealing for greater production I feel that this change in appointment is illtimed," declared Councillor E. K. Cameron, in urging at the Hawera Borough Council that the change in the Government nominee on the Patea Harbour Board should not be permitted to go unchallenged. Recently the Patea Harbour Board was advised that Mr. E. L. Tregoweth, Hawera, a prominent figure in Labour Party circles, who organised the Labour campaign in the Patea electorate 'at the last General Election, had been appointed to replace Mr. F. Parsons, who was chairman of the board. A motion expressing disapprobation was carried by the borough council. Power of Mushrooms. Nobody would think of saying "strong as a mushroom" when seeking a simile for brute strength; yet three apparently normal specimens of this fungus have performed a surprising feat of strength \in the last two days at the Omaka Air Force Station, states the "Marlborough Express." They pushed their way through asphalt an inch thick, firmly laid upon a gravel base. It is nine years since.the tennis courts at Omaka were laid down, and until this week their surface was unmarred by even a crack. Now, however, three slabs of asphalt have been neatly turned over—one piece fully four inches square, the others about three inches. . " Coincidence in Silk. The honour of being allowed to take silk—to assume the robes of King's Counsel—has been rare enough, but it has produced a remarkable coincidence. In a cabled reference to the Australian censorship case Mr.''Claude Weston, K.C., is mentioned as appearing for the applicant newspapers. New Zealand also has its Mr. Claude Weston, K.C., well known throughout the Dominion and more particularly in Wellington, where, among other activities, he is the popular president of the Wellington Returned Services' Association. The coincidence is that he and Mr. Claude Weston, of Sydney, were appointed King's Counsel on the same day. They are not related, but have met since they both took silk. New Act Criticised. When a letter from the Minister of Internal Affairs explaining the provisions of the Local Elections and Polls Amendment Act was before the Hutt Valley Electric Power Board last Thursday, Mr. J. W. Andrews strongly criticised the provision of the right of local body employees to sit on a council or board, and criticise his or her employers. Mr. J. J. Maher also condemned the principle. Mr. S. Blackley described the Act as the worst that had been passed, by any Government. It was going to create bad feeling and bring party politics more than ever into local affairs. It meant that local affairs would be decided at caucus meetings. Flood Warnings to Farmers. Because wartime restrictions do not permit the publication of general weather forecasts, a plan is in hand to provide farmers of any district with a warning of the likelihood of heavy rains causing floods.. The National Council of Primary Production is arranging with the Meteorological Office to obtain advice that can be telephoned immediately to the secretaries of dis< trict primary production councils con* cerned. These officials arc being asked to have farmers of any threatened area warned promptly.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 95, 22 April 1944, Page 6
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917NEWS OF THE DAY Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 95, 22 April 1944, Page 6
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NEWS OF THE DAY Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 95, 22 April 1944, Page 6
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