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ELECTION NOTICES. TAI TAPuIrOAD BOARD ELECTION. MESSRS WM. GILttOUR and JOHN HEINZXtANN being the only Hetflpaynrs nominated *w Scats on the above Beard, end not beinz ir eicess of the nu;.»h*- required I hereby dec!er<j them Juiv KLEf.'TED Members oi the T»i Tapu Rend UnaidF. W. EAST, 5912 Returning Officer. TVTEW BRIGHTON MUNICIPAL ELECiN TIOX— MESSRS WILLIAM BELLAMY, EDWIN BLAKE, J. A. COOK, G. E. GOODWIN. J. B. SCOBLE and G. W. STANILAND Tender their mesrt sincere THANKS for tho honour of being Re-elected t> the Borough Council. 1767 CITY COUNCIL. IN THE MATTER OF "THE SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT, 1903." I CHARLES ALLISON, Mayor of the City » of Christchurch and Chairman of the Christchurch City Council, which said Council is the convening local authority for the Combiped District of Christchureh, hereby give notice of the result of the Poll to determine the Statutory Closing Day in the said Combined District taken under the authority of Section 17 of the above mentioned Act on the 28th day of April, 1909. The following is the total number of votes given for the respective days at the separate Poll" taken in the City of Christchurch and the Boroujrh of Woolaton which eaid City and Borough together form the Combined District of Christchurch. namely: — Chrietchurch. Woolston. Total. MONDAY ..9 0 9 TUESDAY ..24 5 29 "WEDNESDAY 2G 2 28 THURSDAY .. 3G25 481 6106 FRIDAY ..6 2 8 SATURDAY .. 3225 27G 3301 Ard I declare the majority of votes to be piven for THURSDAY being appointed the Statutory Closing Day for the Combined District of Christchurch. Dated at Christchurch this 30th day of April, 1909. CHAS. ALLISON. 6881 Mayor. CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL. ELECTION OF MAYOR. In the Matter of "The Municipal Corporations Act. 1903" and of "The Local Elections and Polls Act, 1908." lIIEREBY give Public Notice that at the ELECTION of MAYOR for the CITY OF CHRISTCHURCH, held on the 08th day of April, 1909, the persons hereinafter named were Candidates, and received the number of Votes set opposite their names respectively: — ALLISON, CHARLES .. .. 5424 LOUGHNAN. HENRY HAMILTON .. 3318 And I hereby declare the said CHARLES ALLISON to bo DULY ELECTED. Dated this 29th day of April, 1909. GEORGE W. HULME, 6882 Substitute Keturning Officer. CHRISTCHURCH CITY ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. In thfi Matter of "The Municipal Corporations Act. 1908," and of "The Local Elections and Polls Act, 1908." THEREBY give Public Notice that at the Election of Councillors for the respective Wards of the City of Christchurch, held on the 25th day of April, 1909.the persons herein eft er named were Candidates and received' the number of votes set opposite their names respectively: — " FOR CENTRAL WARD SIX TO BE ELECTED:— Banell, George .. .. 892 Bnrtram. Frederick Notley .. 638 Cooper, Walter Henry .. .. 1637 Dougtill, John Joseph .. .. 1450 Gnpes, Thomas .. .. 1693 Holland, Henry .. .. 1083 Morris, Charles Dickenson .. 1309 Smith, Edward .. .. 1231 Sorcnsen Henry Bylove .. 1596 Thicker, Henry Thoma* Joynt .. 2053 And I hereby declare the said Walter Seat} Cooper, John Joseph Dougall, Thomas Gapes, Charles Dickenson Morris, Henry Bylove •Sorensen. and Henry Thomas Joynt Thacker to be DULY ELECTED. FOR ST. ALBANS WARD, TWO TO BE ELECTED:— Anderson, Alexander Henry .. 670 Blank. John Albert .. .. 611 Ecioyd, Richard James .. 363 Hyde, George .. .. ..734 Williams, Alfred .. .. 747 And I hereby declare the said George Hyde and Alfred Williams to be DULY ELECTED. FOB LINWOOD WARD TWO TO BE ELECTED:— Horeley, Thomas Norrie .. 787 Otley, Henry John .. .. 928 Wilson, James .. ..606 And I hereby declare the said Thomas Norrie Horaley and Henry John Otley to be DULY ELECTED. FOR SYDENHAM WARD, FOUR TO BE ELECTED:— Forrester, James .. .. 1320 Hart, Alfred Duncan .. .. 1069 Hunter, Hiram .. ~ 921 Lafferty, Charles .. .. 656 Millar, William .. . .. 890 Parsona, George William James 1122 Taylor, Charlee .. .. 1213 Webb, Arthur , Henry .. ..1253 And I hereby declare the said James Forrester, George William James Parsons, Charles Taylor, and Arthur Henry Webb to be DULY ELECTED. Dated this 29th day of April, 1909. GEORGE W. HULME, SBB3 Substitute Returning Ocecer. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. "p t> NA L D O. DUNCAN. FARMS. 450 Acres in best port North Canterbury district. "Dirt chfc*p at price asked. £13 per acre. ' 140 Acres, Ashley, all necessary buildings. Only £16 10s per acre. 170 Acres, *t Loburn. feplendid Dwelling end outbuildings. £14 10s per acre. 250 Acres in the far-famed EHesmer* district. Thoroughly improved. Cheap. CITY PROPERTIES. 3 Shops in one of the main streets, w*ll let. and returning good interest on price askfcd. Owner anxious to sell. Warehouse Site in Tuam street. One of tho very few convenient sites left that is i»ndy to centre of town. 2 Splendid Sites, bendy to Railway, and suitable for workshops or bonded stores. COUNTRY BUSINESSES. Combined Blacksmith, Coach'ouildinsc and General Store. Situated in one of the finest country districts in Canterbury. Just the thing for an energetic blacksmith and his wife. In a closely populated country town in Canterbury, splendid old established Business, comprising giocery, crockery, ironmongery, etc. Owner retiring. Land, Sections, Dwellings for Sale in all parU of City and Suburbs. Houses and Shops to Let. RONALD O. DUNCAN, Bowron'a Buildings, Manchester street, Accountant. Auditor, Laud and Estate Agent. Agencies—Norwich and London Accident Insurance. Norwich Union Liv Insurance. Norwich Unicn Fire Insurance. Telephone 621 P.O. Box 213. C 3920 F. H. LABATT (F.N.Z.A.A.), ACCOUNTANT AND ESTATE AGENT; 165 Hertford street .Chrittchurch. ESTATES MANAGED. ABSENTEES REPRESENTED. STATION ACCOUNTS KEPT AND AUDITED. BaJftnca-alwets and-Inooaa* Tax Betarai Prtparad AOEin , FOR THE YORKSHIRE LIVE STOCK AND ACCIDENT INStTSANOE COUPAOT. I C434T ■
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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13410, 30 April 1909, Page 11
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911Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13410, 30 April 1909, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13410, 30 April 1909, Page 11
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