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election notices. ii; ELECTION OF COCNCILLORsT~~ IN -Hr. MATTER of iho Municipal Cot* poralsons Act, lOCS, and tho Local h!! tions and Polls Act, MOS. I GU ' E „ PUBLIC NOTICE that " l " s Persons havo bten dulv NOMINATED for tho OCTxo of Snfi or no re.-icctivo "ft ords of the City of Christcliurch, vis.: FOR CENTRAL WARD: AGAR, CTIARLES PHIPP COOPER, WALTER HEfNRY FLESHER, JAMES ARTHUR HARPER, CUTHBERT STRACHET HOPPY, RICHARD HOWARD, EDWIN JOHN JAMESON, JOHN OWE.V McKELLAR, aenaud MANNING, GEORGE NICHOLLS, WILLIAM Ab there uro only SIX rac.\nci« to filled for the Central Ward, I hereby notice that a POLL will be taken, oat*, tweeu the said Candidates, on WEDNESDAY, tho 30tlx Day of APRIL, 1919. Tho Polling Booths for Central Word wfll to 6ituate at: — Provincial Council Chambers, Durham stiwt. Art Gallery, Durham str«>t. Marquee, corner of Madras and Aberdean ' streets. Foresters' Hall, Oxford terrace. Caledonian Hall, Worcester street. St. Michael's Church Schoolroom, Durhxa 6treet, , Oddfellows' Hall, St. Asaph street. St. John's Church Schoolroom, Madras stnet Hibernian Hall, Barbadoea street. Methodist Church Schoolroom, Fitzgerald avenue. Canterbury Rowing Club Boathoxue Cambridge terraco. ' Methodist Church Schoolroom, Stanmore road. Oddfellows' Hall, Montreal stroet North. " FOR LINWOOD WARD: CARTER, RICHARD. DACRE, THOMAS SYDNEY. GODFREY, WILFRID STUART. HERBERT, HENRY FREDERICK. HUNTER, HIRAM. SULLIVAN, DANIEL GILES. TAYLOR, JOSEPH. As there are only THREE vacancies to bo filled for Linwood Ward, I horoby give notice that a POLL will bo taken, as between tho said Candidates, on WEDNESDAY, tho 30th Day of APRIL, 1919, Tho Polling Booths for Linwood Wild will bo — Marquee, corner of Woodham road and Rollcston street. Marquee, Linwood Public School Grounds, Woodham road. , Baptist Church Schoolroom, corner Linwood avenuo and Worcester street. Oddfellows' Hall, Rolleston street. Linwood Public Library, corner Worcoeter streot and Stanmore road. Salvation Army Barracks, Fitzgerald ai*nue. Drainage Board Pumping. Station, comer Tiiom street and Matheson's road. Social Hall, Loyden street. Marqueo, corner Charles and Grafton streets FOR ST. ALBANS WARD; ANDREWS, ERNEST HERBERT. BEANLAND, JOHN WALTON. CHAPPLE, JAMES HENRY GEORGE* HASSALL, ALFRED DANIEL. HYDE, GEORGE. PAGE, SARAH SAUNDERS. WELLS, ADA. WILLIAMS, ALFRED. As there aro only THREE vacancies W bo filled for St. Albans Ward, I hereby giv* notice that a POLL will be taken, as between tho said Candidates, on WEDNESDAY, the SOlh Day 6f APRIL, 1919. Tho Polling Booths for St. Albans Ward will be situate at:— Shop, Clissold street, near Merivalo lane. Methodist Church Schoolroom, Rugby streot. Marquee, corner of Brown's and Innes roads. Salvation Army Senior Hall, Cranford street St. Albans Publio Library, Dover street. . Shed, Mr Niven's Store, Clare road. Mr Inncs' Store, Caledonian road. Methodist Church Schoolroom, Madras street North, near Edgewaro road. Marqueo, corner Warrington and Flockton streets. Mr Batty's Store, HiUs road. Presbyterian Church Schoolroom, Randall street, North Richmond. Marquee, corner of Barbadoes mnd Dean streets. FOR SYDENHAM WARD: ARMSTRONG, HUBERT THOMAS BURGOYNE, FRED. . COOKE, FREDERICK RILE*. 1 GORING, ALEX."GARARD. HUTCHISON, WILLIAM GORDON. LANGLEY, ERNEST EDWARD. ' LONGTON, JAMES. MAXWELL, ALFRED CHARLES. PEEK, ERNEST. i As there are only FOUR Vacancies to be filled for Sydenham Ward. I hereby g£ notice that a POLL will be taken os betwoen tho said Candidates, on WLDNiH DAY, the 30th Day of APRIL, 1919. The Polling Booths for Sydenham Ward will bo situate at:— Oddfellows' Hall, Dickens street. Methodist Church Schoolroom, Selwyn streetSalvation Army Young People's Hall, B»t----tersea street. Sydenham Football Olub Room, Lawwn streot. Sydenham Public Library, Colombo stroet. Marquee, comor Colombo and TemtJ* 00 streets. , Marqueo, corner of St. Martins a Hi'ls roads. Public Library, Waltham road. Waltham Hall, Shakespeare road. Mr O'Connell's Shop, 1M Falsgrave streetChurch Schoolroom, Church road, Opawa. POLLING HOURS: From 9 a-m- to 7 P®* H. R- SUITS) Returning Officer. this 21th Day of ' ELLESMERE COUNTY COUNCIL. ELECTION TO FILL AN EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. ■VTOTICE is hereby given 1> Candidates have been. DULJ A TED 'to fill th<3 Extraordinary > acangr Sillor for the Irwell * the Resignation of Mr John S. Boag. GILBERT, WILLIAM. HESLOP, JOHN. The above being in excess, of tie number required, a POLL for the Election of OJ.t COUNCILLOR for tho Irwcll Riong Elleemere Countv will bo taken on T)l v o<>tK ADril 1919. between the hours of 9 a-m and 6 p.m.. the. Polling Booths following:— County Council Office, Leestoa (Principal). Schoolhouse, Dunaandel. Libraiy, Brookside. Mr Rowley's House, IrwelL Mr Robert Duffs House, Lake road. AT/F.X WEBSTER, gg5Q Raturnlng OScer.
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16506, 25 April 1919, Page 10
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727Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LV, Issue 16506, 25 April 1919, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LV, Issue 16506, 25 April 1919, Page 10
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