The Et. Hon. J. G. Coates has retained his seat for Kaipara by a majority of 302 votes. The preliminary count gave Mr. Coates a majority of 198, and there were 600 absentee votes. The official count, which has now been completed, shows that with the absentee votes Mr. Coates has increased his first majority by approximately 100. Further results from official counts are as follows:—
Bay of Islands. *H. M. Rushworth (C.P.) .. 6004 C. R. Cameron (N.) 3883 R. E. Hornblow (I.L.) 190 J. B. Kennedy (N.R.) 23 Majority for Rushworth .. 2121 Bullcr. •P. C. Webb (L.) 6809 J. H. Powell (N.) 2087 Informal 213 Majority for Webb ...... 4722 Clutha. J. A. Roy (N.) 5445 Rev. E. T. Cox (L.) ._ 3515 Informal .' 106 Majority for Roy 1930 Dunedin North. *J. W. Munro (L.) 6097 A. S. Falconer (N.) 4429 Mrs. R. S. Black (D.) 1073 Informal 97 Majority for Munro .... 1668 Franklin. A. C. A. Sexton (I.C.P.) ...... 4803 ♦J. N. Massey (N*.) 4118 B. C. Fyers (D.) 1\ 368 Informal s.. 57 Majority for Sexton • 685 Hamilton. C. A. Barrell (L.) 5532 H. D. Card (D.) 2479 Sir Alexander Young (N.) 4141 Majority for Barrell 1391 Kaipara. •Rt. Hon. J. G. Coates (N.V .... 4738 W. Grounds (I.) 4436 J. Caughley (D.) 528 Majority for Coates 302 Nelson. H. Atmore (I.) 6552 H. Everett (N.) ..............:. 3942 Informal 65 Majority for Atmore 2610 Oroua. *Hon. J. G. Cobbe (N.) 4716 W. H. Oliver (L.) 2383 E. Fair (D.) . 1620 Informal .'. 35 Majority for Cobbe 2333 . ■ Rotorua. A. F. Moncur (L.) 4894 F. W. Doidge (I.) 3442 »C. H. Glinkard (N.) 2785 ,H. H. Corbiri (D/) 223 Inf ormaL. < 64 .Majority for Moncur ..... 1,452 ..Stratford. •W. J. Poison (N.) 4434 P. Skoglurid; (L.) 4095 C. R. Finnerty (D.) 538 Informal 65 Majority for Poison 339 Waimarino. *F. Langstone (L.)) ' 4945 C. A. Boles (N.) 3082 H. W. B. Littlewood (N.U.)' .... 206 Informal 53 Majority for Langstone .. 1863 , Wellington Central. *P. Fraser (L.) 8113 W. J. Mason (N.). 3639 . Majority for Fraser 4479 Wellington Soutn. *R. McKeen (L.) 8170 H. F. Toogood (N.) 2111 J. I. Goldsmith (D.) ,. 18191 Informal 68 Majority for McKeen 6059 Waitomo. •W. J. Broadfoot (N.) 4521 J. Jones (L.) 2995 J. H. Penniket (I.C.P.) 2341 Informal ■ 65 ... Majority for Broadfoot .. 1526 Westland. *J. O'Brien (L.) 6971 H. R. Young (N.) 3294 Informal 70 Majority for O'Brien ' 3677 Northern Maori. *T. Henare (N.) 3303 P. K. Paikea (Ra.) 2320 L. W. Parore (D.) 414 H. W. Witehira (I.) 214 D.W.Taylor (I.) 202 R. Maihi (I.) 162 M. Otene (U.L.) 00 Majority for Henare ..... 983 Eastern Maori. *Sir Apirana Ngata (N.) 5678 T. Omana (Ra.) '. 2454 R. T. Kohere (I.) 406 Majority for Ngata 3224 Southern Maori. *E. T. Tirikatene (Ra.) 362 T. K. Bragg (I.) 319 E. W. Rio-Love (N.) 213 T. Makitanara (D.) ' 02 %ff*,-;^*.;t<.* « A « rri: n :i rn « AHn .»
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Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 138, 7 December 1935, Page 11
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Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 138, 7 December 1935, Page 11
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