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APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS J Tho appointments, promotions, resignations, and transfers of the uudenneu(.ioTLofl officers of tho Staif and Territorial Force have bren approved:— | Stair. Honoroary Major James O'Sullivan, attached to N.Z. Stalf Corps, relinquishes the appointment of Deputy Inspector, Equipment and Ornnuuo Stores, and is posted to tho retired list, with effect from April 30, 1917. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Joseph Cotemnii, N.Z. Stuff Corps, is posted to the retired list,, with tho honorary rank of captain, with effect from April,2, 1917. 9th (Wellington) ttvst Coast Mounted Rifles. Walter Raymond to bo 2nd lieutenant' (temporary). Dated May 15, 1!)17. New Zealand Garrison Artillery. Major Anthony C. Cottrell to bo lieu-tenant-colonel, and to command the Coast Defence troops at Westport. Dated May i, 1917. Corps of New Zealand Engineers. No. 2 Field Company. Captain Frrnl. Wai to, D.5.0., N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck off tho strength, and -absorbed into the establishment with his original rank and seniority, viz., major, as from December IS, 1912, vide N.Z. Gazette nf January*. 23, 1913. to date from Mny Ifi. 1917. Major Fred. Waite, D.5.0., is appointed Chief Engineer Instructor in the N.Z. Expeditionary Force Training C'nmps. Dated August 31, 191(1. 4th (Olago) Regiment. Coast Defence Detachment. Captain Harold L. Tapley from the Reserve of Officers to be captain. Dated May 15, 1917.
11th Regiment (Taranaki Rifles). Captain William E. S. Furby, N. 55, Expeditionary Forces, is struck off the strength and absorbed into the establishment with his original rank and seniority, viz., captain, as from February 12, 1915, .vide N.Z. Gazette. No. 33, of March i; 1315, to date from May 31, 1917. New Zealand Ride Brigade (Territorial). 2nd Lieutenant John W. Snaddon. N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck oft the strength and absorbed into the estabment with his original rank and seniority therein, viz., 2nd lieutenant, as from December IS, 1914, vide N.Z. Gazette, No. 10. of January 28, 1913,-to date from May IS, 1917, and is attached for duty with the Oth (Hawke's Bay) Regiment. New Zealand Army Service Corps, ■' No. .9 Company. Lieutenant Leopold George Dyke Acland to bo captain under the provisions of paragraph lIT, General Regulations, 1913. Dated January l<l, 1917. The undermentioned 2nd lieutenants to be lieutenants under provisions of paragraph 111, General Regulations, 1913. Dated April 28, 1917:-George E. Eliot, Angus G. Macdonald. New Zealand Medical Corps.
Honorary Major John Alexander Hurley is appointed a Consulting Bacteriologist, to tho N.Z. Military Forces, to date from May 2S, 1015. The undermentioned to be members of a Special District Medical Board:—Major Douglas D. Drydon, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin.; dated February 20, 1917. Major John Craig, L.8.C.5., L.R.C.P., Ire.; dated May H, 1917. Captain "William P. Johnston, M.8., 8.5., N.Z. Univ.; dated May 14, 1917. Valentino H. Barr, M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Loud., to be captain temporary whilst doing duty with the, N.Z.. Expeditionary Force. Dated May 17, 1917. John N. Keith, L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S., Edin., to bo captain whilst doing duly with the N.Z. Expeditionary Force. Dated April 21, 1917. , Honrj H. Christie, to be captain temporarv whilst doing duty with tho N.Z. Expeditionary Force. Date<l November °S 1915 Captain Henry IT. Christie proceeded on active eervicP with the N.Z. Expeditionary Force. Dated December S, IMS. New Zealand Dental Corps. Tho undermentioaed to be lieutenants: George I. Marshall. Dated-May 10, 1017. Frederick W. Walters. .Dated May 14, 1917. llobort B. Dodds. Dated Mav 14, 1917. New Zealand Chaplains' Department. The Rev. W. B. Scott to be chaplain to tho Forces, Ith Class. Dated April 27, 1917. ' ■ ■ Tho commission grr.ntcd tho Rev. E. A. Kirkwood,' Chaplain of the Forces, 4th Class, is cancelled under the provisions of Section 5 (a) of the Defence Act, 1009. Dated May 17, 1917. Tho commission granted the Rev. \\. Hay, Chaplain to the Forces, <tth Class, is cancelled under the provisions of Section 5 (a) of the Defence Act, 1909. Dated May 17, 1917. / Unattached List (a). Captain Arthur J. Webber, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck off tho strength and absorbed with his original rank and seniority, viz., lieutenant, as I from November 3, 19U, vido N.Z.. Gazette, No. 30. of February 25, 1015, to date ■ from June 14, 1917. Unattached List (b). Second Lieutenant, (teiuporay Lieutenant) Ethelbert J. J. Welch is granted tho temporary rank of captain whilst employed as.ship's quartermaster. Dated May i, 1917. The notilication in tho TS.Z. Gazette, No. 57, of 3911, relating to Second Lieur tenant Thomas Walter Buchanan should read "Second Lieutenant Walter Buchanan Thomas." . Second Lieutenant Arthur Sager Bailey, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struct oli tho strength and absorbed with hm original rank and seniority, viz., second lieutouaut. as from Juno 4, 1915, vido N.Z. Gazette, No. SO, of July 22, Mo, to date from June 16, 1917. • The undermentioned to be second lieutenants (temporary) ;-James E. Rhimmin. Dated May 14, 1917. Sergeant R. Bruce. Dated May 16,3917. Wilfred W. Garton. Dated May 16, 1917. The appointment of second lieutenant on probation Richard Argent Bennett lapses under the provisions of paragraph 89 General Regulations, 1013. Dated Mayß, 1917. General List. Second Lieutenant Hector Leo Jack Redmond is dismissed the service by sentence of a- General Court-martial, to date ■from February 18, 1917. ■ ~- _ Lieutenant George Gordon Priest, H.&. Expeditionary Force is struck -<ff tho strength and absorbed with his original rank and seniority, viz., honorary lieutenant, as from January ICI 1915, vide N.Z. Gazette of April .22, 131 a, to date from June 15, 1917. Lieutenant M'Kenzio John White, N.Z. Expeditionary Force, is struck oft the strength and absorbed with his original rank" viz., second lieutenant, as from March 15', 1015, vide N.Z. Gazette, No. 73, of June 10, 1915, to date from June V>' 1917. 'second Lieutenant Ronald Henry Quitliam, N.Z. Expeditionary Force,' is struck off tho strength and absorbed with his original rank and seniority, viz., second lieutenant, as from January 1, 191fi, vido N Z Gazette, No. 5, o? January .20, 1910, to' date from March 18, 1917. Memoranda. ""The notification in the N.Z Gazette, No. 7S/17, of May 3, 1917, relating to Second Lieutenant W. L. Girlingrßufcher, N.Z. Eillo Brigade (Territorial), is cancelled, and tho following substituted:— Second Lieutenant W. L. Girling-Butcher, Unattached List (l>), General List, returns to duty with seniority as from Anril 1, 1917, vide N.Z. Gazette, No. 35, of March 30, 1018. ■ Major Kenneth M'acfarlano Gresson is appointed military representative on tho Second Canterbury Military Servico Board. Dated May 1, 1917. Frederick Calvert is appointed military representative to tho Third Wellington Military Service Board, and is granted tho rank of temporary captain whilst so employed, vice Captain T. L. Cowliehaw. Dated May 7, 1917. . Captain T, Cowlishaw relinquishes his appointment as military representative to tho Third Wellington .Military Service Board. Dated May 15, 1917. Captain (temporary) 0. L. Sprntt relinquishes his appointment as military representative on tho Second Canterbury Military Service Board, and rotaine tho temporary rank of captain whilst attached to Headquarters Staff for special duty, in the-Department of the Adjutant-Cionc-ral to tho Forces. Dated Miy 1, 1017.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3100, 2 June 1917, Page 8
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1,166TERRITORIAL ARMY Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3100, 2 June 1917, Page 8
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TERRITORIAL ARMY Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3100, 2 June 1917, Page 8
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