LAST NIGHT'S MEETING. Tho first meeting of tho newly clccted. Council was held last night. Present—His "Worsbip tho ilayor (Mr H. Holland), and Councillors A. S. Taylor, J. R. Hayward, F. Burgoyne, D. G. Sullivan. J. W. Bcanland, n. Hunter, E. J. Howard, A. 31. Loaaby, P. K. Climie, J. A. Flcsher, A. McKellar. W. Nicholls, A. Williams, E. Peek. 3. G. Eil, iI.P.. and Ada Wells. Councillor Flerher gave notic© of motion, "That tho Town - Clork bo instructed to proparo a return of all tho expenses in connexion with the last election and a comparison with the expenses of tho election two years ago." A letter wae received from the North Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board with reference to the city's contribution for the current year. The total amount required from the city was £11,479 0s 4d, which was an increase of £882 over last year's contribution. Tho increaso was mainly duo to the large expenditure necessary on the Infectious Diseases Hospital. The letteT was received. An appeal for help was received from the President of the National Roumanian Relief Fund. It was first proposed that tho letter should bo referred to the Red Cross Society. Then Councillor Hunter proposed that it be passed on to tlie Government with a recommendation that it be favourably received, ae he considered that such funds should be raised by taxation. Councillor Burgoyne supported this view, but on being put to the vote it was decided to hand the communication to the Red Cross Sccicty. Councillor Ell moved that tho attention of the Works Committee should b e drawn to the inadequacy of tho men's dining room in the Council's yards, and also to the unsanitary and "shocking" condition of the lavatories. t It~was decided to bring tho matter beforo the Works Committee. Councillor Hoyward moved that the Wotks Committee be asked to confer with the Heathcote County Council regarding the dangerous bridge on the Heathcote in Colombo street. The motion was carried. Referring to increased accommodation for tho Council's staff. Councillor Ell eaid that if any attempt was made to take any of the beautiful of the river bank, as had been suggested, he would oppose it and block the Bill, as lie had said before. He ■ventured to soy that the Council had a line sito on the Council's property in Gloucester street. Th<> Gloucester street frontago is now used for stables, but the horses could be accommodated elsewhere on the samo site, and a' good site bo made available for more office accommodation. Councillor Burgoyne raid he thought the small portion of river bank reserve which would be taken for the proposed extension of tho existing building r.eed not be taken into consideration. Councillor Howard suggested that there was a suitable site where the new building by tho morgue was being erected. He moved that a report on the whole matter should be prepared. This was agreed to. His Worship said the Tecent storm had shown that something would have to be dona with regard to providing more adequate channels for stoTm water. On Saturday ]a3t several' parts of the town had been rather badly flooded. He moved that the Works Committee should confer with tho Drainage Board on tho matter. . This was agreed to. Councillor A. Williams was elected Deputy Mayor.
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15895, 8 May 1917, Page 2
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15895, 8 May 1917, Page 2
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