A mooting of tho combined Wellington branches, of tho Political Labour Lcftguo was held ot tho Tmdcs Hall liwt night. Thero was a largo attendance, and the Jinn. J. Rigg presided. Tho President said the meeting had been called together to elect ten members nnd a President and Secretary to form tho Kxccutive for tho colony. The Hon. ,). Kigg was elected president and Mr, J. Hull jtocrctnry, unopposed. In thanking members, Mr. Rigg said it was with pleasuro he took Uio position, but ho intended when tho League became stronger to drop out of active participation in its nlTiiira as a loader, lie thought it wos the duty of tho League to control members of Parliament rather than members of Parliament to run tho League. A ballot wiw taken to fill tho ten positions on the» Executive, nnd resulted in Messrs. A. 11. Cooper, W. 0. Noot, I). M'taron, J. It. Cole, A, 11. Hindmarsh, VV. T. Young, J. Ciwgie, W. 11. Hampton, A. 1), Robbie, and A. K. Adamsbeing returned by an absoluto majority. Tho Kxccntivc, which includes tho president nnd secretaiy, will, in the first instance, havo to prepare n report on the proceedings of tho recent conference, liavo it printed, and copies supplied to tho various branches of tho League. They will also adopt, uniform cards of membership for the whole colony, nnd draw up n plnn of campaign for tho forthcoming general election. Tho Executive Council will itlso cbnsider tho claims of enndidntes for Parliamentary seats that are submitted before those tinmen go tf> tho ballot nt meetings of the branches of tho League.
Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 118, 20 May 1905, Page 2
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