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PUBLIC NOTICES. THE AUSTIULIAN WIDOWS' FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED. TTTANTED. Travelling Repreisentative for » » Aahburton District. Ternxs: Salary and Commission. Apply C. J. OWEiN, District Secretary," Chrisu-hurch. 914g I HEREBY THANK the Members of the Fire Brigade and Lylt«lton Wharf Labourers for tho careful way in which they Saved my House and Furniture from the Fire on Satundav Morning; also Mrs Knott and Mr P. Page." 9171 GEO. BROWN. ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN HOLME TWENTYMAN, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having Claims against the above Estate are requested to send them in to the' undersigned before AUGUST 10th, 1900, otherwise they will not be recognised. 'IH.E EXECUTORS, Care of J. W. Twentyman, Lincoln road, Christchurch. July 9th, 1900. 9131 THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies Acts and the New Zealand Act 1., 1873. ; \ ! DIVIDEND at the rate of 4 per cent, for -£*• the half-year ended 313t March last, and BONUS at the rate of 1 per cent., making in all 8 per cent, per annum for the past financial year, has been declared by the Directors, and will be PAID to Shareholders on application at any of the Branches in the colony on and after the 20th INSTANT. JAMES COATES, General Manager. Wellington, 6th July, 1900. 9101 MISS MURPHY TTAS REMOVED from 90 Madras street, -"- to 131 Cashel street, near to Union Shipping Offices, corner Manchester and Cashel street. - 6899 . PARTNEPvSHIP NOTICE. j T HAVE This Day Taken my Son. GEORGE THORNGATE WES TON, into Partnership with mc, and we shall practice as Barristers and Solicitors under the style of "T. S. WESTON and SON." Dated 6th July, 1900. THOS. S. WESTON. Mr T. S. WESTOX will Continue to Practiace as a Notary Public. ' T. S. WESTON and SON, Duncan's Buildings, 142_ Caghel street, Chriatchurch. '9008 MONEY. XTTE have Several SUMS OF MONEY for ' invtstment on Good Town or Country Secu'-ities, at 4i and 5 per cent, interest. T. S. WESTON and SON, Solicitors, 9009F Duncan's Buildings, Christchurch. _ A LIBERAL POLICY. npHE AUSTRALIAN WIDOWS' FUND -L LIFE ASSUAANCE SOCIETY, LTD. FUNDS EXCEED ... ... £1,300,000 ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS £200,000 THE ONLY LIFE OFFICE In New Zealand that will Assure a Man from £250 to £5000 with profits, payable at ages 45, 50, 55, or 60. or previous death, and NOT CHARGE PREMIUMS During Incapacitation. through. Illness, Accidents, or Mental Disorder, the Member incurring no obligation for arrears. c«H for prospectus.';-- ■■■-•*■■■.■• V :■ • - District ■ Secretary: Resident Secretary: C. J. OWEN, V. H. BAXTER. TELEPHONE No. 574. rpHB OTTO GAS ENGINE. NEWr FORM SIMPLE DESIGN STEADY WORKING. Acknowledged by all Makers to be the Best. NEW FORM OF VALVES SIMPLEST OF ALL LOWEST GiAS CONSUMPTION. ! Exhaust Valve now cast in One with, the I Cylinder. No asbestos joint. All sizes, i to 500 B.H. Power.' 36,000 in use. 400,-in New Zealandu References to these Engines are found in r all makers' catalogues, and are the STANDARD and AMBITION of others to EQUAL. A. FIELDWICTv, OCTAGON, DUNE-DIN, Agent for N.Z. Local Agents—Messrs Turnbull and Jones, 223 Cashel etreet, Christchurch. ; 9150 EDUCATIONAL. . J. P. GROSSMAN, M.A., IS PREPARED TO COACH CANDIDATES FOR UNIVERSITY AND OTHER EXAMINATIONS. Address— CONFERENCE STREET, . 8891 Chri3tchigch. DANCING. THE MISSES BUCHANAN'S CLASSES, Druids' Hall, Friday, 7.30. Hobbs's Buildings, Saturday Afternoons, 2.38. Art Gallery, Practice Assembly, Monday Nights. Private Lessons Given. Aorangi, Hereford street E. 1961 DANCING.— MISS COX RESUMES HER CLASSES in Art Gallery, MAY 31st, and JUNE 4th. Skirt-dancing June Ist. Kindergarten June sth. At Home, Art Gaflery, May 30th, 3 to 4 p.m. Address 329 St. Asaph street west. Telephone 354. 4505 DANCING —Mrs Jenkins has resumed Teaching at her Hall, corner Nursery j and Ferry roads. Teaching Class Monday Evenings, Practice Class on Wednesday, Private Lessons at any hour, 67 Hereford street J East. ; THE ART OF SINGING. MRS TIPLER (Mrs E. T. Robinson> is prepared to TAKE PUPILS for SINGING and VOICE PRODUCTION. Mrs xipler was trained by Professor Cecchi, of Melbourne (the colonial teacher of Madame ( Melba), and holds testimonials from him. For terms, etc., apply to 8441 260 GLOUCESTER STREET WEST. • SHORTHAND AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Grain Agency Buildings, Triangle, Christchnrcb. MR H. W. LOCKYEJR-DIGBY, F.N.P.S., (Honours), N.S.S.T.,- N.U.T., Double Pitman Medallist, holder of Record Speed Certificates for 200 and 220 words per minute. MISS E. E, DIGBY, Holder of Sir Isaac Pitman and Son's Certificate. SHORTHAND. HIGHEST RESULTS, 1899. Out. of tho TWENTY-EIGHT High Speed Certificates granted this year through the Shorthand Writers' Association, EIGHTEEN ! have been gained by Pupils from thie School. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, ! and full Commercial Training. . DANCING, PHYSICAL DRILL, HYGIENIC CALISTHENICS, FENCING. MISS MADELINE NUNNELEY intends giving PRIVATE LESSONS and HOLDING CLASSES for Children and Ad nits during the Ensuing Season, in Christcliarch. She will teach all the Most Fashionable Dances, including the VALSE SPADOISE. SKIRT DANCING. ■'; A Special Class will be formed for Children under 10. At Home, Tuesday and Thursday Morai£g3, " from 10 to 13 o'clock. 247 ARMAGH STREET W. \j Telephone 9. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 150 "Worcester street West. .PRINCIPAL—MB C. H. GILBY, F.I.P.S. " (.Honors). Practical Tiaicing for Business Life. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, Etc. BOOKKEEPING CLASSES (Evening), ■crd«r ilr L. L. CORDEKV, A.1.A., N.iS: (by Kxamsi.'vtioE). Companies' Bookkeaping, '. .-Solicriori' Bookkeeping. ; J Students Prepared for Accountants' l J Kiamiiiatioa. J iJaUaasyue'a' Guua.e*~Hat.
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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10704, 10 July 1900, Page 1
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873Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10704, 10 July 1900, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10704, 10 July 1900, Page 1
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