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TO MILLINERS.— Wanted, an Assistant for tbo Thames —Apply to McArthnr, Shera, And Co.
TO DRAPERS 1 ASSISTANTS.— Wanted, Two Good Hands.— H. Atkins.
TO IRONMOULDERS. -Wanted, a good Hand —Apply] to A. and G. Prico, Grahamstown, Thorne?
WANTED Known, that Samuel Coombes has the Largest and Best-selected Stock of Colonial-made Clothing In Auckland.— Bo, Queenttreet.
WANTED to Rent, a Farm of from 60 to 100 acres grass; with water, near Auckland, for dairy purposes.— Apply to Hunter and Nolan, Durham-street.
WANTED, Gas and Bank of New Zealand Shares.— J. M. Lennox.
WANTED, a Partner with some small capital to join advertiser in a farm in a good locality ; partly under cultivation and handy to the Thames market.— Apply to C.E F.,at this offlco; orto A. S Baird, cart" ol G. O'Ualloian, Grahamstown.
WANTED, Buyers of Nelson Tweed Trouseis, at S. Coombei's, City Clothing Mart, 80 Queon-itreet.
WANTED, a General Servant.— Apply at Dundee Cottago, Graf ion Road, between 1 and 2.
WANTED, a Female General Servant, for an hotel in the country —Apply personally This Day and Saturday, at the Waitomata Hotel, between 5 and 6 p.m.
WANTED, a Good General Servant.— Apply at onco to Mrs. B. N. Jones, two doors from Young Men's Christian Association, Albertstreot.
WANTED, a General Servant Girl.— Apply to Mis. Lipstine, Wikefleld-strept,
WANTED, a Maid, to attend to Two Children ; none under 1C need apply,— Mrs. T S, Weston, Rutland-stieet, Parnell.
WANTED, Buyers of Samuel Coombes's 15s Cd Black Cloth Coat?, -SO, Queon-stioet
WANTRD, for the Country, a l'emale qualified to educate threo young children, and willing to asi-i^t in the house —Apply to French and 10 , 252, Queen-street.
WANTED, a Clerk for General Office Work ; al<-o with a knowledge of Shipping duties; references required.— Apply to A.H., Postolhco, Auckland.
WANTED, a Journeyman Painter.— Apply This Day (MoiuUy), at 10 o'clock, to Anderson aud Co. (lato Lilewall und Rattray). Ship Chandlers.
WANTED, a Compositor. —Apply at the oflice of this paper.
WANTED, a Carnage-Trimmer.— Apply V Quick, Victoria-street.
WANTED, a Carpenter.— Apply C. G. Quick, Elliott-street.
WANTED, a First-class Clothing Hand, for the Thames.— Apply Cleonan, at Cos gia\e and Co.'a.
WANTED, Good Tailors; best prico {.iven.— Samuel Coombts, City Clothing Mart, 80, Qi.een-Si eet
WANTED, a Faim Labourer, one that understands Gardening.— Apply at the ofhio of th-s paper.
WANTED, an Experienced Clothier; none but a flist-clnss Mnn need apply — Samuel Cooiubcs, City Clothing Mart, 80, Quecnstisot.
WANTED, a First-class Cook.— Apply at, the H r aiteniatu Hotel.
WANTED, a Man, to Sail Nosegays.— Apply bv letter only to E C, oflice of this
WANTED, a Lad for a Clothier' 3 Estab. lif-hnieiit.— Apply to J. Levy, two doors from Theatre Royal.
WANTED, Bayers of the Alpine Hat, at tlio City Clothing: Mart, S. Coombes, Proprietor, 80, Queen-street, Auckland.
WANTED, known that G- Holdship and Co are prepaied to supply with dispatcli every description of building timber, sashes, doois, mouldings, &c. Their new priced catalogues nre roadv, and may bo obtained at either of their mills, Cibtomliouso-street, Newton, or Grahamstown
WANTED, Buyers of Coombes"s 18a. Gd. Harford Coat.— City Clothing Mart, 80,
WANTED, Purchasers for Herbert 11. Smith's Patent Portable Smoke-Consunum; Ovens, from 30s. upwards; and Wi ought - lion R lilacs mado any nze, from £S K's. upwards , Engincci, GasMter * c —Auckland Iroir.M'orks.lllighslrcet, opposite Tiout's.
WANTED, Buyers of Colonial-made Cloil'inp at S 'Coombe*'*, 80, Queen-sireet.
WANTED Known that all kinds of Job Printing ure exe'uted al tho office of this pnp r, nt tlio lowest possible Tates Kstimatos given if requiied.
WANTED Known, that Samuel Coombes bus flvo .cases of Scotch Wool Under-Shirts at 3^ Cd each. WANTED to Sell, cheap— sft, Cft. 7ft., and Bft. sheots Corrugated Iron. Also Galvanised Iron Water Tanks, from lOOgal. to OOOgnl at Alfred Smart's Galvanised Iron Works, Victoruiitreet, next to Blue Post.
WANTED, Buyers of Boys' Clothing, at City Clothing Mart, 80, Quoon-street, S. Coombes, Pioprietor.
OPERA CLOAKS at the National Mart -8. and J. R. Vaile.
Lost. /\NE POUND REWARD. htrayed from Pukekoho West, ou Fridaj', October 27th, a Bay Mara; small itar on the foreheul, branded HU on tho Dear shoulder.— Any person finding tho abovomentioned n.are, on leaving her at tho Kigian Hoiel. will receive the above reward. Papatoetoe, November 8, 1871.
LOST, on Wednesday night last, in Queenstreet, a Lady's Lace Cup. The fln<ier will be rewarded on leaving the lame at the oflice of this paper.
FOUND, a Purse, containing money.— Apply J.B , olHce of this paper.
Board and Lodging.
/COMFORTABLE Board and Residence \J can be had at Mr*. Cnshell's, corn»r of Grafton and Park Roads. The house is newly finished, and commands ft splendid view of tho harbour and Hauraki Gulf.
BOARD and Residence for Two or Thrse Gentlemen, or Lady and Gentleman. Ardrossan Villa, Grafton Boad, opposite the Bowling Green. Meetings.
TT O. O. F., M. U., A. D LOYAL FOUNTAIN OF FRIENDSHIP LODGE, No 3,020. The Members are hereby informed that the adjourned Special Meeting of Tuesday last will take place 'l his Evening at 7 o'clock. By order of ihe K.Q. E . BBO PHy,
Secretary. A UCKLAND ROWING CLUB. A General Meeting (at which all M^mbaw i are specially requested to attend, will be held at the Cluu Room, Thames Hotel, This Evening, at 7.30 iharp. Busineu: The Report of Sub-csmuoittee ai i to ■election of crew for Christchurch, SubscvipUtn Li^ts to be closed and handed in, resignation of the Hon. Sec, and any other builneis that may be brought | before the meeting. GBQ & FLBTCHBR , ' Hon. Sec
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Bibliographic details
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4436, 13 November 1871, Page 1
Word Count
924Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4436, 13 November 1871, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4436, 13 November 1871, Page 1
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