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PUBLIC NOTICES. KAIAPOI CARRIAGE FACTORY. THE Undersigned wishes to Inform his Friends and the Public generally that he still CARRIES ON THE GENERAL BLACKSMITH and SHOEING BUSINESS in connection with his business as above. 981 P. McSWEENEY. "CXTILL MR HERBERT VIELLD please call on Messrs Garrick, Cowlishaw and Fisher, Solicitors, Gloucester street, at once, or send them his address. LOCAL INDUSTRY. BICYCLES. EXCELSIOR IN NAME, STYLE, AH» FINISH. UARANTEED Best of Everything. No advance \jC in price. Full Stock ot Accessories Just Opened Up. ladies' Machines a Speciality. Send for Catalogues. BARLOW AND CO., 88 Colombo street. GRAPE WINE, guaranteed pure and wholesome made from Christchurch grown Grapes. First prize at Show. 7s 6d per gallon, in bottles (2 gallon loU). C. EFFEY, 26 Lower High street. MEETINGS, Ac. rp HE MEMBERS OF MR W. W. COLLINS'S ELECTION COMMITTEE ARE REQUESTED TO MEET OBNTRAL COMMITTEE* ROOM, HOBBS'S BUILDINGS, TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY, ' DECEMBER 9th, at 8 p.m. All Members are earnestly desired to attend. Business of the utmost importance. ROBERT WINTER, 987 Chairman ot Committee. SHOW. ROSE SHOW. CANTERBURY ROSE SOCIETY'S ANNUAL EXHIBITION. ART GALLERY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th. FLOWER STALL, STRAWBERRIES and CREAM, and AFTERNOON TEA. Exhibits must be staged before 10 a.m. Admfsaion - - One Shilling. 974 TRAMWAY NOTICES. SUMNER EXCURSIONS, By 10.10 a.m. and 7.15 p.m. Trams. SIXPENCE RBTURN. Tickets good for Day of Issue Only. Tram back from Sumner every nigh; (Saturday and Sunday excepted) at NIN E O'C LOCK. 755 NEW BRIGHTON. Sixpence" return, By Trams Leaving CATHH >RAL SQUARE At 10.10 a.m. and 7.15 p.m. DAILY. 5577 AND SUBURBAN TRAMWAY. EXCURSION TO NEW BRIGHTON. DANCING ON THE PIKR — TO-NIGHT. Engineer' Band will accompany 7.15 Tram, leaviDg Edwards, Bennett's Corner. 968 AND SUBURBAN TRAMWAY. RETURN FARE—SIXPENCE. By Trams leaving FA wards, Bennett's Corner for New Brighton at 10.10 a.m. and 7.15 p.m. 307 ELECTION NOTICES. IJOEKSING DISTRICT OF RKJCABTOK. IN pursuance of the Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895,1 hereby (five Public Notice of the RESULT of the Local Option Poll taken under the provisions of the said Act:— ' NUMBER OF VOTES RECORDED. That the number of licensee in the district continue .. .. .. .. 2108 That the number of licensee in the district be reduced.. .. .. .. .. 992 That no license be granted in the district .. 949 The total number of voters whose votes were recorded was 3193, and as the number of votes recorded in favour of the proposal that the EXISTING NUMBER OF LICENSES IN THE DISTRICT CONTINUE is an Absolute Majority of the total number of voters as aforesaid, I hereby declare such PROPOSAL to be CARRIED. F. W. BAST, Returning Officer. Prebbleten, 7th December. 1896. 1005 ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF LYTTELTON. RESULT OF POLL. I GEORGE ARTHUR LEWIN> Returning Officer « for the Electoral District of Lyttelton, do hereby give public notice that the following is the Number of Votes received by each candidate at the POLL taken on DECEMBER 4th, 1896 :— John Joyce .. .» .. 1734 William Jacques.. *. .. 1288 Samuel RoUin Webb _ ..458 And I DECLARE JOHN JOYCE to be DULY ELECTED to serve as Member of the House of Representatives for the Electoral District of Lyttelton. GEORGE A. LEWIN, Returning Officer. Lyttelton, December 7th, 1896. DECLARATION OF THE LICENSING POLL. Also, in pursuance of "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895," I hereby give public notice of the RESULT of the Local Option Poll taken under the provisions of the said Act :— NUMBER OF VOTES RECORDED. That the Number of Licensee existing , in the district Continue .. .. .. 2004 That the Number of Licenses existing in the district be Reduced .. . .. •• 1048 That No Licenses be granted in thp dietriot .. 1120 The total number of voters whose votes were recorded at the poll was 3369, and as the number ot votes recorded in favour of the proposal that the EXISTING NUMBER OF LICENSES IN THE DISTRICT CONTINUE is an Absolute Majority of the total number of voters as aforesaid, I hereby DECLARE such proposal to be CARRIED. Dated at Lyttelton this 7th day of December, 1886. GEORGE A. LEWIN, 1002 Returning Officer. LYTTELTON ELECTORATE. I BEG to tender my GRATEFUL THANKS to those Electors who recorded their Votes/on Friday last in my favour, and especially to the Liberal Associations for their co-operative and united support, which enabled mc to win the seat. JOHN JOYCE. ELECTORS OF AVON. X BEG TO TENDER IN ALL SINCERITY MY THANKS To the MEN and WOMEN of AVON, Whose unswerving adherence to liberal Principles has led them to Choose Mc as their Representative in the New Parliament. While thanking all whose services have contributed to this result, I must Specially Thank the Papanui Ladies' Committee for their untiring work and the ; linwood Ladies' Committee for their zealous and successful efforts. W. W. TANNER. 960 CITY COUNCIL ELECTION. NORTH-EAST WARD. TO Dr. A. F. J. MIOKLE, SD2.— We the undersigned Burgesses of the City of ChrUtchurch, have much pleasure iv asking you TO ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE NOMINATED for the Seat on the Council vacant by the election of Coun- ' ciflor W. H. Coope.- to the Mayoral Chair. Should , you consent, we pledge ourselves to use every 1 endeavour to secure your election. (Signed) A. F. da Vaux, E. Simpson, Hy. Allison. Frederick Hobbe (ex-Mayor), R. Painter, James Slack, P. Preece. D. B. McLaren, R. C. Bishop, and twenty others. GENTLEMEN,—In reply to yoar requisition I hare much pleasure in COMPLYING WITH YOUR f Ul^Ma,te " A.F.J.KICKLE.M.D. " TT ATKINSON ha* for Sale, Beautiful Pinner . XjL MMJwWflldiafPnMat*
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9594, 8 December 1896, Page 1
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909Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9594, 8 December 1896, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9594, 8 December 1896, Page 1
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