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GENEEAL ELECTION, 1896. THE FOLLOWING IS THE BESULT of the last Election : — Stout 6200 Vogol 3591 Bell 5758 M'Lean ... 3417 Duthie ... 4822 Fisher ... 2379 Macdonald ... 3842 Dwan 1155 Fraser 3720 gravers ... 1089 The same number of candidates are now nominated. All aro invited to indicate who are likely to bo the successful candidates this year, by obtaining from their Grocors a form of SURATURA TEA ELECTOEAL COMPETITION, whioh will be received until 10 a.m. on FEEDAY NEXT, 4th instant, also thos« bearing the post-mark of 3rd December. Eecollect, it costs nothing to obtain a form. Ask your Grocer for one. Note. — A rev. gentleman and his wifo who tasted SURATUEA in Wellington, and now live in a distant part of the colony, have arranged with a Wellington grocer to have SURATURA sent to them regularly, as they state they cannot drink any other tea. It is absolutely pure It is NOT a product of Now Zealand It is not blended with Indian or China Teas Once SURATURA is used no other Teas will be drunk. Tlf ANTED KNO. WN|. AT THE ECONOMIC, We offer To-day, at half-price and less, 500 SHIRTS and BLOUSES, bought by our Home buyer at an immense discount : — White and Fancy Shirts, stiff front, stand-up collar, 4s 6d v for Is caoh Black and White Striped Blouses, 3s lid, for Is lid each Lovely Spotted Muslin Blouses, 4s lid, for 2s 6d each Fancy Muslin Blonse3, Gs lid, for 3s lid each White Embroidered Muslin Blouses, stiff collars and cuffs, 9s 6d, for 4s 6d each 30 Tweed and Serge Cycling Costumes, usual price 425, for 21s 115 stylish Coloured Cloth Capes, with velvet collars, pleated backs, 10a 6d, for 4s lid 22 richly trimmed Jet and Lace Satin Capes, 20s 6d, for 15s 6d 30 piecos String Japanese Matting, slightly damaged by water; usual price Is 3d ' per yard, for 6frd per yard 60 dozen, yard wide, pure Calicoes ; 6 dozen for 4s 6d 1200 Fanoy Flannelettes, for Children's Dresses, Bathing Gowns, Underclothing, Ac. Worth 9d per yard, for 6£d ■400 yards Striped and Fancy Eibbons, 9d yard, for 4^d 600 pairs Tan Kid Gloves, worth 2s lid, for Is lid A manufacturer's range. of sample Lace Curtains to be sold at 25 per cent, less than usual rates, from Is Cd to 27s 6d per pair HUNDBEDS OF OTHER WONDEEFUL BARGAINS. Please Call and Test the above Statement. GEOEGE & KERSLEY, THE ECONOMIC. /CONVENT BAZAAR AET UNION. Kj — winning numbers. Ticket. Prizo. Ticket. Prize. 3080 1 322 7 725 2 156 8 1724 3 2536 » 3215 4 1374 10 9 5 1365 11 2633 6 1469 12 JOHN O'MEAEA 7 ..n W. F. JOHNSON j Committee ' Prizes can be obtained at the Convent, Hill-street, on and after Monday, 30th November, 1896. J. T. DAVIS, Hon. Sec. LICENSING POLL. IHEEEBY give notice that on the day appointed for the taking of the Electoral Poll (4th December, 1896) of the Electors of tho Electoral District of City of Wellington, and simultaneously therewith, a Poll of the Electors of the said district will also be taken upon tho undermentioned proposals .- — 1. I vote that the number of licenses existing in the district continue. 2. I vote that the number of licenses existing in the district be reduced. 3. I vote that no licenses be granted in the distriot. W. P. JAMES, Returning Officer. it QTRIKE OUT THE TOP LINE." " Think ye I come to bring peace unto this world ? Verily I say unto you, I come not to bring peace, but a sword." Rally round the flag, boys, Fight for home and right; Strike a blow for liberty 'Gainst the brewers' might. 'Gainst the cause of woe and crime, Strike to help our little ones ; 'Gainst the curse that blights our land — The drink that nerves the murderer's hand. Must our tears for ever flow ? Must our sons to ruin go, That brewers' dividends may flow? Sense and reason answer, '* No I*' "VOTE IT OUT." TEMPERANCE! TICKET. ri^HE Candidates selected by the TernX peranco Party are— ATKINSON FRASER STOUT VOTE THE TICKET. MAORILAND GOLD MINING COMPANY (No- Liability.) * IN LIQUIDATION. r ~~~" I TOOTICE in hereby given that the Register -*- ' of Shareholders in tho above Company will bo finally closed on SATUEDAY, tho llth Bay of December, 1896, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, after which no transfer, will bo recognised. This is dono in order that tranafera for shares in the Maoriknd Gold • Minos Limited (England) may bo i«sued to /thosd shareholders in the above company entitled to receive them. WM. GRAY, For tho Directors. GRAND TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION. ALL Temporanco Workers and Sympathisers are urged to join in tiio Torchlight Procession which will lcavo tho Government Buildings noxt WEDNESDAY, 2nd Decombor, at 7.30 p.m. All Temperanco Societies and Lodgos are aakod to bring banners and wear regalias. Tho Procession will terminato in a Mass Mooting on tho Reclaimed Land, opposito Exhibition. Rally up Endeavourers, and bring banners* • ' W, C. HULBERT, • _;j • Conven«r» -
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Evening Post, Volume LII, Issue 161, 28 November 1896, Page 6
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834Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LII, Issue 161, 28 November 1896, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LII, Issue 161, 28 November 1896, Page 6
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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