Although no official statement has been made public regarding Friday night's meeting of the Nomination Committee of the Citizens' Associaton when the nomination of the Association's candidate for the Mayoralty W 5 under consideration, there were a number of interesting rumours in circulation on tho subject on Saturday morning.
According to one version, the discussion was, at times, rather heated, and was characterised by at least one warm passage-at-arms between two prominent members of tho Association. Other rumour's, for what .they are worth, were to the effect that there w r as a decided inclination on tho part of the majority of the committee to mako no recommendation on the question of the Association's nominee for the Mayoralty; in other words, that neither Mr'J. A. Flesher liov Mr J. W. Beanland should be nominated by tho Association, and that the Association should not nominate any person for tho Mayoralty. Underlying this alleged disinclination of the majority to make a recommendation on the question wan, it is stated, the idea that Mr Beanland has the better chance of election evo'n if he does not stand as the Association's nominee.
Tho suggestion that the committee should make no recommendation brought forth some strong remarks from a prominent member of the Association, who threatened that, if it were given effect to, he would leave the Association. This, it is asserted, drew forth from an equally prominent, member a remark to the effect that he was quite wolcome to go. Although the rumours did not go the length of reporting what the decision of the comniitteo was, it appears that the question of the Association's nominee for the Mayoralty is still unsettled, and has been left, probably, for the meeting of the General Committee on Friday night to decido.
As to the nomination of councillors, it is understood that it was decided to recommend that twelve candidates should be nominated to include all the Citizens' Association's representative's who are members of the Council at present, and who are willing to act for another term.
Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18302, 9 February 1925, Page 8
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