From the Ministerial statement made in the House last night it will be seen that the nominations for the elections take place on er about the 16th July, and the poll on the 22nd. The write are returnable on the 28th July, and the House meets on August 7th.
Sir Julius Togel has definitely promised to stand for Christchurch Horth. Last night a very large meeting of the electors of the district was held at Messrs Mateon and Co/a office, when a large and inflnential Committee was appointed It is understood that Mr S. P. Andrews has no intention of offering himself for Christchnrch North. °
Mr John Holmes ha 3 telegraphed to Mr L. Bergh stating that he iSS,a££ the Chnstchurch South seat against iU
■ It is nnderatood that Mr T. I. Joynt has decided to contest Christchurch gonth against Mr John Holmes
We are requested by If r C. P. Hulbert to state that he has decided nob to accede to the request that he sho'.ild offer himself as a candidate for the Stanmore seat at the forthcoming election. Mr Ferguson, a well-known resident of Sydenham, is spoken of as likely to oome forward to contest the Sydenham seat with Mr W. White.
Mr G. Dorney, President ol the Working Men's Political Association, has resolved to contest the Stanmore seat. It is uminsrood that Messrs W. Badger and W. Fiesher will aleo be candidates.
A telegram has been received from Mr Wynn Williams, stating that he intends contesting the Heathcote seat in the next general election.
Mr W. F. Pearson will again eolicit the suffrages of the electors of the Ashley district.
Mr J. C. Jolly addressed a meeting of electors in the Town Hall last evening. His speech was similar to that he delivered in Ashburton on a previous occasion. At the close of his address he answered a number of questions, and stated that he had been asked by a large number of working men and farmers in reduced circumstances to come forward. That he was promised pecuniary assistance in contesting the election, but so far had not received sixpence towards his expenses. He was therefore perfectly astonished at the way the electors had treated him. The meeting accorded him a hearty vote of thanks for his address. [PEUBSS ASSOCIATION TBLBGRAM.J AUCKLAND, June 23. Mr A. O'Neilis a candidate for Eden. GREYMOUTH, June 23. The electoral roll for the district has received the most thorough revision. A great many names have been struck off, but a large number has been put on. The friends of Mr A* B. Guinness and Mr J. Petrie (the present member) are very active in getting voters to register. A keen contest is expected if no other candidate comes into the field. No other is yet spoken of.
OASTABU, June 23.
Mr Mitchell, of the "Oamaru Mail," has been asked to contest the Oamaru seat against all comers. He has not as yet replied. Mr Duncan Sutherland, the County Chairman, will contest the Waitaki seat. DUNBDIN, June 23. Mr David Forsyth, of Dunedin, opposes Mr McDonald for Bruce. Messrs Wathen and Cairncroes oppose Mr Fulton for Taieri. A requisition is being signed asking Sir Julius Vogel to stand for Dunedin Central. The Good Templars, being desirous of securing two members for the city, are bringing pressure to bear on Mr M. W. Green to forego contesting Dunedin East with Mr Stout and run Mr H. S. Fish for Dunedin South. INVEECABGILL, June 23. At a large and influential meeting of the electors held this exening, it was resolved unanimously to request Mr George Lumsden to stand for the borough of Invercargill. It is fully expected that he will comply with the request. Mr Lumsden was formerly a member for the town. {FBOK OUB COEKBSPONDENT. I WELLINGTON, June 23. I am informed that Sir Julius Vogel has definitely decided to stand for Chriatchurch North. It is rumored that he may be opposed by Sir George Grey, and that in any case that hon. gentleman will shortly start on a stumping tour, embracing Christchurch, Dunedin, Timara, Oamaru, and
Press, Volume XL, Issue 5859, 24 June 1884, Page 2
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