BAVKRurTCiBS. —There were six bankruptcies tn the colony last week—a maeter mariner, a stock dealer, a boardinghousekeeper, a fireman, a baker, Mid one not described. . . AttBGKD — Ttfo youths were arrested by Constable l> Alton yesterday on charges of stealing books of small pecuniary value. Mr GftlHchan calle attention to his preparations known as " Bee Ointment," " A.C. Corn Cure," and "A.C. Vegetable Pills." The many testimonials received is guarantee of their virtue. Every satisfaction guaranteed. Mr G. P. Hoatten, Ashburton, i* the Canterbury representative. 6337
Accidkwt in Manchester Struct. The hole in Manchester street, which on Thureday caused an accident to a cab horse, was repaired by the Drainage Board and not by the City Council workmen, as was stated on Saturday.
Fksdavton.—At a meeting of the Fondal. ton Debating Society hold last Friday in place of the usual debate Mr T. G. Russell gave tin interesting lecture on hypnotism. The meeting carried by acclamation a vote of thanks to Mr Russell.
Band of Hoi-k.—The usual fortnightly meeting of the Bur woo. 1 Band of Hope w«m held on Friday evening. Mr Do La Coiir presided. The .Secretary read the fourth half-yearly report, which was received. The election of olliocrs resulted in the present olh'cers and Committee being re-elected. Gkkman Social.—The German residents and their friends will be pleased to loam that another of those pleasant socials will be held at St. John's Schoolroom on Tuesday the 15th September. ' O.VKonn.—Mr G. A. White has been ap. pointed Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages at Oxford. K.WAi'oi Ma(!istkatk"s ;Coprt.—At thfi Court on Monday, before Mr E. Feldwick Mayor, an old offender, who had not been before the Court for drunkenness for si* months past, was cautioned and die. charged.
St. John Ambpusce AssociATiox.—Dr. Clayton brought the instruction of the evening medallion class to a close last night with a demonstration of bandaging. Dr. Diamond will give his last instruction to his class tln'» afternoon. Dr. Micklo has consented to instruct the men's nursing class, beginning next week, and the particulars will be announced later.
Girls' Hinii School.—The next terra « the Girls' High School will commence 01 Wednesday, September 16th, and new pupils must attend at 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 15th. In cases where more than one pupil in a family attend the school a reduction of one guinea per term is made for each after the first paying pupil. Musical U.N' iox.—The dual rehearsal for Thursday's concert will take place thii evening, in the Opera House, to which sub* scribers only will have the right of tnirer. In addition to Smart's cantata "The Bride of Dunkerron," the orchestra will play .Schubert's " Rosa niti tide" overture anil Gounod's ballet music to "Faust." Miss Alice Gray, who is making her first appearance on the concert platform, witl sing " Hush Mc, 0 Sorrow, by Lord Henry .Somerset. Intending subscribers can now join for the half-season upon payment of half a guinea, which entitles them to eight tickets for the remaining three concerts.
Thk North-East Ward.—At a meeting ii\ the Forceterti' Hall, Oxford terrace, about 100 of the supporters of Mr W. H. Cooper (who is a candidate for the NorthEast Ward in the City Council, rendered, vacant by the retirement of Mr Connal) met to hoar the views of the candidate. Mr Cadwallader was voted to tho chair, and introduced Mr Cooper, who spoke on several matters affecting the ratepayers. After several questions had been satisfactorily answered, a vote of confidence in the candidate was carried unanimously. A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting. A number of gentlemen remained after the meeting and pledged themselves to do their best to secure the return of Mr Cooper. ,
Lkkston.—The Leeston branch of the Salvation Army laid yesterday the foundation blocks of a new hall now being erected as a barracks in Leeston. There was a large attendance. Major Bruntnell, in the absence of Brigadier Hoskine, presided. He called on MrG. T. Huleton, on behalf of the corps, to lay the first block. The Rev. W. Grant, on behalf of other religious denominations ; Staff-Captain Knight, on behalf of Sir John Hall ; and Major Bruntnell laid the remaining blocks. Sir John Hall was expected to be present, but was prevented by an important engagement and sent a letter of sympathy with a cheque as a donation. The sum of £18 was laid on the blocks. The builders, Brother Craven, of Wellington, and Mr W. Blunett, of Leeston, presented the blook-layors with' polished mallets. Tho blocks were suitably inscribed. The building is being erected on the Lake road, adjoining tho railway yard, Leeston.
OmTaAKY.—-The many friends of Mr J, P. Jameson will leant with regret of his decease, which took place on Sunday. The deceased gentleman took a very lively interest in municipal matters some years ago, being a member of the City Council for a conHiderable time. He was Mayor in 1871, and always showed a considerable amount of business-like aptitude in carrying out his duties. He was for several years a zealous member of the Industrial Association, was President, and one of its earliest members. For a long time he was associated with the late Mr John Ollivier ac judge in the local industries section of the Agricultural and' Pastoral Association's shows. In the aftairs of Trinity Congregational C|;urch. the deceased gentleman took a very' warm and practical interest. He leaves three sons and one daughter. Of the four sons Mr George Jameson has been representing the Co-operative Association in London, and now comes back to take up tho Secretaryship of the Farmers' Co-operative Association here. Mr W.. Jameson ie Clerk to' the Selwyn County Council, Mr J. 8., Jameson is in business' in Wellington, and Mr F. Jameson! 5s in 'business at Leeston. The funeral will toko place to-day, leaving Ids late residence at 2.90 p.m. for the Linwood Cemetery. T.he President of the Industrial Asaooiation, Mr R. C. Bishop, has invited the members of the Association to take part in the funeral.
Canterbury Prohibition Council.— The Committee met on Saturday afternoon* in the Prohibitionist Office. The Rev. John Dawson (Vice-President) occupied the chair, and there was a' 'good attendance of repre* eeutatives from town and country electorates The present legislative position was care*' fully considered, and the following reiwlUv tion carried:—"That this Executive, representing the Prohibition party in Canterbury, protests against tho delay on the part of the Government in passing tbf Licensing Amendment Bill into law and urges those members of the House of Representatives who are pledged to give a majority of the people power of national option artd control of Clubs to refuse to allow the House to adjourn nntil this absolutely necessary legislation is named.". A iubV, Committee was appointed to prepare a plan of meetings and speakers for various parts of the province during the election campaign. The following resolution wa» pasted J— ► "That this Executive draws the attention of the Minister of Justice to the prevalence of the crime of perjury in our Courts of Justice in connection with licensing law cases, as evidenced by the strictures of the Bench at Christchurob, Clutha, Southland, and elsewhere, and protests against the failure of the authorities to prowotttf offenders in the public interest," Canterbury Women's Ivwrmtt. -* A Committee meeting of the 0.W.1, wm jMM. on Satitrday evening, Mrs Blake, »«*! President, in the chair. It wae resolved. Mutt a notice of motion to the effect that tb» Institute endeavour to obtain the co-opera-tion of all societies of women throoghoe* Australasia to work for intenutiiOMl arbitration and general disarmament! should be considered after the general election had taken place. Extracts from the speeches of the Hon. Mr Rigg, JjW Hon. Mr Peacock, and the Hon. Sir G. Whitmore on tho Repeal of the CD. Act Bill were read, and a resolution WM passed thanking thfi Hon. Mr Jones for bis. address upon the Bill, and reprobating remark* made by the Hone. Sir Q. White** Peacock and Rigg. Three ladies were deputed to wait on the Mayor in the matter olmto Blake's candidature for a seat on the Charitable Aid Board. At the general meeting which followed Mies Sheriff Bain presided. Papers and addresses in favour of the extension of co-operation in housekeeping were given by Miesee Cabot, A. E. Hookhani, Atkinson and Bain, and Mesdamee Hayes, Blake, Blank and Welle. A resolution to the effect that the next general meeting Oβ * open to the public was passed. Four new members were elected.
Lat'ndrv Sfeoiautjiw. —In another column appears an advertisement having reference to the Globe Packing Company a laundry requisites, and also a very flattering testimonial as to the quality of the articles mentioned. The goods comprise Cry»»l Starch Glaze, Carbolic Liquid Blueing, and "Loo-Loo Sap," which wdeeoribedart " the king dirt expeller." Tlie goods »ft.MI of first-claes quality, and ate now command* ing a ready sale wherever introduced. 6800 Presentation "Pipes," Matchboxes ana Walking Sticks are made a epeclMfeatrw* of Davies and Lamb. Grand ifcook. JU»pW tion invited.—[Ad vx.J
Masoxtc— The regular monthly meeting o f the St. Augustine Lodge, No. 4. N.Z.C., w ill be held at the St. Augustine Hall this evening at 7.30. Lin wood Council Election.—Mr M. S. Brown, one of the candidates for a seat on the Linwood Borough Council, has withdrawn in favour of Mr J. J. Dougall. TiißATiiiCAt. —It is understood that Mr Jjohv will open here on Tuesday evening next with his new venture, the bright particular star of which is Mr Godfrey, the descriptive singer, who ha-? achieved so niuoh success in the London uiusio halls. Persona I- —Mr W. !'• Mitford, who for the past eight years ha* filled ,the position of Shipping Master in H.M. Customs, Lyttelton, has been transferred to Auckland, and leaves for that city on Thursday next. Mr Mitford's long experience at Lyttelton will stand him in good stead at Auckland, where shipping matters are very brisk just n ow. His/icstappointnient in the Department was in the Northern city, and since leaving there, fourteen years ago, he has baen etationed at Nelson, Invercargill and Lvttelton. 'Mr L. Grf.kns Relief Fhnp.—The adjourned meeting of plasterers was held at Otley'e Hall last evening and was numerously attended. Mr A. Menzies was appointed Chairman and Mr J. Otley Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary stated tliat all the trade were willing to assist in furthering the object. A sub-Com-mittee was appointed to canvass the different merchants and others connected with the building trades for .subscriptions. It was resolved that a concert be held, and that the Secretary engage a suitable hall in which it shall be held ; that a sub-Committee be appointed to arrange the detni/s of (he entertainment and to endeavour to obtain the services of a number of ladies and gentlemen. Union Rowing Cr.un.—A meeting of the Committee was held last evening at the Clarendon Hotel. Present—Messrs P. D. Kesteven (Chairman), G. 11. Cooper, D. Lee, F. E. Hymnn, W. G. Atack, A. Allan, C. AlliU'd- Apologies were received from Messrs Craddor-k and Harding. It was decided to hold the annual general meeting on September 25th. An order was passed for two Club racers to be built by Mr E. D. Bees. A letter was received from the Ladies , Committee of the recent ball, enclosing the sum of £14 3s, the net proceeds. A very hearty vote of thanks was passed. The Chairman reported that the boathouse, new boats and all necessary were well forward. A letter was received from an exmember of tlie Club, offering a trophy value £6. The offer was accepted with thanks. The donor requested the trophy should be open to competition amongst the junior members.
Ouangeism.—The monthly meeting of No. 14 L.O.L. was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Prebbleton, on Friday, the W.M., Bro. J. T. Gallaghar, presiding. The Lodge Was duly opened in the Orange degree, and two candidates were initiated. The following visiting Brethren were present: —Bro. J. W. Pififin, G. Treas.; Bro. Jas. Hanna, W.D.M. No. 4 District ; Bro. H. J. Ranger. D.S.; Bro. G. R. Taylor, D. Treas.; Bro. Bultitude, W.M. No. 2; Bro. Townsend ; Bro. C. Tillyshort, No. 16 ; Bro. .Tones, No. Ib, Wellington; Bro. McCausland ; Bro. Broekett, No. 24; Bro. Bush, No. 32 ; Bro. P; Woodall, No. 33; Bio. W. Kennedy, P.M., No. 37. The Lodge was then raised totheß.A.P. degree, when four Brethren received that sublime degree.—The Annat Orange Lodge, No. 7, held its monthly meeting on Saturday evening. Amongst the business transacted was the annual election of officers, which resulted as follows: — Worthy Master, W. Barlow; Deputy Master, A. Henry ; Chaplain, Rev. T. H. Lyon; Secretary, G. Sherson ; Trers\irer, T. Halliday ; Committee, T. Henry, jun., H. Ferguson, R. J. Moore, Jas. Henry, and T. Henry, sen. CANTKKBtTRY BOWXIXG CtUß.— The adjourned meeting of the members of the Canterbury Bowling Club was held at the Empire Hotel last night. There was a goodly number of members present. Mr T. bkelton, President, occupied the chair. The balance-sheet, duly audited, showed the receipts to have been £172 18s 3d and the expenditure £171, leaving a balance of £1 18s 3d. On the motion of the President, seconded by Mr E. C. Ashby, the balancesheet was adopted. The subject of the opening of the gveou was discussed. Mr Barlow moved—" That the date of the opening of the green be left in the hands of the Committee to fix." Mr Beverley seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Seven new members were proposed for election. A Committee meeting was fixed to be held on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock, nt the green. The meeting theu adjourned.
Inventions and Patents. — Complete specifications have been received from Mr J. Sinclair. Snniuer, new rig fov sailing vessels; Mr J. Dalziel, Fernside, wire strainer; Mv W. H. Trengvovo, Christchurch, mechanical parts for propulsion of cycles ; 7?ev. M. Salvador, of Lyl-teltoii, keys for lever locks; Mr E. Smethurst, Raiigioia, apparatus fornianceuvering ships ; Mr J. G. Harvey, Rakaia, furrow cutter and packer for 'ploughs; Mr J. Knott, Christchurcii, gasometer purifier, stand and case for limelight ;MrS. Dodge, Chvisfccliurch, improved baling press : Mr James Harrow, itydenham, stench tight commode and water flush pump. Provisional specifications wore received from Messrs Land ells und Zander, Ashbmton, apparatus for cutting holes, ronud, oval, square, or oblong in wood, metal, «Vo. ;Mr G. T. Booth and Mr W. Scott, Christchurcii, cycle propelling mechanism ;Mr J. Speight, Ivirwee, chainless gear for cycles ; Mr F. F. Powell, Methven, driving mechanism for cycles ; Mr P. Kllis, Christ-church, propelling gear for cycles; Mr C. S. White, Christchurch, horse boots or pads ; Mr G. J. Leech, jun., Rangiora, flax stripper : Mr P. Ellis, Christchurch, under sear of rolling stock ; Mr C. E. Fisher, Christ-church, machine for printing and measuring material in making cage. Eighty-five new applications for patents are given in the last Gazette. Chioket.—A Committee meeting of the Lancaster Park Cricket Club was held on Friday evening. It was -decided to open the season on the 26th inst., provided the ground ie ready. Twenty-six new members were elected. Messrs Cant, Fowke and Ridley Were appointed to select all teams until after the first round of Cup matches, a Permanent Selection Committee to be then appointed.—The annual meeting of the Methven Cricket. Club was held in the Public Library on the evening of Thursday, the 3rd Wst, Mr J. \V. M. Dart occupying the chair. The Secretary's and Treasurer's teports having been adopted, the following officers were elected :—President, Mr C. P. Murray-Aynsley ; Vice-Presidents, Messrs R. P. Chapnian*, H. G. Baker, J. Baker, R. Miller and J. Free; Captain, Mr C. P. Murray-Aynsley ; Vice-Captain, the Rev. A. Clarke; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr J.W. M. Dart ; General and Selection Committee {(o act together with the preceding three officers rx oficio), Messrs H. Cranfield, y. H. Alingtou, A. Uobbs and John Henderson ; Hon. Caretaker, Mr T. Grainger. Votes of thanks to the retiring officers and caretaker having been unanimously passed *na suitably responded to, it was decided to open the season on the 19th of the present month, and to play the opening match (President's Mount Hntt Eleven v the Rest of the Club) on the following Saturday.—The jnmial meeting of the Amberley 'Cricket Uub was held on Saturday. Dr. FitzHenry \yice-President) was in "the chair. The Report and balance-sheet w ere adopted. Mr *• Courage, sen., was re-elected President; Vice-Presidents, Father Tracey, Mr «ness, Mr Kempthorno, Dr. FitzHenrv, *k Ensor, Mr McFarlane, the Rev. Me-w-egor, Mr Todd, Mr Starkey, the Rev. lobin, Mr W. S. Smith, Mr 0. T. Mclsaught, and Mr G. l>. Greenwood. A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to the firing officers and the ladies for afternoon jeas. Dr. FitzHenry was re-elected Capwin, Mr C. B. Mason Deputy Captain, Mr *• Adams Secretary, and Mr R. Warnall It was resolved to enter a team or Uie N.C.C. Association cup. Messrs 'itzHenry and Warn«U were appointed w egates to the N.C.C.A. Dr. FiteHenry'e vat ior batting average was won by "F. Adams with an average of 31. C. B. : lason vra3 highest in bowling with an werage of five runs per wicket.—At a jneeting of the Kimberley Cricket Club, Saturday evening, the following geutwnien were elected:—Mr A. H. Knight, president; Mr T. S. Ashcroft, Vice-Presi-«t; en Mr A. Hay, Captain ;Mr W. Willed, Secretary. Mr J. Brown, een., was «Ketl to become patron. A Committee, of Messrs Willstead, McCaus£»a, Mcßeath, Stott, Hay, L. Beaman, J. seaman, Resteaux, Manson and Hayman, *aa elected.
The Pomovous Woons. —As will be seen from an interview with Mr Perrin. tho Conservator of Victorian State Forests, !>v our special reporter, that gentleman explains the cause of the affection suffered bs - the workmen in connection with New 8,->ui'n Wales woods. It rises, Mr Perrin stales, from an impalpable powder in the sawdust, which, like the pollen producing hay fever, iifiects the membranes of the nose, and causes bleeding. CiißisTOuuKCH Maukkts.—We have to acknowledge receipt of a copy of tins "Annual Review of the Christ-church Wool, Grain and .Stock Markets," issued by the New Zealand Loan and Morcautile Agency Company, Limited. Besides a ijuantily of miscellaneous information about the state of the various markets during the past twelve months, the review contains a supplement showing the fluctuations iv the value of choice Canterbury greasy crossbred and greasy merino wool during the past fifteen years in Ghristchureh.
Piscatorial.—The Secretary of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society has been busy of late liberating young trout. Of the yearlings taken from the hsvehing establishment nearly 4000 have bean placed in the Avon, and in the course of a short time should a fiord plenty of sport. Tkmi'lk ok Truth.—The Works Committee of the City Council visited the Temple of Truth j'esterday and inspected the alterations which have been made there.
Application fok Cancellation of an EvnoRSKMENT.—At the meeting of the Christuhurch Licensing Bench yesterday, an application was made for the cancellation of an endorsement on a license, the endorsement having been made during the tenancy of the previous licensee. The Bench decided they had no power to cancel the endorsement.
Arbitration , Court.—His Honour Mr Justice Williams, ami Messrs R. Slater, of Dunodin, and H. Thomson, of Chvistchuvch, leave for the West Coast to-day to hold the arranged sitting of the Arbitration Court at Westport in connection with the miners' dispute.
The Bootmakers' Trouble.—lt is probable that the Arbitration Court to hear and determine the dispute between the Christchurch Manufacturers' Association and Operative Bootmakers' Federation will sit hero on the 12th of November.
Tobacconists' Bita.—Mr A. Lamb, of the firm of D.'iviea and Lamb, who went to Wellington to represent the Christchurch Tobacconists' Association in a deputation to the Premier, returned on Sunday. Though Mr Lamb whs not successful in convincing the Premier of the advisableness of putting a heavier license fee on grocers and others selling tobacco, &c, outside of tobacconists, it is possible the agitation of the question will produce some ello.ot.
An Old Lincoln Cot,t,eoe Stitdkst.—Mr N. Lyue, who, it will be remembered, took his certificate at the School of Agriculture some few years ago under the late Mr Ivey, and who has since been acting as oue of the instructors at the Agricultural College, Wollingore Hall, near Lincoln, England, has been lately appointed Controller of Plantations and Agricultural Adviser to the Government of Zanzibar.
The UxKMi'LOiMCD Subsidy. —The subsidy of tl\e Government to the Relief Committee arrived after the Bank closed on Saturday. The sub-Committee (Messrs W. H. Coopar and Burgess) desire it to be notilied that the men who have been selected, and who have received tickets, are to start work this Inorning. It is to be hoped that no more hitches will take place. NATrosATj Association.—A general meeting of the members of the Canterbury section of the National Association will be held at the room?), Morten's Buildings, on Thursday evening, at eight o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by Dr. Jennings and Mr M. Donnelly, and as the time for the general elections is near, a large attendance of members is expected.
Bowi/txo.—The tournament of the North Island Association lias been fixed to take place at Wellington on January 27th, and that of the New Zealand Bowling Association at Christchurch on February 3rd. It seems at first glance that the two dates are likely to clash, in that there will not be time enough for members proceeding to Wellington from here to get back in time for the New Zealand Association tournament. If the Northern one were made earlier, or tho Southern one later—say February 10th—then the South could be well represented at the North Island tournament.
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9516, 8 September 1896, Page 4
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3,598NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9516, 8 September 1896, Page 4
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