CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL. thirty-eight counts COMPLETED. At the conclusion of the labours of Mr Freeman, substitute returning officer, and his staff on Saturday evening the thirty-eighth count in connexion with the election of City Councillors was completed, bjjt, did not result in any of the candidates receiving the quota necessary to elect tjiem. Saturday's counts resulted in the elimination of Messrs H.-Thompson .(Citizens), AV: G. Hutchison, AY. H. Cooper, and R. St. C. McKenzie (Independents). No Labour candidate has been vet eliminated. At tho end of- the thirty-eighth count the following Btood highest on the list, in the order given: A. McKellar (Citizens). A. Williams (Citizens). E. H. Andrews (Citizens). C. W. Hervey (Independent). A. Manliire (Citizens). Mrs McCombs (Labour). F. R. Cooke (Labour). Further counts will be made today. At the election in 1917 no fewer than 371 counts had to be taken before the. final result was announced. THE MAYORALTY. Tho official announcement of tho result of the poll for the election of Mayor is as follows: Beanlahd, J. W. ... 7288 Thacker, H. T. J. ... 7580 Dr. Thacker, who obtained a majority of 292, has been declared duly elected. HARBOUR BOARD. Tho official count for the election of four representing the city of_ Christchurch on the Lyttelton Harbour Board was completed on Saturday. The total valid votes cast "was 13,109 and the quota 2022. Following is the official return of the.yalid first preference votes recorded for each candidate:— H. T. Armstrong (L.) 1745 H. Holland (C!) ... 4133 Elected E. J. Howard (L.) ... 1476 H. Monro (C.) ... 639 G. (Scott (C.) ... 656 H: B. Sorensen (C.) ••• 1548 H. T. J. Thacker (I.) 2912 Elected HOSPITAL BOARD. A start has not been made yet with the official count of the voteß for seats on the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. ,
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17134, 2 May 1921, Page 6
Word Count
Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17134, 2 May 1921, Page 6
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