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Deep regret will be felt at the death of the Hon. T. Shailer.. Weston, M.L.C., which occurred last evening, and the circumstances under which it happened will add to the shock to his many friends. For some tinio past Mr. Weston has not been in good health. He recently represented New Zealand at the Labour Conference of the League of Nations at Geneva, and' prior to his return to the* Dominion he toured Great Britain and the' Continent. AVhile he was in England he devoted considerable study to the existing economic conditions, a subject in which he was intensely interested. Those who met him on his 'return felt that he had overtaxed himself in his inquiries. He seemed to feel that he was under a personal obligation to assist this country in its present economic difficulties, and latterly was apparently disappointed ovor the slow 'progress made. x ' ; ■ i The effect of-these worries over the economic position and depression was serious. His body was, found in his garden last .evening, and there was a discharged rifle beside it. Tho late Mr. Weston was a son of the late Mr. T. Shailor Weston, who was a district judge/ and was afterwards in legal practice in New Plymouth. He was educated at Christ's College, Christchurch, where he dis- j tinguisheel himself by becoming head of the school. At Canterbury College, in 1889, he graduated M.A., and LL.B., with first-class honours in political science and history. He was also senior scholar. Mr. Weston was a keen student of political economy, and acted as examiner in history for the New Zealand University matriculation examination, and also examiner in law (real and personal property). Prominent public positions held by Mr. Weston were: President of the New Zealand Employers' Association, president of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, chairman of the Wellington District Repatriation Board, chairman of the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, captain of' tho Wellington Golf Club (two seasons), member of the New Zealand Law Council, representing Taranaki, member of the New Plymouth High School Board of Governors, steward and member of the committee of the Tardnaki Jockey/Club, and member of the Taxation Commissions 1922 and 1924. At the time of his death Mr. Weston was senior partner in the legal firm of Messrs. Izard, Wpston, Stevenson, and Castle. , ' Tho funeral will be private, in accordance with the oxpresscd wish of the deceased. The body-will be cremated, and the ashes deposited in the New Plymouth cemetery. AN APPRECIATION.1 Mr. T.O.i Bishop, who lias been closely associated with the late Mr. Weston in the work of the New Zealand Employers' Federation, pays the following tribute to his memory:— "I have been asked to write an appreciation of my late chief and vfiry dear friend, tho Hon. T. Shailer Western, and I sincerely wish that I could do so in a way that • would convey to others my own knowledge of him. I have known him for just about twelve years, and ottr friendship had become so real, and intimate that 'there is no one outside my own family whose death could'have'left me with such a sense of persona] bereavement as I now feel. To know him intimately was to hold him in affection. The keynote of his lifo was sbrvine. He helped eyery onewhom ho thought needed help with a wholehearted thoroughness. In fact he took other people's, troubles too much to heart for his own peace of mind. He had an intense love of New Zealand, and for many years had given himself to .the service of his country with a real desire to .promote the welfare and happinessr of his fellow-citizens. '' To mo his outstanding quality was his perfect loyalty to his friends and colleagues. It was a positive inspiration to work with him; he gave one such wonderful support. He was always willing to shoulder a full share of responsibility while work was being done, and when it reached a successful termination, to'stand modestly aside and give others the credit. By his wonderful personal qualities he had reached an honourable position in his profession of the law, and had wona place in the affections of a very wide circlo of friends. . Many will feel with me that we are the poorer f-or his passing." A meeting of the Advisory Board of the New Zealand Employers'.Federation was held this morning on receipt of the news of Mr. Wcston's death. There was a full attendance of members, aiul feeling, reference, was made by many speakers,to the deep sense of personal loss ' engendered by the sad event. The following resolution was passed in reverent silence: "This meeting of members of the Advisory Board of the ]>\ev? Zealand Employers' Federation hastily convened on receipt of the news *of the death of the Hon. T. Shailer Weston, desires to place upon''record the deep sense of loss both personal and collective which is felt by all. The late president's personal qualities have won him a place in our affection. His' service to the members of our organisation and. to his fellow citizens over a long period of years was given with a wholehearted and unselfish devotion out of his great love for his country. We extend to Mrs. Weston and members of his family our deepest sympathy." •
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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 17, 21 January 1931, Page 10
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887HON. T. S. WESTON, M.L.C. Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 17, 21 January 1931, Page 10
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HON. T. S. WESTON, M.L.C. Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 17, 21 January 1931, Page 10
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