BOTTTHBBN MAOBI BL-CTOBAX DISTBICT. —It is expected that Hori Kere Taiaroa will be the only candidate for this constituency in the present election, and it is thought that his return would be certain against any opposition. Goon Templaby.—The aggregate Good Templars of Ashburton have seleoted Bro. Isaac Scott to proceed to Invercargill as Ashburton representative at the approaohing Grand Lodge meeting. Bro. Thos. Williams has been elected D.D.G.W.O.T. for Ashburton.
ELEcnoN of Matob. — The following names were posted outside the City Council Chamber yesterday, as nominations for the office of Mayor of Christohuroh for the coming term: —J. Gapes; J. G. Buddenklau; C. B. Taylor. There was no ceremony whatever in connection with the nominations.
iNTBBCOLOrnA- WBATH-B EXCHANGE.— Sydney, Monday—There is a moderate depression between Hobart and Sydney, with light winds and cloudy weather, and B.E. rain at Portland. Barometer generally low, and falling in West. Albany, 29 8; Portland, 89.9 ; Hobart, 29.7; Sydney, 29.6.
Oxxob— Boad.—At present this road is in a dangerous condition the Oust and Starvation Hill, in consequence of the in* creasing width of the ditch on the south side. The roadway is so narrow between the stream and the Oxford railway that there is barely room for two vehioles to pass.
Lyith_ton Matobaitt.—The nominations for the Mayoralty of Lyttelton olosed yesterday at noon.. The following gentlemen were nominated:—Mr Harry All—right (the present holder of the offloe) and Mr Samuel Bollin Webb.
Thb Vo_irH__BßS. —The Canterbury eon. tangent, which arrived from the North on Monday by the Hinemoa, left for the South by special train at ten a.m. yesterday. On tho train arriving at Ashburton a large number of people assembledat the railway station and gave the returning volunteers a most enthusiastic reception. :'■ In the evening a torchlight procession was formed, and the men were /thanked and complemented by Oagt. Bollock, the officer commanding. . Ancient Obdhb op Fobbstbbs.—The ordinary fortnightly meeting of Oourt Star of Canterbury was held at the Foresters' Hall on.Monday evening. The attendance was small, but a fair amount of business was transacted. The C.B. called the attention of the members to the leoture and concert to take place this evening in the Bingsland sohoohroom in aid of the funds of Court Pride of Biohmond. After the usual routine business was finished, including an initiation, and the proposal of several candidates, the. Chief Banger dosed the Court in due form. -
Nobth Oant-SBTTB- Baoes.—A meeting of the oommittee of these races was held at Mullin's Bed Lion Hotel. Bangiora, on Monday. Nine members were present; Captain; Parsons presiding. The hon. seoretary read a letter from the Ohoka Baoe committee, asking: if it was intended by the N.C.J.C. to remove the disqualification of Pippin imposed by the Ellesmere Club. It was finally decided that Mr Hossack, hon. sec, should communicate with the latter club before deciding on the matter. From the lists handed in it was shown that there was a considerable amount of support promised towards these races, and, judging by reports, a number of horses will be entered.
Cbicebt.—A match was played yesterday between the Woodend and Midland Clubs. The countrymen got rather roughly handled by their town friends, who ran up a score of 179 against 49 and 47.' Washer and Ataok scored at a very rapid rate off the long hops to leg with whioh they were regaled, knocking up no less than 31, nearly all to leg, in three successive overs from one of the bowlers. The former <oo»ed* 67, and the latter 37. Palairet 19, and Bunt 11, were the other double figures. Smith, who went in first, and carried his bat out for 29, was the only one to show upon the side of the losers, who were evidently ill at ease rather than otherwise on a smooth, ground. Lbbstok.—The annual tea meeting of tbe Leeston Excelsior Band of Hope was held in the Town Hall on Friday. The members of the Band of Hope assembled, and at four o'clock sat down to tea. The children amused themselves in an adjoining paddock kindly lent by Mr Canton while the tables were prepared for the public After tea a meeting was held, and the chair was taken by the Bey. J.'jW. Oree, president of the society, who in his opening gave a resume of what had been done during the year. Addresses were delivered by Messrs* Kneeshaw and Simpson, songs and recitations by members and others, and a hearty vote of thanks to all who assisted closed the proceedings. ' ' Weslbvak DiaiEior MxanXHS. — The meeting was continued yesterday at 9.30, when, in addition to the miniajiers already assembled, the following ministers were present:—Revs. W. H. Beck, Timaru j J. J. Lewis, Waimate; J. 8. Smalley, Springston; T. Fee, Temoka; and Te Kate, Baupaki. After devotional exercises, the question was considered—"What ministers have died during the year?" when, after singing the 949 th hymn, and prayer by the Bey. Mr Bishworth, several ministers bore testimony to the personal piety and the ministerial ability and faithfulness of the late Beys. J. B. Richardson and J. Armitage. On he motion of the Bey. J. Boiler, it was resolved r—" That the secretary be directed to forward a letter of condolence to the widows of the deceased ministers." The Beys. J. Boiler and W. B. Marten were appointed to draw up the usual obituary notices. It was also resolved to send a telegram to Dr. Borrows, of Dunedin, expressing sympathy with him and his family in the severe accident which has recently overtaken him. The usual enquiries were then made respecting the moral character and_ ministerial ability of each of the ministers, the result being satisfactory in every case. In the ease of the Rev. W. E. Gillam it was agreed that Conference be recommended to grant an additional year to his status, in consideration of the tireumstances under which he came to the colony. Ilie consideration of a proposal to constitute Malvern a new station waa postponed till Thursday, when tbe lay representatives wfll be present. All tbe ministers present expressed their intention of attending the Conference to be held in Christchurch in January next. The Rev. Te Kote gave an interesting account of his work among the Natives in the distriot. About 820 persons attend his ministry, who had subscribed during the year the sum of £21 3s towards his maintenance. He preaches in five different places, and a new church is about to be erected, at Ta_m_t_, to assist whioh a grant -as solicited from the Mission Fund. The rest of the afternoon was occupied over the consideration of financial matters, to be discussed further oa the assembling of the Laymen.
Bahqioba Mayobalty.—Mr J. Johnston was the only candidate nominated yesterday, and will be, therefore, at the proper time declared elected for a second term of office.
A_BEST. —Two little lads, named John and William Juris, were arrested yesterday afternoon <m the charge of stealing Bix tickets from the Theatre Boyal, tolub 6i, G_____na—Mr Deliias has arrived in Ghristohurc— to make arrangements for the forthcoming season of the Montague-Turner Opera Company. Kohibb's Wax Wo___a.—The attendance at tbis exhibition yesterday was hardly so good as the musical portion of the entertainment merited. Mr E. W. Kohler was deservedly applauded in the items allotted to him—as also was Mr Coombs, whose instrumentation received a well-merited recognition. SYDENHAM MAYOBA- Picnjo.—His Worihip the Mayor of Sydenham, accompanied by the Borough Councillors and their families and several " special invites," went by the p.a. Titan to Little Akaloa for an outing yes? terday, and the result was that a very pleasant I day was spent. The catering reflected oredit on Mr J. E. Bashford, of Colombo street.
P__?A_rcr_ Pbhbbx-ebian Chitbch.—The annual meeting of the congregation was held in the chnroh on Thursday evening. Satisfactory reports having been read by the secretary of the committee and of the Sunday School, ani adopted, the committee for the ensuing year was then elected. The moderator having pointed out the desirability of securing a settled clergyman in the district, it was resolved unanimously to invite the Eev. P. M. Hauxwell to become their minister. The nasal steps will be taken by the Presbytery to give effect to the wishes of the congregation. *- Magistbat-'s Coubt, Bahgioea.— At tbis Oourt on Tuesday, before A. H. Cunningham and J. Johnston, E.qe,, W. Anderson was charged with assaulting A. M'Beth. The oase was of a trumpery nature, and was dismissed. A case against W. Wallace was adjourned for a week. D. Grow vW. Hoicroft, £17 4% lid ; judgment for plaintiff for £2 3i 7<L H. Blaekett vO.De L. M'Carthy, £24 19s 9d, withdrawn. Luxton Bros vJ. Wheeler, £22 Is 93. Mr Spackman for defendant ; set off, £21 15s 8d; adjourned. Same > 0. De L. M'Carthy, £18 Oj 2d, withdrawn. A. Waring v same, £3, withdrawn. A. Bunting v G-. Grorrie, £3 7s 6d, £2 2s 6d tendered; adjourned. A. Yates vP. Collie, £3; judgment for plaintiff for half costs.
N.Z. Gbaitd National.—Yesterday after, noon a pnblio meeting was held at Shearman's Hotel to consider the advisableness or other, wise of arranging to have the next Grand National held at Ashburton. Mr M. Stitt was voted to the ohair. After disoussion the secretary was instructed to forward a copy of the following resolntion to the secretary of the Grand National—"That it is impracticable to issue a guarantee from the Ashburton Baoing Club, but, provided the next steepleohase meeting of the Grand National Steeplechase Olub be held at ABhburton, the gentlemen present at this meeting guarantee subscriptions to the amount of £200 towards defraying any loss that may accrue from the meeting." Tbmpleton.—A meeting of the sports committee was held in the Library on Monday. The ohairman reported that Mr Bodgers had no objection to horses being allowed on the ground for the purpose of racing, &0., provided no damage was done. A Distriot Farmers' Hack Baoe, and a District Trotting Match were added to the programme. It was resolved—"That- the term 'district' mean within a radius of four miles of the Templeton station." It was resolved—" That all entries for the handicap races close on Saturday, Deoember 3rd, at 8 p.m., and that enquiries be made respecting a band." It was also resolved—" That £5 be set aside for the children's sports." Naebow jEsoapb.—An aooident of a somewhat alarming nature, though fortunately not attended with any serious consequences, happened to a party of ladies at noon yesterday. It appears that Mrs Withall and Mrs Gower, eaoh of whom had. a child in her arms, and Miss Attwood had just driven in from the Jerry road in a buggy, and, on arriving at the; junction of St. Asaph and Manchester streets, the vehicle came in contact with the 12.10 p.m. tram from Cathedral square. The engine oaught and smashed the off hind wheel of the buggy, turning over the vehicle and throwing the occupants violently to the ground. Assistance was immediately to band, and Dr. Frankish was quickly in attendance. On medioal examination it was found that,: beyond Mrs Withall sustaining a few slight bruises, the rest of the party had miraculously esoaped with a severe shaking. ; IsojmiT at HtBT/iroT.—An inquest held at Hurunni Hotel, yesterday, touching the, death of GeorgeDrysdaie,before C.Whitefoord, Esq., Coroner, and jury, of whom Mr W.: Norrie was foreman. The evidence of William; Smith, Frank Holder, Sergeant Scott. Edwd. Po wis, and Dr. Morris was token, from whioh iti appeared that on Friday, the 18th instant, deceased, who was sixty-eight years of age, was travelling in the coach from, Waiau to Hurunui, and when near the hotel at the latter place the coach, in drawing on one side (to get out of the way of a trap in which Mr Brandt and Mr Smith were driving), got off ■ the crown of the road, and giving a jolt, threw deceased (who was not sober at the tfcce) out on his head. Mr Brandt and Mr Smith picked deceased up and conveyed him to the hotel at Hurunui, where he received i every attention, and where he was attended j the next day by Dr. Morris. From themediI cal evidence it seemed, that no bones were broken, and deceased died from the shook to the nervous system consequent on the effect of so severe a fall to a man of his age. The jury found a verdict accordingly.
L-TTBLTOir Boboush OomToni. — The Oouncil met on Monday night, when there weretpresent, the Mayor (Mr Allwright), and Ors. Macdonald, Stinson, Garforth, Webb, Grubb, Weyburne, Smith, Macpherson. A petition from W. Jones and twenty-five others was read, asking the Oouncil to extend the sewer np Hawkhurst road; also from G-. Dennis and eight others, asking the Oouncil to have the culvert between Eipon and Exeter streets covered in. Both were referred to the works committee to report upon. A cheque for £30, representing the fire underwriters' contribution to the Lyttelton Fire Brigade, was received from the secretary to the association, and was handed over,to the brigade. A letter from Mr E. Salt was read with reference to the water mains which pass through his section, and was referred to the proper oommittee. It was agreed to give the Brookley coal a trial at the pumping station by ordering a truck of it from Messrs McCHatohie and Mcintosh when coal was next required. Leave of abaenoe was granted to Or. Beid- Accounts amounting to £149 7s 4i were passed for payment. The engineer's report was read, and hose required ordered to be provided. It was agreed that plans and specifications of a bathing place be prepared by Or. Stinson, and an estimate made of cost of an establishment to be erected at Simeon Quay, on the site of the old bathing place. Or. Webb opposed the proposal. The Mayor's honorarium of £100 was voted for the years 1881 and 1882. The Counoil declined to license J. Durham, junior, as a porter, considering he was too young for the duties. The receipts of the Oouncil since its preceding meeting were stated to have been £174 16s. .
Indtjatbiai- AssociATlOK. — A general meeting of the above association vas-held last evening at the Hereford street, Mr Howland presided, and forty-nine members were present. The first business was the presentation of a very elaborately illuminated complimentary letter to the late president, Mr R. Allan. After some eulogistic remarks by the chairman upon Mr Allan's conduot during bis two years of office, Mr Allan acknowledged the presentation,, thanking those present for their appreciation of his services," and stating that it would serve to remind him of two very pleasant years. Mr J. P. Jameson was then proposed as president, but declined on the ground of the recent resolution of the association. A long discussion followed, in whioh it was urged that although Mr Jameson did right in resigning after the adverse votes of October 17th, that Mr Jameson should accept office, and that they should begin de novo. Messrs Hulbert. J. P. Jameson, W. B. Mitohell, 2-elsey, Dr. Haaat, Messrs Allison, W. 8. King, l_irk» H. J. Boss, Sheath, Banks, Scott, and Hall having spoken in ft long and ] stormy discussion, Mr Kalsey moved, and it was ultimately resolved by twenty-one to -j twelve—"That the two re-cl_t_ms of- the last general meeting of October 17th be rescinded and expunged from the minutes." It was further agreed—"That this meeting be adjourned till November 29th far the election of officers, consideration of-pamphlet passed by the committee on the subject of Messrs Joubert and Twopeny's exhibition, and also if any steps shall be token by the association to ensure a representation of local exhibit- at the fprthoomtog exhibit-on." Xhe meeting then adjourned.
E-KCTOB-i.. —Mr Cowlishaw meets the eleo tors at the Knightstown Library on Frio ay, at 8 p.m. Caledonian Gathering.—Ths preliminary programme of thia gathering, which will be held at Lancaster Park on January 2nd, appearelsewhere. Entries close on December 26th.
Land Sale.—Attention is directed to an advertisement giving particulars of a farther sale of 10,000 acres of land at Waimate Plains. Grand Conckbt.— The programme for the concert to be given by the Orchestral Society in the Gaiety Theatre to-morrow evening will be seen in our advertising columns. From a glance at the names of the performers and the varied selections, there can be no doubt that a great musical treat will be enjoyed by those who attend.
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Press, Volume XXXVI, Issue 5058, 23 November 1881, Page 2
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2,737NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXVI, Issue 5058, 23 November 1881, Page 2
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